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Weight loss mantra

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Weight loss mantra

Weight loss mantra is about moving more but eating less. So, many people would like to lose weight without exercise. It is possible to lose weight without exercise though there is no denying that moderate movement is essential for your overall health. Here is how to shed those unwanted pounds without engaging in intensive workouts.

Reduce food portions

Most overweight people use large plates, and this contributes to continuous weight gain. Start by reducing your food portions and use a smaller plate to avoid the temptation to overeat. However, for healthy foods such as veggies and fruits, you can use a big plate since they contain fewer calories.

  • Stay hydrated

Most people respond, do not know when to drink water or eat. In fact, 60% of the time they end up eating something instead of quenching their thirst with water. To avoid this terrible mistake, carry a bottle of water with you most of the time to keep your body hydrated and metabolism humming.

  • Include plenty of proteins in your diet

Proteins make you feel full and suppress your appetite for unhealthy foods. Some of the foods such as lentils, Greek yogurt, chicken, fish and almonds have low calories, and you can lose weight by eating them moderately.

  • Chew foods properly

Take time to chew your food and allow your brain to process when you have had enough of the food. When you eat slowly, you decrease your food intake leading to weight loss.

Some simple lifestyle life changes can help you lose weight without exercises. You do not have to starve or engage in difficult diets. The tips above should help you out effortlessly.


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