Utilitarianism is one of the most influential moral theories. It argues that morality’s primary purpose is to make one’s life better through greater happiness and pleasure. It also has to minimize the bad things such as unhappiness and pain in one’s life. Therefore, traditions, customs, and moral codes that include taboos and orders from superior beings do not apply. John Stuart Mill is one of the early philosophers who distinguished between greater intellectual pleasures and lower bodily pleasures in his concept of utilitarianism. In his explanations about utilitarianism, Mill discusses people’s misunderstanding of its true meaning. He argues that actions are right in the greater happiness principle as they bring happiness and are wrong when they bring pain or unhappiness. Through this happiness, one can gain pleasure, and the total amount can justify it. While Mill argues that greater happiness is one of the utilitarian standards, this concept enhances morals issues that are wrong and too demanding.
One of the arguments in the Mill definition of utilitarianism is the principle of greater happiness. In defining what utilitarianism is about, Mill argues that individuals interpret utility as something different from pleasure. However, according to him, the two are similar to utility in the absence of pain or greater happiness. According to his argument of the greatest happiness principle, actions are right if they promote happiness and wrong if they produce it’s opposite (Mill 2). He also states that any event or situation is desirable and acceptable if it is a pleasure source. Most importantly, if they lead to a higher level of happiness.
According to his utilitarian standard, the total amount of happiness is significant, even if an event or situation is less desirable for an individual. Mills argues that if a particular character promotes pain or less joy to an individual, it might benefit society. Lastly, individuals who have experienced both higher and lower pleasures are the best in judging the quality of pleasures in society (Mill 3). With this definition of utilitarianism and the principle of greater happiness, there are several arguments against this concept.
One of the first arguments against Mill’s principle of greater happiness is that it promotes various morally and ethically wrong issues in contemporary society. Mill argues that the utilitarian standard promotes greater happiness, but this promotes false values and answers regarding our moral beliefs. For instance, in a scenario where a doctor kills someone and uses his body organs to save others from dying, it is ethically and morally wrong to perform such a thing. This action is also morally wrong to many people, but it is good to engage in such acts according to the utilitarian standard. Another argument against Mill’s principle of greater happiness is that it promotes consideration of equality in society’s needs and interests. Most people are motivated by their personal needs and morals that support stranger’s needs consideration is too demanding in our communities. Therefore, it may be difficult for most people to treat strangers equally or similarly to ourselves or like those close to us.
While Mill argues that greater happiness is one of the utilitarian standards, this concept enhances morals issues that are wrong and too demanding. Mill states that actions that bring happiness and prevent pain or unhappiness are morally right in utilitarian standards. Those that promote pain and despair are wrong. Also, the total amount of happiness is more significant than individual beliefs. However, in our societies, this is morally and ethically wrong. The standards promote issues and values that are wrong and too demanding in society.