Use of cyberspace by U.S. to counter China
The relationship between the United States of America and the People Republic of China is very vital to the world’s future since the two nations play important roles in critical issues that vary from trade, finance’s security, peace as well as the environment. The relationship between the two nations will affect global stability at large other than only their econ-political futures as it may be assumed.
In recent days, technology has been growing day in day out, making cyber threats a vital thing. Cyberspace is greatly utilized by billions of people, and trillions of emails and transactions are being conducted over network. Critical infrastructures that protect and make our days powerful depend on safe cyberspace. However, concerns over the cyberspace have taken up the front of U.S. and china relation. Proper working cyberspace or effective cybersecurity measures between the two nations will greatly benefit the global world. This space is, however, proving to be very challenging and affecting issues that range from trade, human rights to regional territorial disputes.
Developing huge U.S. – China understanding of the internet related security is a very important and a must take step[1]. The ways in which the two nations handle cybersecurity challenges will not only impact the cyberspace but as well the world globally. Internet has brought many challenges that have affected the relationship. These challenges range from cyber theft, violation of privacy, and many other related cyber threats. It is, therefore, necessary to struggle to establish mutual understanding, which is not that easy.
China is known to have the most robust information system that is under huge management to control and manage their Information. Therefore, for the United States to counter China, they have to target the information system and strive to conquer robust Chinese cyberspace.
Proper working cyberspace or effective cybersecurity measures between the two nations will greatly benefit the global world. This space is, however, proving to be very challenging and affecting issues that range from trade, human rights to regional territorial disputes.
Cyberspace, dependence, and threats
Cyberspace was born in 1969 with the aim of networking geographically separated computers. This allowed the exchange of information more efficient. However, over the decade’s cyberspace has evolved greatly. It was initially used to link up the civilians and military researchers. Over the years, cyberspace has been used globally. It has taken u the scope, and almost nations now depend on cyberspace[2]. Cyberspace dependence has increased a great deal and continues to increase. Cyberspace activities have increased and taken up every dimension of human interaction.
Americans rely on information technology, the Internet, and social media for news and information and get to know about work and personal communication. Also, through technology, they are able to get information concerning banking transactions and investments, shopping, travel, and social networking. Apart from that, it has relied on information Technology during the military to conduct surveillance, transportation, communication, and many other scopes. Similarly, almost all sectors rely on cyber that is political, economic, and social sectors.
This paper focuses mainly on the ways in which the United States government can conquer the republic of china. It will help us answer the question of how. China has complicated and restricted systems of information as well as equipped hackers. They invest quite a lot in their cyber defense mechanisms. They also have restrictions put in place against foreign individuals. The information is thoroughly filtered before being used in their systems. This makes it difficult for the United States to impact the Chinese system. It will even be difficult to introduce a virus to the Chinese systems since penetration alone is impossible.
However, penetration is must-do thing if the Government of the United States really wants to conquer China. The Republic of China remains a huge threat to the United States. They have very superior cyber skills, where else theUnited States have weak systems compared to that of China republic. These make it easier for them to counter the United States. It is for this reason that we’ve encountered many scenarios where China has penetrated the United States systems causing huge damages.
We have experienced instances where the United States lose information, which is then used against them. The same information is used to attack them and make the state experience huge losses. Some of the impacts are very adverse that they may because life loses at some points when the enemy gains access to the United States systems and maintain that access, they can perform very malicious acts like bombing other nations, sending information that brings the United States into conflicts with others nations and so forth. The Government will have to bear these burdens, and at some point, they will get into a war. On the other hand, we rarely get instances where Chinese systems are attacked. This is because their information control system has an awesome defense and back systems.
These whole scenarios call for the United States to invest a lot in developing a strong defense mechanism and a strong back system such that on occasions of attacks, the entire system won’t be under malicious hackers’ hands. By this. It will be a little bit simple to take back or redeem their systems. It takes quite a lot to successfully conquer cyberspace, but if a nation succeeds in countering the space, it would a huge deal and plus to them. The state should Nurture a more secure a thriving digital economy as well as foster domestic innovation with the aim of promoting citizen prosperity.
As the reliance on cyber increases, so is cyber threats increases. Incidences of cyber-attacks have escalated over the years within the public government sectors and private sectors[3]. Most of the cyber-attacks are conducted by malicious hackers with the aim of introducing viruses to the internet. Others are for personal financial gains. However, in U.S., China has used cyber-attacks as the basis of conflicts. To counter the United
States, Chinese hackers have used their cyber skills. At one instance, Chinese hackers defaced the United States website. Similarly, the United States has continuously ventured into technology, so as to beat up China.
In 2013, the United States government had hacked into one of the company’s systems in china that was dealing with mobile phones. Their aim was to collect relevant text messages and gain relevant information from the same. Edward Snowden, who was a former Central Intelligence Agency administrator and a former trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency in the United States, provided this information. Also, the Government of America had spied on one of the universities in China called Tsinghua University. It was a research institution that had held a lot of vital data in their repositories that was of interest to the United States of America. Edward said this has been happening in years. He also revealed that from the documents he provided, there was information about the National Security Agency. The agency was said to have targeted and invaded the Huawei headquarters servers, which is the biggest company involved with telecommunications.
Cyberspace, cyberwar, and cyber power
Cyberspace can be defined as the virtual world of interaction and information among people. Cyberspace is a very powerful tool that is comprised of two domains; physical domain and virtual domain. The virtual domain part comprises of electronic connections and the data stored, and that exchanged between in pieces of its physical parts. Physical parts comprise of the hardware networked with millions of information and communication technologies.
Cyberspace is powerful and has been used in military domains. In defense, these powers focus on regulating and exerting influence in all the domains. For instance, cyberspace has been continuously been used by U.S. and china in attempts to counter each other. The two nations are powerful and they all want to conquer each other.
China spend over 200billions per year on cyber warfare. This has made the Chinese republic stronger and to be the be the best in terms of technology. Cyberspace is an expensive domain but however the most efficient way to conduct war, cyber war. It is through strong cyber space that in many occasions’ china have conquered the United States. China is known to possess the most sophisticated and robust information control system. China has thousands of Chinese hackers managing and defending the information system[4]. These guys also filter information and control the access to their system. This robust system has posted huge threat to the U.S. government. To counter republic of China, the United States should focus on beating up the Chinese information control system. As much as the united states have tried to conquer China, their efforts have proved futile and yield no fruits since their technology systems and skills are very weak compared to the defense mechanism.
Cyberspace; United States strategy
The major goal is to protect the United States national security as well promote prosperity of the citizens. Cyberspace security is an important procedure for the future success. Cyberspace is a very critical domain to the republic of the United States since it controls all the government sectors running from economy to defense.
However, the U.S. entities both public and private are still in struggling stage to secure their systems. In addition, threats have increased in frequency and sophistication. Information is a very critical entity to the government of United States and its loss or damage will greatly affect the states and entire world. United States should come up with ways of securing their cyberspace and protect it for the futures’ sake.
The United States should take action to address these threats. They can achieve this by sanctioning malicious cyber actors. The cyber-crime actors should be pointed out. And they should be subjected to the necessary measures and punishment. The malicious hackers should be sued. Similarly, the government of United States should focus on recruiting more skilled ethical hackers that will protect their information systems from unauthorized access. Ethical hackers will protect the systems by penetrating through the system and pointing out their flaws before the bad guys identify them. Ethical hackers will penetrate the system and attempt to exploit vulnerabilities but with a good intention which is to identify the flaws in the systems and rectify them. They serve as penetration.
The government of United states should invest a great deal in cyber warfare and ensure that their defense system is well and up to skills[5]. As technology continues to grow so are the new tricks are being invented so to keep up with the Chinese robust system, they should have their team brushing on their skills in case a new threat occurs in future they will be able to handle it in a good way.The United States have come up with Cyber Strategy that will help deal cyber threats especially from the republic of China. The strategy explains how the administration will;
- Protect networks, systems, functions and data with an aim defending their home nation.
- Nurture a more secure a thriving digital economy as well foster domestic innovation with an aim of promoting citizen prosperity.
- Ensure peace and security by hardening United States capabilities to punish malicious hackers that use their cyber skills for wrong purpose.
- Increase American influence abroad to promote the key tenets of an open, secure, and a reliable
United States have been known to be the most world powerful in terms of military since in memorial. However, to conquer the U.S. enemy nations have looked for alternative approach to counter the United States. Information technology play a vital role in the United States’ military superiority by aiding the following areas; command, control and communication. They also depend on technology to gather intelligence, conduct surveys and reconnaissance as well for logistics and control transportation. Therefore, to counter the United States its reliance on information technology can be disrupted and this will be a huge loss on their side regardless of how powerful they are. China being the most the immediate enemy has invested in cyberspace to counter U.S.
Cyber power and use of computer networks for attack is an expensive procedure but in returns the only most effective method to counter the United States. For this reason, China spend over 200 billion per year on cyber defense and cyber warfare. It is due to this reason it has in various occasions and ways that China has always been a threat to the U.S. government. China is known to have the best hackers in the world. These hackers are specifically trained to penetrate the United State systems.
China has the most sophisticated information control system in the world with millions of Chinese working together to manage the system as they ensure security as well censor communication and control the access in China and other parts of the world. Therefore, the first step the United States should take to beat china republic is adopting the governmental approach, leveraging cyberspace and other data that is has the capabilities and that can be in a position to manage China’s domestic internet filtering, censorship, and information sharing perspectives that are at risk. In other words, it is by conquering the ability of China to control information (Internet censorship in China 2015).
China is known to be the country with best hackers whose major role are to penetrate the United States Networks and its alleys which thus give it an upper hand. The same hackers will penetrate their network system to check for the flaws and rectify them before they are discovered by their enemies who in most cases are the united system. Therefore, the only the united states will succeed in countering china is upgrading their cyber skills to beat china. China spend over 200b billions per year on cyber warfare. The United States should continuously work toward strengthening capabilities against cybercrime since as much they should focus on their skills to come up with skills to conquer Chinese robust information system, Chinese experts are as well at work trying to penetrate their systems which will be a double blow to the U.S. government. Therefore, they also should focus on strengthening their cyber war defense. They should invest lot on their system security. The U.S. should also address internet access which should focus on gaining alternative methods with which they can beat the restricted access into Chinese information systems by the outsiders. These alternatives may include use of Bluetooth connections, WIFI as well as WiMAX .
U.S. government should continuously aim at strengthening their technology export controls to the other countries that continues to prevent their access and China fall under that category. On occasions of industrial espionage as well as cyber-attack, the United States has an upper hand and taking advantage of that will be a huge plus to them. The U.S. government should also waiver the Global online Freedom Act and many policies to cater for their interests. The U.S. should as well encourage and promote public security regimes and have them fall to their favor. United States government should focus more on exploiting the most China’s flaws in the information control. They should focus on the following areas:
Public Diplomacy
The United States should continuously pursue all the agreements that focus on promoting freedom to information, freedom of expression as freedom from government oversight and censorship. These agreements range from international, among many nations or between two nations. The U.S. government should also focus all their efforts in strengthening international regimes against cyber related threats. They should as well ensure that all the internet rules and ethics are standardized in all regions.
Strategic Communication
The United States should broaden their tools of communication that are used in the country like the Radio Free Asia and the American voice. By utilizing new capabilities in technology space as well as in personal communications, a well comprehended program of unbiased plan for delivering messages and news to the Chinese government on a broader course will bring out alternatives to Chinese government propaganda as the time passes by. Apparently, around two million citizens of China republic visit the United States every year with different motives. Some are there for vacation while a bigger number are students admitted to colleges and Universities in the United States. Each of these Chinese visitor stands for an engagement chance.
The modern war specifically targets the globalized world. Cyber space the key area of attack in the recent ages since almost all the activities or operations may it be economic, political or social are managed and run behind those computers. Billions of mails are shared over the internet. Therefore, a slight disruption on the cyber space and Chinese information and communication system will give the U.S. government an upper hand.
Economic Policy and Trade
The United States government should control their technology export controls to the nations that continuously restrict access. China fall in that category and will experience a huge blow since the United States have an upper hand when it comes to field of economy. In this case China will stand not even a chance.
In occasions of cyber-attack, the American nation should put impose real costs of economic and sanction. They should also do away with the Global Online Freedom Act, which will cancel the cooperation of the U.S. companies with the other governments that take part in censorship or abuse of human rights[6]. The trade representatives in the state should report any issue that arise during the trade that involve nations that take part in censorship. The U.S. government should apply export controls on telecommunication machines that can be employed out to conduct survey. The U.S. Government should waiver these provisions as long as they suit their interest. The U.S. government should promote public cyber security regimes e.g. international risk insurance tools that protection of network and strengthening of the private Sector.
Secure Critical Infrastructure
The United States should take the responsibilities of securing the nation’s critical infrastructures and at the same time manage its cyber threats. These responsibilities should be shared among the federal government and private sectors. Having partnered with the private sectors, it will be possible to collectively apply the risk management mitigate weakness to rise up the base level of cyber security within the critical infrastructure. A consequence-driven process should be used to prioritize actions that decrease the potential that the most advanced adversaries could cause large-scale or long-duration disruptions to critical infrastructure.
To deter malicious hackers from conducting malicious activities, a cost should be imposed to them and their sponsors. This can be achieved by leveraging a range of tools that includes but not limited to prosecutions and economic sanctions, as part of a broader deterrence strategy.
Prioritize research and development national critical infrastructures
The United States’ government should prioritize research and development national critical infrastructures. They prioritize handling the cyber security issues that pose risks to critical infrastructure. Organizations and other agencies will better their investments to the priorities, which will be involved in building new cyber security ideas that use the latest developed technologies. This will improve the dissemination of information and risk management that relate to the cross sector interdependencies, and creating resilience to large-scale or even long-duration disruptions.
Improve reporting and responses to cyber incidences.
The United States should encourage reporting disruptions and data theft by all cyber victims’ especially sensitive infrastructure partners. Reporting of cyber incidences to the nation’s government is important for an effective response and linking other incidences that are directly connected to that. It will also be effective to point out the perpetrator and thus take necessary measures to prevent same incidences from occurring some other time.
Updating electronic surveillance and cybercrimes laws
The United States should cooperate with the congress to improve electronic surveillance and computer crime statutes to the latest standards to ensure law enforcement’s capabilities to lawfully collect relevant evidence of criminal practices, disrupt criminal infrastructure using the civil injunctions, and use appropriate consequences and penalties involved with malicious cyber actors.
Strengthen partner nation’s law enforcement capability to combat cyber threats.
The United States should also help other countries that are willing countries to improve their capacity to handle criminal cyber activity. Cybercrime needs strong international law enforcement partnerships because of the borderless nature of cybercrime, including state-sponsored and terrorist practices. This cooperation needs foreign law enforcement agencies to have the best technical equipment to help United States law enforcement effectively when required. It is therefore important that United States national security continue creating cybercrime-fighting capacity that enhance stronger international law enforcement cooperation.
The United States should focus on improving the international cooperation in tracing malicious cyber activity going on the country, including developing solutions to potential barriers to collecting and gathering evidence. The United States will also lead in improving interoperable and mutually beneficial systems to motivate efficient cross-border information exchange for law enforcement reasons and decrease barriers to coordination. The Administration will enhance effective use of the currently used international tools such as The United Nations Convention versus Transnational Organized Crime and the G7 24/7 Network Points of Contact. They should also work to improve the international consensus favoring the Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe (Budapest Convention), by supporting greater adoption and the development of the convention.
Promote innovation
The American government should encourage implementation of new pillars of cyber security and continued improvement of the standards and best practices that prevent current and evolving threats and hazards that are faced in all the domains that are engaged with cyber operations. These standards and practices should be have good outcomes and based on good technological principles instead point-in-time company specifications. The Administration will do away with the policy barriers that have a huge and a strong cyber security firm from developing, sharing, and coming up with innovative capabilities to decrease cyber threats[7]. The government of United States should invest a great deal in cyber warfare and ensure that their defense system is well and up to skills. As technology continues to grow so are the new tricks are being invented so to keep up with the Chinese robust system, they should have their team brushing on their skills in case a new threat occur in future they will be in a position to handle it.
Clandestine Action
It has proved to be nearly impossible to maintain and gain access in closed networks. Therefore, the United States should take up the clandestine operations both in cyberspace as well as through the dejected traditional ways. However, those who implement policies should be very keen not to be lured in to traps. As much as the U.S. government is going for the alternative methods such as space-based computer and communication operations, and radio-frequency and electro-magnetic operations, and they should have it in mind that acquiring and maintaining access will require them to apply both human and cyber based action penetration.
Digging out for human sources to obtain an overview of the leadership plans, network configuration and point out the possible areas/weaknesses that can be taken advantage of is a very important operation. China has continuously used clandestine actions to stand against the United States. It has also collected traditional intelligence and supported their own cyber operations using this clandestine approach. Their own counter-intelligence and cyberspace defense efforts will greatly improve and become that much more important. To advance the main interest of America which is to interfere with the China’s information control system, technology export controls, economic incentives and sanction will play an important role. The U.S. government should come up with options that bring down China’s information capabilities increment while making important reservations.
The U.S. will have to be able to send “warning shots” that show to the CCP that they have acquired capabilities that will force them to lose control entirely and threaten their hold on power, enabling the country to prevail. Of course, given that many cyberspace and IO capabilities are perishable once used, the U.S. will need to maintain a host of capabilities able to be delivered across multiple vectors and times and places of us choosing. One must be mindful that while China’s information controls systems are a critical vulnerability, they are not a gateway to the overthrow of the CCP and the establishment of a democratic government, at least not right away. Data suggests that the vast majority of the Chinese public who utilize the internet and social media are quite happy with the amount and variety of content available. Only about 10 percent use the Internet for political purposes with the remainder, like their American counterparts, using it for entertainment and socializing. Therefore, strategic messaging will have to be much less overt and subtler.
With development of technology in the recent days, it is also becoming quite hard not depend on it. With increased usage of cyber space, so is the increase in cyber threats. These threats are conducted by the malicious hackers in most cases with the aim of obtaining information illegally, tamper with the system or as well as exposing the information to the enemies. These threats have been posed by the Chinese government to the United States. At one point the United stated had their website defaced by the Chinese hackers that is after the American aircraft bombed the China’s Belgrade Embassy in 1999 by accident.
The U.S. should develop tools that will effectively exploit China’s information control systems. It should also major in strengthening and improving their defense mechanism against cyber threats. They should adopt biological models which should be designed such that on occasion of attack they should misdirect the bad guys or turn the tables. Biological systems are highly recommended since they are easy to adapt and recover. China government is aware that the U.S. Government is ready to go on offense and has the necessary measures put in place. It is for this reason to beat them the U.S. government has to focus on upgrading their skills and aim at stabbing China with unpredictable methods.
To yield success, it is important to have a better understanding of possible details not just paying attention on the technical aspects of China’s information control tools but also its command, control and communication pathways as well as their decision-making strategy. Technical understanding should include patterns of network configuration, models of servers and routers, versions of surveillance and operation software’s, air gaps and wireless hot points and fiber network systems.
The U.S. should be aware of the agencies responsible for different kind of surveys and their capability limits, their gaps and their responsibilities’ scope. It is very critical to point out important personalities and gain an understanding of the resource competition so as to effectively take advantage over them. It is necessary to understand how commands are put in place and passed down from leadership to operators and where possible to refuse, disrupt and in broader occasions interfere with the communication[8]. It is also important to understand reasons as to why the committee adopt a certain decision. Determine why they may need to harden their control or improve it. Point out the possible things to be ignored. With this great understanding it will be possible to come up with a good plan that in most cases will be effective.
Promote full-lifecycle cyber security
The United States Government should promote full-lifecycle cyber security, pressing for strong, default security settings, adaptable, upgradeable products, and other best practices built in at the time of product delivery. We will identify a clear pathway toward an adaptable, sustainable, and secure technology marketplace, encouraging manufacturers to differentiate products based on the quality of their security features. The United States Government will promote foundational engineering practices to reduce systemic fragility and develop designs that degrade and recover effectively when successfully attacked. The United States Government will also promote regular testing and exercising of the cyber security and resilience of products and systems during development using best practices from forward-leaning industries. This includes promotion and use of coordinated vulnerability disclosure, crowd-sourced testing, and other innovative assessments that improve resiliency ahead of exploitation or attack. The United States Government will also evaluate how to improve the end-to-end lifecycle for digital identity management, including over-reliance on Social Security numbers.
The united State government should prioritize the following actions;
- Updating mechanisms for reviewing foreign investments and operations within the United States.
- Maintaining a hardened and a well-balanced intellectual property protection system. In a broader range, this property protection includes cyber security defense.
- Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the United States ideas. In most cases what give china an upper hand is due to having the United States ideas being disclosed. Lack of confidentiality is one huge mistake that lead to lose of vital information and cause adverse loses. The United States should really venture in ensuring confidentiality. Those who leak the ideas and information should be thoroughly punished.
Develop a Superior Cyber security Workforce
The United States government should prioritize invention and use of superior workforces which provide them with an added advantage. The states should fully develop a broad American talent pool while at the same time the attract brightest ideas.
They should prioritize the following;
- Building and sustaining a talent pipeline- competitors are implementing workforce development programs that have the potential to harm long-term United States cyber security competitiveness. The United States Government will continue to invest in and enhance programs that build the domestic talent pipeline, from primary through postsecondary education. The Administration will leverage the President’s proposed merit-based immigration reforms to ensure that the United States has the most competitive technology sector. This effort may require additional legislation to achieve their goals.
- Expand skills for United States’ workers- The Administration will work with the Congress to promote and reinvigorate educational and training opportunities to develop a robust cyber security workforce. This includes expanding Federal recruitment, training, re-skilling people from a broad range of backgrounds and giving them a strong background so as to defend their systems from attacks.
- The United States Government should promote and magnify excellence by highlighting cyber security educators and cyber security professionals. The United States Government will also leverage public private collaboration to develop and circulate the NICE Framework, which provides a standardized approach for identifying cyber security workforce gaps, while also implementing actions to prepare, grow, and sustain a workforce that can defend and bolster America’s critical infrastructure and innovation base.
The United States should encourage adherence to cyber norm set aside. International law and voluntary non-binding norms of responsible state behavior in cyberspace provide stabilizing, security-enhancing standards that define acceptable behavior to all states and promote greater predictability and stability in cyberspace. The United States will encourage other nations to publicly affirm these principles and views through enhanced outreach and engagement in multilateral fora[9]. Increased public affirmation by the United States and other governments will lead to accepted expectations of state behavior and thus contribute to greater predictability and stability in cyberspace.
With developing technology, cyber space has taken up major roles and major activities are run over the internet. The relationship between the United States is very critical since it not only affect the two nations but the impacts are global. In the two nations most of the activities are run over the internet, they range from communication to security. However, their relation has had huge frictions over the Network.
China is known for its robust information system that is greatly managed and has restricted access. To counter china, the United States should invest a lot on their skills in technology. They should aim at the china information control system and conquer it. China invest over 200 billion on defense against cyber threats and is also known to have the best hackers in the world. To counter China, the U.S. government should target their information cyber space. To be more specific they should by all means focus on the China robust information system. However, they should as well ensure defense for their information system since the Chinese are also not at rest and losing their information will be a huge loss on both ends.
By targeting China’s information control system, the united Stated will directly attacked the most sensitive and critical vulnerability and have successfully weakened it momentum. By that we can say the United States will have successful conquered the people of republic of China. Having places the information controls at risk the Chinese information control leadership will believe that their ability and power in cyberspace have been conquered and for this reason the United States will have a free space to effectively and efficiently conquer China during a very critical phase of the next 10-20 years when demographical and economical headwinds will make China to enter a period of decline. A whole governmental approach is often advocated for however, it is very difficult to use it in our federal system.
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[1] Akdag, 2019, the likelihood of cyberwar between the United States and China
[2] Cai, & Dati, 2015. Words mightier than hacks
[3] Domingo, 2016. China’s Engagement in Cyberspace
Qingling, 2014. Confidence Building for Cybersecurity between China and the United States
[4] Hsu, & Murray, 2014. China and international law in cyberspace
[5] Nye ,2017. Deterrence and dissuasion in cyberspace
[6] Qian, 2019. Cyberspace security and US-China relations
[7] Hurwitz, 2014. The play of states
[8] Gechlik, 2017. Appropriate Norms of State Behavior in Cyberspace
Segal, 2014. Cyberspace
[9] Austin, 2014, Managing asymmetries in Chinese and American cyber power