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Understanding sustainable construction

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Understanding sustainable construction

In the current society, sustainability is regarded among

the hottest topics discussed but hardly understood. Its core value and

importance are often associated with various interpretations that superficially

treat the subject matter. For instance, some of the ways of conducting

arrangements involve green, eco, and smart rhetoric. However, people working

in both government and non-governmental sectors tend to take this

issue seriously, making sustainably embrace the long-term endurance of the environment

as it is a matter of concern to the entire people. This paper sets to discuss

the significance of sustainability in the development issues, especially in the

use of scarce and available resources responsibly within the economic circular

and nurturing social equity by an equal wealth distribution.

In most cases, the construction industry is regarded to

contribute to the objectives mentioned above effectively. In a nutshell, the

construction industry considers the massive materials and resources of energy

needed to yield and sustain the constructed environment (OBE, de Brito, Silva,

& Lye, 2019). Not forgetting the number of waste products and emissions

generated during the entire use rotation of the bodily constructions. Based on

research by Chamikara, Perera, and Rodrigo (2020), the global extent of

urbanization in most countries today has led to sustainability, focusing most

of its attention to the environmental, economic and social sectors. Even though

there are a few recorded cases of an action necessity, such debates still

exist about if sustainable construction should continue in minor or significant phases.

Construction of a sustainable future

Sustainable construction solely aims at meeting the needs

of the present-day society, such as housing, working environments and infrastructure,

minus negatively affecting the capability of generations in future to achieve

their desired wants such as spaces for work, shelter, and establishment of

service (Layla et al., 2019). Having the ability to meet all these needs as at

currently and in the long run makes sustainable construction turn out to be

more supportive socially after a long period because it tends to reduce its

overall footprint in the ecological sector. Additionally, it also becomes

innovatively responsible for the continuing increased demand for the constructed


Regarding the impact on the environment, sustainable

construction entails the management and design of constructed structures, either

at the infrastructure, the buildings scales, or the urban collections. Shurrab,

Hussain and Khan (2019) add that some of the issues put into consideration

entail the use of resources in renewable energy and their technological

attendant in building, material performance across various gauges and during

the course of the whole use phases. Multiple operations and maintenance also

reduce cases of international greenhouse gas emissions.

Regarding the economic perspective, sustainable

construction entails the transitions that are linked to a circular economy

of the generation of renewable energy (Layla et al. 2019). Harvesting and

preserving water, recycling of materials and wastes, mobile technologies, and

how structures are adaptable to fluctuations in the use of innovative models of


Concerning the social effect, sustainable construction

entails adhering to the uppermost ethical standards in the commercial and manufacturing

practices all through the project stages (Shurrab, Hussain, & Khan, 2019).

It also entails promoting socially viable environments for working and living,

not forgetting the occupational health and standards of safety for the users

and the labour force. Additionally, the democratization of all production

processes and the built environment as a commonwealth are also getting


Fulfilling these concurrent objectives involves

sustainable construction is concerned with the built environment’s aesthetic

quality, infrastructure, architecture, and urban organization. All agreed to

the local culture’s specificities and the global commonalities (Shurrab,

Hussain & Khan, 2019).

issues targeted for a sustainable production

Foundations such as the Lafargeholcim for Sustainable

Construction plays a vital role in committing to sustainability’s underlying

principles. The principle asserts that the development which is long-term in a constructed

the environment needs to have a jointly enforcing relationship of responsible ecological,

economic, aesthetic, and communal objectives (Chamikara, Perera, & Rodrigo,

2020). Furthermore, the Paris Climate arrangement working beneath the UN

Framework Convention on Climate Change postulates that the foundation needs to

place an exceptional on reducing the worldwide greenhouse emissions of gases in

all the construction-related undertakings in the whole cycle use of constructed

structures (Layla et al., 2019).

On that note, the foundation, together with its accompanying

institution of higher education, has put forward an array of target issues to

act as guiding principles for sustaining the human-made environment for both present

and forthcoming generations. Some of these target issues draw a parallel with

the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sustainable

Development Strategy of the LafargeHolcim associate company (OBE et al., 2019).

These target issues function as principles for assessing projects taken to the

LafargeHolcim Rewards. It also provides a roadmap that is operative to the

whole foundation (Chamikara, Perera, & Rodrigo, 2020). Such activities

include international conferences, expert roundtables, research grants,

best-practice publications, and next-generation publications.


Chamikara, P. B. S., Perera, B. S., & Rodrigo, M. N.

(, 2020). Competencies of the quantity surveyor in performing for sustainable

construction. International

Journal of Construction Management, 20(3),


OBE, R. K. D., de Brito, J., Silva, R. V., & Lye, C.

  1. (2019). Sustainable

construction materials: recycled aggregates. Woodhead Publishing.

Layla, N., Liebe, E., Bodaghi, E., Prajapati, T., Hisham,

  1. T. M., Abdelaziz, M. B., … & Moyano, G. R. L. (2019). Sustainable

Construction. Sustainable

Cities II, 13.

Shurrab, J., Hussain, M., & Khan, M. (2019). Green

and sustainable practices in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural



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