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Truth Beyond the Starts

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Truth Beyond the Starts

Scientists have come up with various discoveries in the current earth. One of the findings is the existence of aliens. The paper is in support of the existence of aliens due to evidence provided by the scientists and astronomers studying the space. The paper argues for the presence of aliens basing the discussion on three points; the existence of many stars, our solar systems being surrounded by waters, and the fact that life thrives in different and extreme environments.

The existing of many stars in the universe is evidence for the existence of aliens. In 2013, after the landing of the ‘Curiosity’ in the ancient lakebed Gale Crater, John Grotzinger, who the manager of the project announced that “We have found a habitable environment, one where a substantial amount of surface water existed billions of years ago.” The argument here is that the team of the scientists believed that the streams of rivers and lakes have been in existence for an extended period (Hoffman, 37). The streams of water were found on the planet Mars. The scientists aimed to follow the streams with the intention of getting any living organism on the planet, in this case, the aliens.

Furthermore, it is common knowledge that where there is water, there is life, and thus, this gives us hope of believing that there is life in mars. Astronomers are always in search of the radio signals produced by the aliens, as stated by Seth Shostak, the rate at which the astronomers are processing a lot of data received by the radio telescopes doubles approximately in 18 months to two years, (Ellis, Caron, 59). The doubling of data means there are some extra being releasing some additional radio waves each year.

Ellis et al. (118) state that the stars within the milky way are around 100 billion. It is argued that these stars can conceivably sustain intelligent life under the current assumptions by the scientists. At the exponential increase in the signals by the telescopes, researchers will have examined more than 1 million candidates by 2034, thereby proving the existence of the aliens. Even though there is no direct evidence for the existence of life beyond the earth, the universe is a home for many stars. Over many decades that have passed, it was established that at least 50 percent of the stars within the universe harbor planets.

Furthermore, several of those planets within the stars have undergone the same processes as the earth. It means that some of them developed life, ‘sentient life.’ Sachs and Ben in their book, “Humans. Aliens and the big ethical question” argues that life cannot be on any planet if that planet lacks any organism to be supported by that life. The drake equation is another evidence of the existence of aliens. The comparison is about the average rate of star formation within the galaxy. The equation came up with a conclusion that to have a living species, there must be a planet, and from the stars you get planets, thus, from measuring the rate of the formation of the starts, it can find out whether there are aliens in the planets, Sachs (43). The next question to be answered by the equation is the number of planets within the stars that can support life. It was found that at some instances, the planet Mars is capable of supporting liquid water. Sachs argues that if a planet is capable of supporting water in liquid state, it means that the same planet has conditions necessary for the habitation of living things.

Moreover, the temperature necessary for the liquid state of water is the same temperature for which some living creature like the aliens is believed to survive. To sum up, the earth is a planet like the others within stars. It is not clear on why the universe can be the only planet with the conditions necessary to support life.

The second evidence for the existence of aliens is that the solar system is surrounded by water. We all agree that water is an essential ingredient for life. From research, it was found that liquid is underneath the surface of planet Mars. Such water cannot be existing if nothing is being supported by the same water. Furthermore, Europa, one of the moons within Jupiter, appears to have a liquid ocean. It is believed that the Jovian, Callisto, and Ganymede also have water. Some pictures captured from Saturn’s moons show that the moon has some water too.

Furthermore, Venus might also have some water traces. With this, we realize that there are also other seven planets suspected to be capable of holding water, Hoffman, (212). Taking, for instance, an example of the deserts within the earth, we find that life is tough in such places. The argument here is that we can’t have some planets with water that is doing nothing, or there is no reason for the presence of it on the planet. On earth, life has been found to have evolved very quickly. The catalyst for the evolving of life was found to have been the abundance of water on the earth. Such an evolution is believed to be the one going on within other planets evolving the aliens. On the availability of water on the planets, some people come up with evidence of the visits made by the aliens to the earth. For instance, more than half the people in the United States believe at one point; aliens have visited the earth. Evidence of the visit was the snapshots posted by the witnesses of the flying saucers and debris from crash landings (Rushing & Janice 111). It is also believed that everywhere the scientists have gone they found life. Be it the cold, deep down the oceans, the hot hydrothermal vents, within the Antarctic ice and many other places life was found. There is no reason than to say that it is only in the planets where the scientists have visited, and there was no life. Lastly, in a passing satellite, some noise was heard raising some suspicion on what was the reason for the sound. To this date, it has never been explained on the origin of that noise.

The above claims on the existence of aliens have some shortcomings. We can also argue that the applications are not well explained. It cannot be evidence that because there are many stars in the galaxy way, they contain planets which support life. It must be well proved that the same planets have got air, which is oxygen that can support growth. With all the planets discussed, there has not been evidence to show that there is a planet which has oxygen to sustain life. Water can be available but then aliens are believed to be terrestrial organisms, and thus, the existence of water on some planets cannot be an evidence for us to base our argument that the aliens do exist in those planets. Apart from the discussion, we know that nitrogen and phosphorous determine the amount of life sustained by water or the oceans. It is not only water that enables a creature to stay within the water bodies as argued by Avi Loeb, a chair of astronomy at the Harvard University, (Rushing, 69). Nitrogen and Phosphorous, from the research by the scientists, are some of the bioessential elements vital for the development of the aliens. In the oceans of the earth, phosphorus is produced from the weathering of the felsic rocks, a process not proven to be taking place in Mars waters. Furthermore, rations from Jupiter regularly hits the surface of Europa generating oxidant molecules. The molecules can enter the Europa’s hidden seas, reacting with the sulfides and in the process making the water very acidic, unsuitable for any life in such a planet, Hoffman (176).

Lastly, there is evidence that life thrives in different and extreme environments. It is believed that life can adapt to any harsh conditions and develop a way of surviving. From this argument, Shostak says, “Life can adapt to tough conditions and, of course, most of the universe is going to be filled with habitats that are tough.” The astronomer continues saying that despite Mars being a harsh environment, some microbes found on the earth, deep within a mining scene, are believed to be able to survive on the planet. The findings have enabled the scientists to rethink on the requirements they had made earlier concerning extraterrestrial life. Most recently is the discovery by Stephen Hawking that Gliese 832c is a planet which could have alien life forms. Humans were although warned against making any contact to such a planet in case of any signals from there.

Stephen anticipates that one day the signal will land on the earth. Jim Marrs, while at an interview said that aliens exist and they are eager to wipe out human beings to create their empire. He traces an alien empire back to the times of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. Jim went back to second the current findings by the scientists for the existing of aliens where he added that they would not be able to attack and enslave human beings, (Ellis, 93). Elon used his ‘Elon Musk’s Tesla’ vehicle to examine the earth where he came up with a finding that indeed aliens are real. He said, “Aliens are probably already observing us.”

Furthermore, Enrico Fermi claimed that due to the sophistication of the earth, there must be a different and sophisticated civilization than that of human beings. The refinement in question was that of unknown creature taken to be the aliens. All the scientists who visited the earth came up with a finding concerning the existence of the aliens. It cannot be made for granted that the scientist, from nowhere, started thinking of some other forms of life apart from the ordinary life in the earth. There was a triggering factor that facilitated the research on the aliens. Some of the factors pushing the research on the aliens are the noise heard as the satellite was passing the space, the finding of Jim on the existence of the aliens from the Old Testament times, and the need to understand the reason for the presence of water in other planets.

In conclusion, aliens are real. From the provided in the paper, it is clear that the scientists, while on their mission to explore the universe, they have come across evidence for the existence of aliens. Water cannot be found anywhere if it is not supporting anything. Furthermore, water is essential for the development of any life forms; thus, water found on planet Mars is crucial for the existence of aliens. Many stars within the galaxy way also contain planets vital for life. The thesis is thereby fully supported that aliens are real in the universe.













Works Cited

Ellis, Caron Schwartz. “With eyes uplifted: Space aliens as sky gods.” Screening the Sacred. Routledge, 2018. 83-93.

Hoffman, Andrew J. Monsters: Bedford Spotlight Reader. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2015. Print

Rushing, Janice Hocker. “Evolution of “The New Frontier” in Alien and Aliens: Patriarchal Co-optation of the Feminine Archetype.” Screening the Sacred. Routledge, 2018. 94-117.

Sachs, Ben. “Humans, aliens, and the big ethical questions.” Astronomy & Geophysics (2018).





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