Total quality management (TQM), corporate sustainability (CS), and knowledge management (KM).
The 2019 article by Jawad Abbas highlights the changing preferences and demands of consumers and ways organizations can use to develop corporate sustainability through total quality management while incorporating knowledge management. Abbas states that consumers have become increasingly aware of the dangers corporate activities pose to environmental resources such as water, air, and soil over the past years. To respond to changing consumer preferences, Abbas believes that corporate organizations should adopt a three thronged approach of total quality management (TQM), corporate sustainability (CS), and knowledge management (KM). Under TQM, Abbas provides the eight elements, with the major ones being leadership, strategic planning, and customer focus (Sila & Ebrahimpour, 2002). On the other hand, according to Abbas (2019), an organization should also engage in KM by implementing knowledge creation, acquisition, sharing, and application by the managers and other members of the staff (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). Moreover, Abbas (2019) believes that TQM and KM are not enough without the incorporation of corporate sustainability. The elements of CS include environmental, social, and economic sustainability geared towards protecting the dwindling natural resources. In the article, Abbas (2017) states that “the empirical results indicate that TQM has a significant and positive impact on CS and all three of its dimensions” (9). However, for the impacts to be achieved, the article states that several factors have to be met and integrated into all the functions of an organization. Abbas (2019) further contends that there is empirical evidence showing that TQM practices are crucial for the sustainability development of a wide range of organizations, from small to large firms. Abbas (2019) concludes by saying that if organizations efficiently implement the TQM program, it will enhance their KM activities, which also has a significant impact on the CS” (9). Subsequently, the author’s firm belief that the answer to changing consumer preferences is to adopt TQM practices.
I am inclined to agree with Abbas (2019) assertions on the implementation of TQM practices and KM principles in achieving corporate sustainability. It is evident that there is continuous exhaustion of the planet’s existing natural resources. Consumers have attributable the exhaustion to the major corporations. Subsequently, there is a drive from consumers to hold the organizations responsible. The only way to achieve this is for the corporations to adopt sustainable practices in economic, social, and environmental areas to build consumers’ confidence as to the posterity of the resources. Small, medium, and large-sized organizations need to implement TQM practices to conserve, preserve, and protect the available natural resources. Such achievements can only be made if organizations implement further knowledge management principles to complement the available TQM and CS practices.
The paper’s methodology and conclusion are general, which means that they are applicable to every industry worldwide. It is the admission of Abbas (2019) that that “TQM practices can play a significant role in enhancing SD of small, medium and large-size manufacturing and services organizations” (9). Subsequently, it is evident that the paper is limited to manufacturing companies and every other organization that is in interaction with the consumers. Every other organization that is involved in manufacturing or service provision uses the planet’s resources at one point. In this regard, there is a dire need to implement the TQM practices that would ensure sustainable use of the available natural resources. All other industries’ survival is dependent on consumers, which makes consumers the primary concern. Anything that touches on consumer preferences should thus be taken with great concern from all industries.
The paper impacts the three areas in dire need of sustainability: the environment, economy, and society. The paper seeks to alert the industries as to the dwindling natural resources. The exhaustion of the planet’s resources is attributable to the activities of the organizations. The paper thus calls for sustainable practices that aim to conserve the existing natural resources to ensure the posterity of the environment. the paper also seeks to hold industries responsible for equitable distribution of resources among the consumers and communities that surround their facilities. Social responsibility can be achieved through CSR policies that seek to give back to society and, at the same time, take care of the environment by avoiding wastage of resources and pollution. Economically, Abbas (2019) links the activities of organizations to consumer preferences. Competition in the market is today based on an organization’s ability to use environment-friendly materials for production.
Abbas (2019) contentions are especially crucial for the GCC regions because they are involved in manufacturing activities that endanger the environment. the extraction of oil presents some of the worst dangers to the planet as we know it. The GCC regions are thus expected to adopt TQM and CS practices because they are necessary for protecting both consumers and the environment. the methane gases released during mining of gas pollute the atmosphere, thus resulting in rapid climate change. Most consumers have complained about companies’ activities in the GCC region, and there is a need for implementation of environmental-friendly measures. Therefore, the GCC region companies have the responsibility of ensuring that they engage in sustainable practices based on consumer preferences. Abbas (2019) states that “organizational development will be considered as SD if it fulfills the present generation’s needs without compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their needs” (1). The GCC regional companies are therefore best suited to follow the recommendations of the paper.
To further the research by Abbas (2019), I would take steps such as identifying specific industries, organizations, and companies that have implemented the total quality management (TQM), corporate sustainability (CS), and knowledge management (KM). In this regard, the further steps will be to interview the managers of the specific companies and get their insight into how the implementation process has impacted their growth, especially in the competitive market. The first companies to start with would be those in the GCC regions since they are the most affected with this paper’s recommendations. Additionally, it would be crucial also to identify how the implementation of the TQM practices has impacted the environmental resources. The paper’s main objective is to protect the available resources that are under threat by the continued activities of various organizations. Subsequently, it would be prudent to understand whether the basis of the research is met. The further steps would also involve understanding the consumers’ specific preferences and how they integrate with the conservation of the environment. ultimately, it would be upon the organizations to satisfy the consumers’ demands by engaging in practices that conform to their preferences.