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The Weight of the Nation

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The Weight of the Nation

In contemporary society, obesity is an epidemic and America’s most significant health problem. It is becoming a matter of national security since its effects can be seen across all age groups, unlike before. The 21st Century children are the most affected, and there are possibilities that it is the group with less healthy individuals than the current adult population. A large number of children and teenagers make up the most significant percentage of overweight and obese individuals in the country. Despite the current issues of climate change and resultant effects, American is focused on eradicating obesity menace in society. This is because it is the leading cause of deaths and other chronic illnesses. Many obese individuals have been diagnosed with type II diabetes or the risk of developing it, which is often fatal and result in further casualties. While the dangers of obesity are profound, there is a solution to prevent from taking its course in the lives of individuals.

From the first part of the film, the causes and effects of obesity are exposed. These individuals tend to develop high blood pressure and type II diabetes, which result from the body’s malfunctions. It is quite rare to find an overweight person without a diagnosis of either or both conditions. Type II Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to use the insulin it produces to function. This is because the body’s cell structure has become damaged or overworking as a result of high fat deposits around them. Due to this, its patients require life-long treatment since it is difficult to heal and get off the medication. High blood pressure often leads to stroke where individuals become paralyzed on a particular side other body. Besides, these individuals can suffer death from heart failure since the organ can no longer pump blood. For instance, in the film, researchers show two heart samples, both of which are adversely affected. The owners of these organs died, and it is clear that the organs had suffered significant impacts of fat deposits around the vessels carrying blood. This means that it tends to overwork and eventually fail, leading to deaths of obese patients.

The causes of the obesity condition are more personal than genetic. Although a few individuals develop obesity from their family genes, it is most likely that the few try to live healthy lives. On the other hand, the most pronounced group suffering from obesity resulted from unhealthy dietary options. Statistically, many children and youth are affected more than the older population. This is because the environment that they grow in exposes them to these food options that attract them to indulge without parents’ regulation. Fast food outlets such as MacDonald’s, Taco Bell and Burger King are among the few that have enticing marketing strategies. For instance, they can present their foods in a manner that it becomes difficult to resist, and considering the absence of parents in the child’s life, it becomes a tragedy after a while. Since American society is a busy one where individuals tend to work two or more jobs to sustain their families, it becomes challenging to monitor the child’s nutrition. Besides, there is a high rate of divorce, exposing children to loneliness and resort to unhealthy foods for happiness. At school, these children have a wide array of foods to choose from, and without restrictions, the fast-food industry wins since these individuals have a particular attachment with such.

Moreover, the lack of an active lifestyle predisposes many Americans to the dangers of obesity, such as cardiovascular risks. The ideal cardiovascular health requires certain particular conditions to be kept. It is quite unfortunate that a high percentage of Americans fail to observe these requirements. One of the conditions is to ensure that they are free from obesity, which has become challenging to accomplish, considering the obesity crisis in the state. Working individuals have less time to concentrate on their needs for exercise because they work for long hours, and the rest of the time is to tend to the children. Most of them rarely get time to bond with their offspring because they arrive home tired and hungry. Due to long working hours, there is no time for exercise, and they tend to overeat because of boredom at the office. Children, on the other hand, remain indoors watching TVs instead of engaging in physical exercise to get rid of the bad cholesterol. Through this, their future is not promised considering the harm that their bodies have been exposed to.

However, part II of the film assures individuals of potential solutions to the obesity. Here, people make their choices in terms of food to prevent and eradicate obesity from society. For obese individuals, weight loss is the ultimate solution to the dangers of the condition. To achieve this, individuals plan and portion their meals to account for the calories they take daily. This requires a strict following to entirety to prevent gaining additional weight and for maintenance. This way, they eat less but healthy, which enables them to burn stubborn fats. Total starvation may be ineffective since it slows an individual’s metabolism resulting in bloating and further weight gain instead of losing it.

Besides, bariatric surgery is advised for individuals with extreme obesity. In short, it means that the patient’s stomach is reduced such that a small amount of food is allowed into the gut. This means that individuals will eat less, and the extra weight is lost since it is not fed. Although the procedure is beneficial for these individuals, it is most effective when combined with physical activity to maintain weight and reduce stressors. Mainly, physical exercise is good for the overall body. It reduces stress levels by impacting opioids in the brain, which stimulate feelings of pleasure. This enables individuals to avoid stress eating since they tend to forget their hunger after exercise. Also, it prevents the development of cancer, osteoporosis and lifestyle-related diseases. Therefore, its combination with the surgery allows individuals to pursue their dreams without fear.

In conclusion, the issue of obesity requires all stakeholders on board to eradicate and prevent it from society. A large percentage of young people in the US suffer from this condition due to the environment that exposes them to make poor food choices and become inactive in their lives. Obesity gives rise to Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular condition and heart failure. The resultant outcomes for these conditions are fatal, and there is an increased need for prevention. The cases of obesity can be reduced by making good food choices, planning and portioning of meals to avoid unmindful eating. Besides, incorporating physical exercise in an individual’s life enables them to prevent the development of cancer and other chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure. Although the dangers of obesity are serious, they can be prevented by engaging in a healthy lifestyle.














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