The key barriers to a successful reentry include the following;
-Once the offenders have been released from incarceration, they are not allowed to vote in a national election exercise, which is against their wish and a form of discrimination.
-Offenders from incarceration have little access to education.
-Lack of employment or scant opportunities for jobs
-In many instances, such persons are not ineligible for public related benefits.
-Offenders from incarceration do not benefit from public housing and loans such as those provided to students.
-They also go through low self-esteem, while others may develop antisocial behaviors and relationships.
Reentry is a program meant to assist offenders in reintegrating with society once they are out of incarceration. Once the offenders have been released from incarceration and are reintegrated with society and family members, they face several challenges towards a full reasonable reentry to the society they once mishandled and devalued. Such persons are not allowed to vote in a national election exercise. This is against their wish and a form of discrimination. This offers challenges to those who need to change leadership in their area. Besides, offenders from incarceration have little access to education, which discourages them from building their livelihoods after incarceration. Lack of employment or scant opportunities for jobs is also a common challenge to persons who are not economically independent and want to kick-start their financial abilities. Additionally, Offenders from incarceration do not benefit from public housing and loans such as those provided to the student. Further, most offenders are not ineligible for public related benefits, while others may develop antisocial behaviors and low self-esteem.