Innovation can be defined as the process in which new ideas are implemented into action. It is a process in which new ideas are applied to the make products or services that create value the customers will be paying for. As the expectations of the customers and their requirements are changing with time, innovative products and services come to the rescue in providing efficient service. This way, a new or improved product is made that leads to the growth of the organization. It helps the company to cater to the demands of the consumers so that the company can sustain in the long run.
In today’s world, every organization is trying to beat one another so that they can gain popularity and competitive advantage in the corporate market. Innovative ideas, here, help an organization to stand out from the lot. Innovative measures provide individuality to the organization and act as an essential component in achieving success. The corporate companies don’t carry out innovative ideas just like that. They want to avoid risks and yield as much outcome as they can.
For this reason, the companies come up with the framework to check the efficacy of the process and how helpful it will be to earn the companies a maximum amount of profit. Innovation help businesses to have better performance and productivity in the market. Innovation, always not includes new products. It can also mean changing the model of the business and adapt to new changes in the business environment so that a better product can be delivered to the customers. Successful innovation is an in-built part of every business strategy so that innovative thinking and creative problem solving is brought into force. Innovation helps a company to attract a lot of customers and build a strong base in the market.
The company’s background and its approach to innovation:
Amazon is considered to be one of the most innovative companies in the world. It is one of the big four technological company among Google, Apple, and Facebook. It is a multinational company founded by Jeff Bezos and has its headquarter at the Seattle, Washington. Amazon has changed the way people live and shop. In terms of innovation; Amazon has a unique approach which makes it an ideal for the cultivation of innovation. Amazon has invented a wide range of unique and innovative products which instantly became very popular among the consumers. Some of its innovative products are Amazon echo, Alexa, kindle, Amazon pay, AWS (Amazon web services), audiobooks, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Prime and many more. All these products have been extremely successful in earning Amazon its name and has etched in place in the global market. The company aims to serve customers with the best possible products and services so that their whole experience is hassle-free and positive. Amazon has always maintained the commitment it has made to its customer. This has helped the company to achieve a competitive advantage in the market and is growing with every passing day.
Innovation is the changing process that a company applies in its procedure so that it can increase its productivity and efficiency in its organizational performance.
Amazon also has a huge range of innovative products in the market like Alexa, Amazon echo, fire stick, kindle, Amazon pay, etc., that has become extremely popular and earned a huge success to the company. Recently the company launched a home security camera called ULO which looks like a cute owl. Now, the company, now, is aiming to change its delivery process and make it faster, efficient and less time-consuming. Currently, the company is working on a drone-based delivery system. The popularity of drones or unnamed aerial vehicle is increasing with the advancement in the growing technology. It has been experimented to be used in several fields and Amazon, now, has come up with an idea to use it for delivering their products or logistics. This is different thinking. As the whole thing is still in the developmental process, drones have the potential to change the future of delivery services.
figure: 1 – amazon prime air(drone-based delivery)
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Jeff Bezos, the CEO of the Amazon, disclosed five years ago that the future in the delivery business could be changed remarkably with the effective use of drones. Small drones can carry up to around five-ton weight, and hence it can minimize labor costing as well as time consumption. Amazon will launch a thousand number of uncrewed air vehicles to deliver their product not more than 30 minutes. For the successful utilization of this plan, Amazon needs to program the drones successfully so that it doesn’t involve the risks of failure. According to the patent filed by the company in 2016, the drone is equipped with sensors and cameras so that it can understand human gestures and respond to them accordingly. The drones, accordi9ng to the description of the company can also communicate with the customers or other people so that it can be assisted in its way to delivery. It is challenging as well as a striving project. The company, however, has not yet confirmed if it actually intends to follow it or not. Amazon also is working towards a mirror that lets its customer try the clothes virtually, and a drone can destruct itself automatically.
Framework And Diagram: A framework is the structure of an innovative idea that works as an outlined map for the application of the idea into action. The framework in innovation helps to harness the creative ideas of an organization so that it can provide a strategic approach to the whole process. A proper frame work provides guidance on implementing the idea into the work process and measures the possible outcomes. Fthe framework also helps the company to examine the process and involves less risk-taking. This way the organization can systematically manage the changes in its procedures and can ensure customer satisfaction.
The following is the framework that can be applied in the drone delivery service of Amazon so that the company can expect a successful outcome.
Figure:2 drone delivery system framework.
Process and operation of the framework system:
Step 1: Frameworks can be used by the various levels of intricacy. Here a framework of the Amazon drone services has been tried to make. The initial step towards building a successful structure is to recognize and construct the specific services that are too offered under this model by Amazon.
Step 2: Not the demand of every customer is the same. Various markets and customers have many needs and hence is responded better to definite variations of the details a product or product. Frameworks help to find their image is specified to the client group or market in such a way that it caters to definite needs, demands or requirements of the clients or the market. Here, by using the Amazon drone delivery system, it can be seen that the proposed market to some extent is limited to the group of tech-savvy consumers who are helpful to land the drone safely.
Step 3: in the third step we try to suggest the path neutrally that the purchaser takes from the purchasing method to the assessment and the service or product experience that the client ultimately experiences. Here, the main objective to use drone technology is to make the service and experience to the client more efficient and quick
Step 4: This progression is the place we have to investigate the activities that the customer can take to contact representatives or get more data identified with the innovation of the administration or the item. By mapping these activities in connection to the automaton conveyance framework we have an unmistakable thought regarding the choices accessible to the customer for questions of both the specialized and non-specialized viewpoints which are vital for the customer to acclimate themselves to the new administration propelled by Amazon.
Step 5: This is known as the line of in-house correspondence or collaboration. It interfaces the customer exercises like a contact for the inquiry to the inner emotionally supportive network or administrations that are being advertised. The interior help highlights of Amazon administrations can get significance when it is legitimately connected to the inquiries sent by the gathering of customers of said administration. We additionally get the opportunity to see that the inward help highlights allow the customer to make themselves acquainted with the new method for delivery by drones to their queries about all aspects successfully.
Step 6: In this last advance check of the administrations connected to the client, activities are given with the goal that it can be shown what the customer sees and encounters really amid the procedures of acquiring, assessing and encountering the utilization of the item or administration. Photographic or video realistic confirmation is better for this specific reason. For the Amazon Drone conveyance framework certain shows, question-answer recordings have been started by the association, so it enables a gathering of clients to get the opportunity to acquaint with the new up and coming innovation.
Key elements of the framework: Technological capabilities: the drone delivery system is a unique idea of a delivery system. It is a technologically smart move taken by Amazon to build a future of the delivery system. It is a smart device that understands human gestures and can communicate with the client. It can also record the whole experience of customer satisfaction. It is going to be highly attractive to the new generation and can draw the attention of the tech-savvy group. Initial curiosity with the system will help it draw a lot of attention in the market. High chances of it being popular persists. Competitive strategy: this ne move is unique in its approach band has not been taken by any other competing companies in the same industry. This strategy of developing Amazon Prime Air helps to make the delivery process more fast and efficient. It would reach to the customers in a very less time and improve the customer service of the company. This move can help the company to achieve competitive advantage from the other companies. Consumers would choose Amazon over any other companies to purchase products as they would get delivery of the purchased products in a very short period of time.
Financial capability: the whole method is an advanced move in terms of technology, and hence it needs to be invested a lot so that it can be made proper, specific and efficient in its procedure. The whole model of the drone needs to be fitted with cameras and sensors so that it can trace the information provided by the customers in its way to the delivery. The drone also is required to programme in such a way that it understands human communication through sign language. A smart planning device is never cost efficient initially. So the company needs to invest a lot of capital to make the process successful.
Infrastructure: the whole operational infrastructure of the company is changing in the long run. Even though the company has to spent a lot of money in developing an appropriate drone, the whole method is cost effective in the long run. The logistics cost of the company is reduced through the drone delivery system. Also, the drone can carry out more amount of deliveries without getting tired. The company here can then perform better and utilize its resources in a cost effective way. This will help the company to gain sustainability in the long run.
Strength and weakness of the drone delivery system:
Time management: human delivery is more time consuming and consists of several problems like traffic, weather issues, lazy divers, etc., however, using drone can result in less consumption of delivery time as there is no chance of traffic issues. The products, hence, can reach the purchasers on time and safely. The company hence can focus on the fulfillment of the order and better customer support.
Safe and quick delivery of the products: with the use of drones, the safe delivery of the products can be ensured. There have been several instances that the products were misplaced or damaged which has affected customer satisfaction in previous time. But with drone delivery, there is no chance of receiving a damaged product or the product being misplaced.
Environment-friendly: delivery through drones is better for the environment as it doesn’t damage the environment. Human delivery uses means of transport that increase pollution and harms the environment. Drones do not use fossil fuels to fly. So it is much an environment-friendly approach by the company
promotes e-commerce: nowadays, e-commerce is getting very popular as people don’t want to go out and buy things, instead, it gets delivered to them with just a click on their mobile phones or computers. However, there are still customers who prefer to go to the shop and buy things as they are not sure that their product would arrive in good condition or would meet their requirements. The time is taken to deliver the product also -plays an important role here. In this scenario, drones come to offer great help to customers. It would bring the product in good condition to the customers and has no possibility of theft. Also, the time taken for delivery is much less.
Drones are much cost efficient to the company than the manual delivery system. In the long run, it reduces the cost of logistics, also provides better customer assistance.
The customers to avail the drone delivery system need to build helipad where the drone will land. This can be confusing or problematic for the customers who live in apartments.
People have raised issues of privacy and safety regarding the drone delivery system because the drone will have a GPS and a camera so that it can navigate and land safely. There are high chances that the parcels are left unattended if the purchaser is not at home.
There are also high chances of theft as there will no humans to monitor the good’s safety
the whole process is extremely challenging.
Drones run on battery, so the company has to spend a lot. There are also possibilities that the battery life can expire midway of the delivery. Weather issues in drone delivery system is also a problem. The weather conditions if get bad, the drones will be unable to fly like in rain and storms.
Lack of communication with the customer: delay in the service: Here we can see that any postponement in the support system or administrations can prompt development of inquiries and questions that should be offered an explanation to enable the customer to proceed onward from the assessment to the real obtaining stage.
Technical issues in the loading and coding stage that is finished by Amazon authorities: In this framework if the expert neglects to do this progression or submits some slip-up in this progression then they can prompt a development of unfulfilled requests as this progression is urgent to the internal fulfillment of the orders that have been set by the customers.
Time management issues that the internal service needs to handle so as to give consistent service: In this delivery framework, we can see that a lot of elements rely upon the discharge staff. Also, there are a few critical advances included here that the staff needs to deal with and everything should be taken care of while keeping up a steady time plan for a request to address the issues and requirements for the customers
To build a solid support system that takes into account all the queries and questions of the group of customers, having the staff trained with certain actualities and knowledge about the service or product tends to the issue of lack of a link between customer contact activities and the internal support activities.
Getting experts who are educated in the fields and having different specialists who can carry out the responsibility serves to be a reliable backup if one of the experts fails to work or is unfit to capacity or faces trouble that the other specialists can survive.
Time management issues can be effectively tackled utilizing management techniques and division of tasks and labor and the authorization of exacting time plans by the administrators of the different advances that are associated with the procedure. Along these lines, these potential issues can be defeated to make a smooth and consistent administration delivery system for Amazon Drone delivery.
Conclusion: From the above study, it can be concluded that innovation is a creative process and needs a lot of strategic thinking to implement it into the action. Innovation helps an organization to perform better and achieve sustainability in the market so that it can survive in the long run. Innovative approaches drag a lot of customers as the products cater to the demands and requirements of the consumers well. Amazon here, want to apply a new technique in delivering their goods to the customers that can change the future of the delivery system. The system though has benefits as well as a weakness that has also been discussed. It is beneficial in terms of many things like cost-efficiency, prompt delivery, undamaged products and many more. It also has some loopholes in the system like privacy issues, vulnerability to theft, inconvenience due to the use of the battery. Some recommendations have also been provided so that the whole process can be a little more efficient. As we know, everything is possible with technological advancement; it will be very interesting to see this drone delivery service get into action.