The aging process
The aging process is unique since human beings have a different aging cycle that involves various processes patterns and events across age phases of growth and development. The longevity and aging cycle is affected by change models focusing on psychological, physical, nutritional, and social models that alter the epigenetic neuro-hydrogenation sequence in DNA during mitotic dividing cells. It is with interest this report reviews the role of lifestyle preferences, dietary supplementary, nutritional restriction impacts, and analyses the influences the aging process modulation. The evaluation through biochemical (physiological) mechanism will assist in highlighting nutritional restriction influences fundamental natural processes connected to longevity and aging.
Life choices impact to a quality life, premature death, and Aging
Change in technology affects the development and adaptability of lifestyle continue to change people’s health and wellbeing negatively or positively. The comparison of longevity, quality of life, and aging witnessed during the traditional lifestyle, and the current growth is proven by healthier, physical, reliable, and long life examples from experience (Chesky 796). An unhealthy lifestyle is harmful to people’s health, thus decrease the chance of living longer. Activities such as smoking, alcohol consumption, eating unhealthy (poor nutritional habits), lack of exercise model factors projecting summary change of personal health. The outcome effect leads to the influence of;
- Current morbidity increments and future prediction cases of chronic nature diseases that require social and palliative health care.
- Evidence of young people living with disabilities
- Prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders and poor mental health.
- Social inequalities are contributing to health differences.
Role of nutrients supplement and Calories restriction in aging
Exercise activities stimulate body metabolite processes such as the respiratory process via oxidative pyruvate kinase reaction to burn the available calories and stimulate muscle tissue. The overall body weight and muscular structure control highly depend on daily exercise, thus promote the balance of hormonal response through regulation of energy flow in body muscles (Mattison et al. 4). National Health Services report that exercise contributes to the relief of stress on the bones and joints subjected by overweight and is a risk to stress toxicity, heart diseases, and diabetes. Exercise activities promote tendon (collagen) breaking time) at the young age phase(Chesky 798). This character enhances brain function, though contribute to increased microdamage of cardiac muscle tissue. Nevertheless, exercise increases longevity when accompanied by calorie restriction. The experiment of younger rats that are active in physical activities reflects longevity increment of 11 % compared to old rats. Involvement in exercise training such as military and sports alters plasma hormones concentration that contributes to the effects of anti-aging across all ages. Altered hormones (cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine) result in delayed aging since the exercise increases the lactate levels to trigger metabolic effort.
Dietary/Calories Restriction effects on Aging and longevity
Dietary habits sustain a healthy mind and body. Fresh vegetables and fruits provide vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E and A, which are primary preventive nutrients to chronic diseases. However, a research hypothesis shows antitoxins in ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, and tocopherol have negative effects when used by smoker to treat cancer (Mattison et al. 5. The body require adequate glucose to synthesize energy stored in body cells inform of ATP and used during different physiological and physical functions of the body. However, there is control need of optimum glucose content in the body to prevent nutritional chronic condition such as Hyperglycemia, high blood pressure and thyrotropin hormonal dysfunction. For instance, (Colman et al. 8) explain how Okinawan population in japan and United depend on low caloric diet, vegetables, fruits, seaweed, fish, and grains characterizes to live chronic ailments/disability free, long lifespan (centenarians), reduced morbidity and mortality population. Calories restriction provide significant role in longevity and aging promotion. Diet regime alter the insulin sensitivity with minimal body weight loss manifesting effects of the total calories absorbed and timed ingestion. calorie restriction in animals therefore enhance healthier and longer life since there is decreased degeneration of myofibrils and excess mitochondria in the gastrocnemius muscles of animals. Experiment from a mammalian rat models show that caloric restriction minimizes caloric intake by ~40% of the adlibitum diet throughout the lifespan thus maximized by 30-40% (Colman et al., 6). The benefit intervention in calorie restriction effect on various molecular and system function such as increased longevity, increased tissue sensitivity to insulin enhanced immunity to stress, infections or cancer, collagen formation, and promotion of neuroendocrine functions. Other factors contributing to change in aging and lifespan time include smoking and alcoholism habits (Chesky 798). Smoking and alcohol consumption result to unhealthy lifestyle that lowers the respiratory and cardiovascular system in human being through development of respiratory tract, cardiac vascular disease and prone to cancer.
Physiological impacts influencing longevity and aging
Modulation of gene expression also show significant response to functional changes. The role played by transcriptional shifts triggered by insulin during metabolic reprogramming (dehydrogenase chemical compounds) alter and promote longevity. Likewise, calorie restriction result to minimized energy metabolism, increased protein biosynthesis like in puberty hormone growth and the turnover rates (Cohen-Manheim et al., 4). However, the effects of calories restriction in human with long-term intervention (from fountain of youth age) show better results than when induced at late/plateau phase of human growth and development (Mattison et al. 5) Despite the reason of retardation ingrowth, diet restriction favors individual long span and delay aging due to decreased metabolic rate and retarded development of tissues/hormones such as those cause puberty stage (Chesky 797). Expression of pathological phenotypes also reduce hence the glycol-insulin conversation hormones function at norm. According to disposable soma theory of calories restriction, physiological process such as somatic and reproduction require excess calories that other primary and essential functions in the body. Mechanism of calories restriction shifts/slow reproduction rate through delayed hormone development thus increase the lifespan or reduce aging. For example, women who give birth to few children or none show delayed aging process.
Diet (calories restriction), chronic condition prevention through exercise or nutrition supplement, and exercise show enhance characterizes of increased longevity and delay aging factors in animals. Phase intervention involving alteration of aging rate, mortality and morbidity threshold, and the aging patterns result to overall significant effects of aging process. promote Life expectancy changes dramatically after seventy years and due to daily activities contributed by chronic conditions related to the age. At specific age bracket, nutritional restriction and recommendation on dietary help to minimize psychological and physical age related chronic disorders altering the longevity and aging in population. Effort is employed to identify successful nutrition-related mechanisms to encounter chronic conditions and functional loss occurring as function of time.