Supernatural powers
Supernatural powers play an essential role in Macbeth and The Tempest as Shakespeare illustrates the abundances of widely accepted supernatural elements in Elizabethan England. According to Ahmet (2016), magical characters who use supernatural power manipulates natural elements, humans, and mystical natures. Supernatural power is also achieved by characters to sustenance their ambition. Karam (2018), suggests that characters exert their magical forces to create an illusion for other characters by making them go insane, dream, or physically transform. The setting of each drama facilitates the use of supernatural powers or magic. The role supernatural’s influence on political power and ambition in Macbeth and The Tempest runs entirely in the play.
Shakespeare conduct of the power capitalized in supernatural forces as an outcome of the culture of Elizabethan England. In Shakespeare’s play, Fisher (2015), illustrates the relationship between Macbeth and the Kings own supernatural belief in 1606, the year of onset performance of the play. Besides, the play might have been a tribute to King James I, the king who succeeded Elizabeth on the throne of England and whose desires and interest of witch was evident in the book.
Ambitions inspire characters to want supernatural power and use it against other the play, Banquo and Lady Macbeth summon magical abilities to support their desires. The weird sisters aim to create confusion and use Macbeth to gain their goals. Macbeth desires supernatural powers to aid him to become a King. In the dream of Macbeth, Egeus and Helena are human who are visualized having mystical powers. In the play, Oberon tries to establish his authority over Titania, applying his abilities to manipulate the plot. Though, Oberon uses his supernatural powers for a positive purpose by forcing Demetrius to fall in love with Helena. In the political arena, Prospero uses his magic power to reclaim his dukedom. Prospero also applies magic to suppress Sebastian and Antonio’s ambition to usurp Alonso. Also, the desire of Caliban to regain control of the island is supported by magical powers. In the play, Richard uses the illusion of magical power to ascend into power. According to Zsuzsanna (2013), Margret characterizes Richards power and presence by describing him as a supernatural predator, and Lady Anne desires a magical ability to eliminate him.
In Macbeth, the witches deploy Macbeth into believing their suspicions to cause tragedy amid the human character. According to Fisher (2015), “the witches are powerful an evident they seem to control the title character.” Hecate expresses the witches desire to manipulate Macbeth using magical powers.
And that, distilled by magical sleights,
Shall raise such artificial spirits
As by the strength of their illusion
Shall draw him on to his confusion.
He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear.
His hopes’ bove wisdom, grace and fear. (3.527-31)
The witches wish to lead Macbeth towards destruction ends when they trick him with riddles because they are required to reveal the truth about his purpose. As Macbeth becomes nervous about Macduff and Malcolm’s impending invasion, he challenges the witches and demands their prediction of his future.
Lady Macbeth also manipulates Macbeth to fulfil her desires. Just like the witches, she guides him towards destruction, as Cahn reveals. Although the witches and Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth, causing his self-destruction, he, with Banquo’s aid, make a vain attempt at maintaining his freedom of choice. He demonstrates, however, that he can not to choose for himself when he succumbs to the will of his schemers. Macbeth tries to avoid killing Duncan, despite his wife’s tenacity. “if chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me/ without my stir” 1.30144-45.
Besides pollical affiliation, one characteristic of magical power is the power to manipulate elements of nature. According to Cahn: “Shakespeare’s audience believed that witches were in league with the devil and empowered to fly” 321. The witches demonstrate their supernatural power to control elements when the first witch asks, “when shall we three meets again? / In thunder, lightning, or rain” 1.1.1-2. Theseus calls Egeus as “god” where Hermia is concerned, characterizing Egeus as having the supernatural power to manipulate death and life, and admitting that Egeus has the parental right to kill her if she refuses to marry Demetrius.
Also, a magical character in the play uses their power to manipulate human characters. Oberon drives Demetrius and Lysander with love portion: “The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid/ Will make or woman madly dote/ Upon the next live creatures that it sees” 2.1170-172.