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Resume Cover Letter

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Resume Cover Letter

Contact person’s name,

Title of the Company or Healthcare facility,

Street Address

City, State, ZIP Code.


Dear Mr. Employer,

RE: Application for A Clinical Nurse 1 Position

I am writing to express my particular interest in the position of Clinical Nurse 1 at your health community service center. My clinical experience in various settings, including working as a practical license nurse for six years and my Bachelor of Science in Nursing, makes me an excellent candidate for this vacancy.

Through my education and experience, I have learned to focus on several aspects of individual healthcare, including patient care, dispensing medication to patients, and monitoring patient’s illness progression. Additionally, I become an enthusiastic person concerning working in community health during my clinical adventure rotation. I was able to see how nursing is integrated with nurturing and technical skills, which I was best in, and I believe I can use these skills to treat and care for patients


After my rotation in my entire transition from junior to senior nursing student, I also continued to work with the community. I usually spend more than 35 hours a week practicing the primary nursing skills and techniques, which include prioritization of healthcare and communication and compassion for clients and their families. I can learn to be a present listener with a lot of patience. I am also cooperative, empathetic, and can also nurture and communicate more effectively with patients, peers, and professionals.


I am interested in this position because I want to work in this setting but am interested in making a significant impact on Community Services. I appreciate having an opportunity of becoming part of your team and offer skills to help patients and the organization at large.

Feel free to contact me through my email ( or my phone number (phone number). Thank you for your consideration.



Applicant’s Name




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