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Response to Lorde and Moraga Pieces

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Response to Lorde and Moraga Pieces

Audre Lorde was an American poet remembered for her creativity. She declared herself a civil rights activist, lesbian, and womanist to address the racial injustices, sexual injustices, and class injustices in the United States of America. Therefore, she is best remembered for her mastery of lesbianism, racism, and civil rights and disabilities in her poems. Besides, Cherrie Moraga is also an American poet and play writer who bases her themes on feminism. Moreover, she is also a feminist activist and a self-declared lesbian who addresses sexuality injustices in American society. Therefore, addressing the role of intersectionality in academic writing, the similarity between Lorde and Moraga pieces and traditional academic writing, the difference of Lorde and Moraga pieces to conventional academic writing, and effective rhetorical choices used by Lorde and Moraga is key to coming up with a proper response to Lorde and Moraga pieces.

Intersectionality refers to a theoretical framework that defines how human beings’ political and social aspects may lead to either discrimination or privileges. Therefore, the authors have based their theme on intersectionality by explaining the disadvantages and advantages of belonging to a particular political and social class (Pawlik 4). Based on the theory of intersectionality, some communities are oppressed or discriminated against. However, some cities are privileged because of their political background. Therefore, the authors narrate their experiences of discrimination in society during their upbringing because of their political and social environment. Thus, the following are roles of intersectionality in academic writing.

Intersectionality is used in academic wring to expose the forms of oppression in different institutions in society. The authors use the concept of intersectionality through their academic writing to tell the withering injustices in America. The authors address how the minority in society are discriminated against because their interests are not served. Furthermore, Lorde and Moraga intimate that the injustices in the society revolve around sexism, religion, and race (Pawlik 7). Thus, lesbians, blacks, and non-Christians are the groups discriminated against in society. Hence, the authors use the concept of intersectionality in their writing to condemn the injustices.

Traditional academic writing is always based on research and facts. Therefore, the readings are similar to traditional academic writing because they are based on well-resourced research. Furthermore, the readings involve observing the growing trends of injustice in society and explaining the observation made. The comments made are described sing a transparent and open argument. Thus, setting clear their position on specific issues in society. Therefore, the readings are examples of academic journals.

In most instances, traditional academic writing is used in universities and colleges to answer theoretical questions. Academic writing requires an introduction and conclusion. However, the readings have been written differently because they lack an introduction and conclusion (Pawlik 7). Furthermore, the readings are personalized when the authors talk about their experiences. However, traditional academic writing is different because personalization is discouraged. Hence, traditional academic writing cannot be personalized, like the readings.

There are some rhetorical choices used by the authors in their readings that make the works enjoyable. Therefore, amplification is one of the ornamental options used to build on some words and phrases in their texts. Furthermore, the authors have used amplification to show urgency in their works. Hence, the rhetorical choice made by the authors is practical.

The authors have used their texts to pass crucial information about social and political injustices in society. However, the authors should also focus on addressing the privileges that black women, lesbians, and other marginalized groups have. Addressing the marginalized groups’ benefits helps society assess its performance to determine if there are positive impacts on fighting injustice in the community. Thus, in conclusion, focusing on the marginalized groups’ privileges by the readings is also vital in fighting social and political injustices in society.


Work Cited

Pawlik, Kalie. “Utilizing Theories Of Intersectionality To Create Inclusive Laws Through The Violence Against Women Act Of 1994 And 2013.” (2019).


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