What a brilliant post. It is true that despite disregarding physical security by many organizations, it is significant in that personally, you feel secure on your own without anyone taking away or demolishing your data. In an organization, physical security safeguards facilities, and employees because they are the most valuable assets (Hahn et al, 2013). Physical security threats can either be external or internal, an occurrence by nature or artificial. It ensures the maximization of benefits in an organization by deciding the need for how assets are spent by collecting information and differentiating physical security key performance pointers.
Hahn, A., Ashok, A., Sridhar, S., & Govindarasu, M. (2013). Cyber-physical security testbeds: Architecture, application, and evaluation for the smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 4(2), 847-855
Response 2
What a nice post. It is true, according to Butler (2016), that much recent organization uses some resources such as information systems and human resources, which are expensive to deploy physical security. There is the deployment of access control, such as fingerprints and CCTV cameras, which monitors instances such as physical intrusion. The essential obligation of physical security is to protect the organization’s equipment from theft, natural disaster, damages from accidents, and human-made catastrophes (Stallings, 2014). In organizations, physical security is enhanced by the issuance of ID cards, which enables security staff to check and confirm every individual before entering and leaving the building.
Stallings, W. (2014). Physical security essentials. In Cyber Security and IT Infrastructure Protection (pp. 109-134).