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Relationship Between the Three Branches of Government Plus the Bureaucracy
The American constitution was written in 1787 by its leaders. They set principles on the governance of the state. They wanted the government to be firm and fair. The aim was to protect the freedom of its citizens and prevent the government from abuse of power. To achieve this, they believed that having various forms of government could make it possible. The branches include:
The Legislature
It is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It is responsible for creating and enacting laws. The American laws are written, discussed and voted in the Congress. The Senate constitutes of 100 senators, two from each state. They serve six-year terms, and the states elect them. The President is the head of the Senate. The Senate approves the nomination of the president.
The House of Representatives consists of 435 representatives. Each state gets the number of representatives depending on its population — members in the Senate and the House of Representative-elect the leaders, the majority and minority leaders.
The Executive
The president heads the Executive. The executive is responsible for making the laws made in the Senate official. The president serves a four-year term after being elected by citizens by the entire country. The president carries out the duty of approving the laws passed by the legislature. He also has powers to impeach cabinet members and other officials. The cabinet is responsible for advising the president.
The Judiciary
The judiciary is responsible for overseeing the court systems of the US. It explains the meaning of the constitutions and the laws that are passed by Congress. The Supreme Court heads it. Supreme Court determines whether something is unconstitutional or constitutional. The Supreme Court consists of nine justices whereby eight are associates, and one is the chief justice. It is the highest court in the US; it makes the final decisions (Morone and Kersh)
The Bureaucracy
It is the administration of the governments that are responsible for the day to day activities of the US. It is hierarchical. The bureaucratic positions and the bureaucrats require high skills. The labor allocation is done depending on the skills that bureaucrats hold. It is responsible for the implementation of the laws and policies that are enacted by Congress.
The legislature, the executive, the judiciary and the bureaucracy work together to ensure the protection of freedom and the rights of the citizens. They work for attaining the best for the citizens. The legislature is responsible for passing laws; the council does not directly put the bills in action; take the regulations to the executive. The executive then evaluates the rules; how will they affect the state of the nation, if they find the laws favorable they make them official. The judiciary then becomes the one responsible for explaining the rules to the citizens. The tribunal determines whether actions by individuals are constitutional or unconstitutional. For a law to work effectively then the legislative, the executive and the judiciary must coordinate. Code cannot function without being officiated by the executive and explain to the citizens by the judiciary. The bureaucracy works to ensure the harmonious and prosperous activities of the state daily. It is responsible for overseeing the daily business activities of the legislature, executive and the judiciary. The judiciary complements the legislative and the executive. Were it not for the judiciary the executive would be responsible for interpreting the laws and enforcing them; therefore it could have been too overpowering which is against to what the framers wanted.
The Executive checks on both the legislature and the judiciary. The impoundment when the president denies to spend money on the Congress has directed by a particular department. The president and the agencies of the executive apply impoundment from spending the money from the tax on the projects of which the administration of the president fails to approve. The president has the power to grant pardons and to retrieve offenses against the state.
The legislature also has the power to impeach the government official for conviction of treason, bribery, and other offenses. The council is responsible for confirming the judicial nominees. It ensures that people assigned to carry out the activities in the legal system are peaceful. It also establishes the federal courts. It carries out the judicial review checks whether the government works in compliance with the constitution (Marbury and Madison). The judiciary also carries out legal interpretation. It decides on what the congressional law means. It determines and enforces the will of the Congress (Kowalski K.M).
The regular checks and balances on the functionality of the government are essential in helping the government to achieve its goals. They ensure that all three branches work within their expected lines. It also provides that none of the offices gets too powerful than the other (James Madison). The checks usually concentrate on the laws. After passing the legislation in the legislature, the bill goes to the executive where the President decides if the measure is good for the citizens, signs it if it is worth then it becomes a law. When the bill becomes a law, the citizens test it through the court system under the control of the judicial system. Individuals through government checks are allowed to appeal if they feel that the law is not good enough for the citizens. The government of the US believes in equality, liberty, rights and the freedom of the citizens. A bill passed that has to be acceptable by the citizens; therefore the checks and balances enable it to know what the citizens need; consequently, they will allow the government to attain its needs.
The legislature, judiciary, and the executive of the American government are working effectively to ensure the security of the rights, freedoms, the liberties of the people. The citizens are not directly involved in the making of law, but they get to test the code in the judiciary before they become fully functional, they can appeal against the rules that they may feel are not suitable for them. The government needs to adjust the lawmaking the process by involving the citizens in the lawmaking process before it goes to the judiciary for interpretation and enforcement.
Works cited
Morone, James A., and Rogan Kersh. By the people: Debating the American government. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Van Alstyne, William W. “Critical Guide to Marbury v. Madison, A.” Duke Lj (1969): 1.
Kowalski, Kathiann M. Checks and balances: a look at the powers of government. Lerner Publications, 2017.