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Question 1 (10 points)

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Question 1 (10 points)

You have just been hired as a panelist for a news program. You have been chosen as the counterpoint to another panelist named “Mr. A”

He feels he is very open-minded and thinks the key for building multiracial society is to stop talking about race, stop race-based policies like Affirmative Action​​ that draw more attention to race (and take jobs/slots away from others), and stop having race-based organizations like black fraternities and clubs.

Although he professes to be colorblindand not care about race, curiously, he emphasizes having black friends, while having an all-white extended family without any signs of interracial dating or marriage.

When it is your turn to speak, provide counterpoints for at least three of Mr. A’s positions that:

  • identify the misinformation on which each is based, and
  • offer alternative interpretations for the positions he advocates.


It is significantly noted that, in societies, there is an inclination of failing to talk about racism. According to McClure & Harris (2018), it is clear that discrimination still occurs in America based on empirical information showing oppression for minorities in the healthcare, education labour market and criminal justice. Societies have a wrong perception that all people are equally treated the same. In this instance, there is a belief that not talking about racism would help reduce racial segregation.

The act of colourblind racism never solves any racial disgrace. Therefore, talking about racism helps in addressing prejudice, stereotyping and oppression. Affirmative action programs are, in this case, vital as it brings a sense of inclusiveness. People of colour get access to jobs and quality higher education similar to the native Americans. Abstract liberalism as associated to colour blind crops misinformation that that gives an intuition that affirmative action is not right.

Mr A, being colourblind, is not separated from a lack of concern about race. More so, having black friends to back your claim offers no stance that you are not a racist. Since you don’t want to talk about race because you have black friends and lack blacks in your extended family implies that you fall into a group of passive racist. It is not conventional to say that you don’t see colour and claim of equality as modern discrimination are subtle. In this case, it cannot be ended by keeping quiet.


McClure, S. M., & Harris, C. A. (2018). Getting real about race.



Question 2 (10 points)

Identify at least three ways the media perpetuates stereotypes, and identify an example/specific stereotype for each (at least one such example should focus on a non-black minority group.)

In addition, discuss the ways in which such stereotypes can be counteracted.  What does social science evidence say about methods that work in countering racism (in media and beyond)?


Media perpetuate stereotype in the subtle difference the news is presented bring out the concept of blacks and whites. Trayvon Martin is a good example portrayed by the media as a young thug based on his dressing style (, 2020). Native Americans are portrayed as mentally unstable when they are found guilty of a crime. Dylan Roof serves as a good example (The Associated Press, 2020). He was found guilty of killing 9 blacks in a religious session, but media described him of having mental problem but not a true criminal.

Secondly, the media perpetuates Asian American as submissive and good studies. This kind of stereotype gives a different perception in the community, making the mentioned group sound more of Asian origin.

Lastly, a significant amount of media portrays many African Americans as poor. Many videos are posted on social media displaying black women in streets engaging in fights or twerking in an open public environment. More so, the anti-drug abuse campaign is majorly done using blacks. This perpetuation of media stereotype displays racism overtly.

The social science research on reducing racial bias suggests that racism would also be reduced by not calling some group of people as racists but campaigning against all kind of discrimination (Lopez, 2016). Simple words or conversation contributes to the maintenance of stereotypes and prejudice. Therefore, sociologist advice on the use of appropriate words that do not portray stereotypes.


References (2020, February 24). Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Shot and Killed.

Lopez, G. (2016, November 15). Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn’t one of them. Vox.


The Associated Press. (2020, February 26). Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof staged death row hunger strike.




Question 3 (10 points)

As Latino- and Asian-Americans are the two fastest growing minority groups, once their totals are added with African-Americans, non-Hispanic whites are expected to become an increasingly smaller proportion of the U.S. 

Some predict this shift will make us a more multi-racially balanced democracy.  Yet, others expect that a segment of this growth spurt will “become white” as other ethnic groups have in the past; thus maintaining white dominance in the U.S.

Which prediction do you think is more likely to happen?  Support your position with at least three points of evidence from the course. Thereafter, discuss the evidence that the “other side” would use to counteract you, and explain why, despite this evidence, you stand by your prediction.

The two predictions seem to have a sense. It is evidenced that once the non-Hispanic white ceases to be the majority, then there is a likelihood of attaining multiracial balance and thus democracy. Still, based on historical background, there will occur white dominance to some level. Sociological basing understanding attributes that the case of some societal dominance with the balanced population will not be a racial issue. In a personal perspective, it is believed that the stereotype on the evil nature of people of colour will continue exciting as much as a racial balance will exist.

Some may argue in the direction of the increase in multiracial balanced democracy using president Barack Obama elect. This argument could be countered using the basis that a significant number of people of colour have been perceived by the white not to see colour. However,

I would counter this with the fact that there have always been a handful of people of colour that have been perceived as proof of our societies ability to not see race. However, according to McClure & Harris (2018), Some enlightened exceptionalism will still occur in that the whites will have an affinity to some groups of black as different from others. This kind of racism is likely to continue happening.



McClure, S. M., & Harris, C. A. (2018). Getting real about race.



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