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Public policy

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Public policy

Public policy refers to collecting laws, government lines of action, and measures that tend to regulate customs or ideals. On the other hand, public management refers to the tools and standards put in place with the interest of making better the public performance as determined by the public interest in an organization. Lastly, social sciences is the study of human society and their social relations using scientific methods.

Article one was selected since it studies on the critical aspects of the public policy. Again, its study was primarily based on the most basics of public policy among the population.

Article 2, on the other hand, was an informed choice of the public policy, with a unique touch on a case study, thereby making it stand out as far as fact-finding is concerned. Article three was appropriate, and it covered the broader social science area that is very wide but widely researched. Many social phenomena are going on and require urgent attention to the accurate analysis and comprehension of different social lives.

Part 2: Articles and Research Questions

Complete the three tables below, one for each article you are using that relates to your topic.

Article 1



Bibliographic Information

Burstein, P. (2018). The impact of public opinion on public policy: A review and a plan. Political research quarterly, 56(1), 29-40.

Research Questions

What are the impacts of public opinion on public policy?

How much the impact increases as the salience of issues increases?

To what extent the impact of public opinion may be negated by interest groups, social movement organizations, political parties, and elites?

What is the extent to which our conclusions can be generalized?


Elite theory

Group theory

Methods (type and source of data, variables, and data analysis techniques)

Types and sources of data

  • Literature review
  • Interviews


  • Inclusivity
  • Patriotism
  • Transparency

Data analysis techniques

  • Regression analysis

Explain how meta-analysis is applied to this article.

The article applied metaphysics analysis to determine the level of public opinion on public policies (Burstein, 2018). It aided in the study of the variables of inclusivity concurrently with patriotism and transparency.


Public opinion is useful in public policy as it helps shape inclusivity.

People feel more patriotic to their countries and authorities when they are allowed to participate in socio-economic activities around them.

Public participation was realized to aid transparency in-state projects.

Conclusions and implications

It is vital to engage the public members for their feelings of inclusion, patriotism, and even minimizing corruption problems.

Article 2



Bibliographic Information

Wu, L., Jia, G., & Mackhaphonh, N. (2019). Case study on improving the effectiveness of public participation in public infrastructure megaprojects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(4), 05019003.

Research Questions

What is the level of public participation in mega projects?

What is the effectiveness of public participation in mega infrastructural projects?


Methods (type and source of data, variables, and data analysis techniques)

Types and sources of data

  • Literature review
  • Interviews
  • Observation


  • Sense of inclusivity
  • Reduced corruption
  • Project completion time

Data analysis techniques

  • Quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods
  • Use of histograms and frequency tables

Explain how meta-analysis is applied within this article.

Effectiveness of the accuracy of the data obtained from the case study was tested using the metaphysics analysis (Wu et al., 2019). It was equally important in separating the similarly themed yet different experiments according to the research questions 1 and 2


For every ten projects conducted, the public only participates satisfactorily in 4 projects making a 40% participation rate.

When the public members are allowed to take part in the mega infrastructural activities, they feel more included. Again, their participation in several ways helps reducing corruption. However, it is unfortunate that projects that involve the public much involvement may take a longer time to get completed. In worst-case scenarios, the public rejects some of the projects.

Conclusions and implications

There is a need to adjust the level of public participation on the megaprojects.

Public participation on megaprojects is generally good; hence its use should be generally encouraged.

Article 3



Bibliographic Information

Javorsky, K. H., & Moser, K. M. (2020). The Impact of Exploratory French Instruction on Child and Family Attitudes and Aptitudes for Learning World Languages in Preschool. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-12.

Research Questions

How does the learning of French as an exploratory language affect the learners’ attitudes to other world languages?


Methods (type and source of data, variables, and data analysis techniques)

Types and sources of data

  • Interviews
  • Observation


  • Reduced corruption
  • Impaired learning
  • Poor attitude to English and other world languages
  • Cultural nostalgia

Data analysis techniques

  • Qualitative data analysis


Explain how meta-analysis is applied within this article.

The pooled data concept was applied in determining the importance of learning an expository language to other world languages.


  • Learners subjected to French learning at the initial stages of learning find themselves with difficulties in learning English.
  • There is increased cultural nostalgia among the learners. This is because Louisiana is predominantly an English speaking state with inhabitants of French origin. Exposing the learners to French at such tender age makes them feel culturally and socially misplaced with the mother French language (Javorsky, 2020).
  • Learning the second language after the first exposure to French becomes cumbersome among the learners.

Conclusions and implications

  • It is better if learners are subjected to the languages they will use in future academic and professional life. This would enable them to work and learn faster than when exposed to another language in exploratory capacity.





Burstein, P. (2018). The impact of public opinion on public policy: A review and an agenda. Political research quarterly, 56(1), 29-40.

R Javorsky, K. H., & Moser, K. M. (2020). The Impact of Exploratory

Wu, L., Jia, G., & Mackhaphonh, N. (2019). Case study on improving the effectiveness of public participation in public infrastructure megaprojects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(4), 05019003.

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