Patterns of Cultural Blending.
- Define cultural blending, and describe the cause for cultural blending in a society
Cultural blending is how cultures interact, resulting in mixing different cultures in a new and exciting way. Cultural blending is commonly promoted by; migration, the pursuit of freedom, religious and conversational, trade, and conquest.
- Discuss the effects of cultural blending on the Safavid Dynasty and other civilizations.
Safavid empire blended the Persian artist with the Chinese artisans in the beautification of the Esfahan city. With the aid of Shah Abbas, the Safavid empire tolerated the Christians who saw European nations interested in Persia for trade and art exchange. Shah Abbas sent artists to Italy to study to improve the carpet design to meet international standards by learning European standards.
- Compare the actions of Ismail, Shah of the Safavid Empire, and Selin, the Grim, sultan of the Ottoman Empire. (Be sure to include the conflict of Shia vs. Sunni Islam)
Ismail, Shah lead the Safavid Empire, with Shah being the ancient Persian title of a king. Ismail achieved his first victory two years after he assumed leadership with a strong Safavid military. Ismail established Shi’a Islam as the state religion. Ismail being a religious tyrant, subjected all citizens who defied from converting to Shi’ism to death. Ismail destroyed the Sunni population of Baghdad in the Ottoman’s confrontation.
The Ottomans leader during the reign of Shah Ismail of the Safavid Empire, Selim the Grim, ordered the execution of all Shi’a in the Ottoman Empire, leaving as many as 40,000 dead. The fight between the two empires left the Safavid empire defeated, leaving them to set the two empires’ borders.
A Safavid Golden Age
- Describe how Shah Abbas used cultural blending to improve the Safavid Empire.
Shah Abbas, also known as Abbas the Great, assumed the throne in 1587. In his tenure in office, he borrowed from the ottomans, Persian and Arabic world. To achieve his success, Abbas the great reformed the military and civilian life by limiting the military’s power. He created two new armies that would be loyal to him alone; these armies brought a Persian army and a northern Christian force. Abbas the great tolerated other religions bringing members of the Christian religious order into the empire; this prompted European entrance into the Safavid empire, growing the relationship between the Safavid empire and European nations.
- How did Shah Abbas use cultural blending to make Esfahan one of the world’s most beautiful cities?
Shah Abbas built a new capital at Esfahan in a four and a half miles and was considered the most beautiful city globally. Shah Abbas the great achieved the beautification of Esfahan city with Chinese artisans and Safavid artists. The two groups produced intricate metalwork, miniature paintings, calligraphy, glasswork, tile work, and pottery. This collaboration between Chinese and Safavids citizens blended between Chinese and Persian ideas. The westernization influence on the Safavids empire influenced the Persian carpets weaving designs from the local craft industry to the national industry, incorporating new themes borrowed from cultural blending.
The Dynasty Declines Quickly
- Compare the failure of Shah Abbas with those of Suleyman the Great in causing the Safavid Empire’s decline.
DespiteAbbas and Suleyman’s social, economic, and cultural achievements, they both made one similar grave mistake that shows their empires take the course to decline. Shah Abbas, the Great of Safavid, made one deadly leadership mistake made by Suleyman, the Ottoman lawgiver. In a similar case to Ottoman, Shah Abbas killed his ablest son, thus leading his successor to be his grandson. After killing his oblest son and driving others to exile, Suleyman saw his third son inherit the throne, the third son (Selim II) was the incompetent one. Safavids heir was too pampered and drove the empire the declining road. Safavid decline was quicker than the ottomans.