Patient care is a fundamental principle of high-quality healthcare. Nurses hence are vital in the surveillance coordination to reduce adverse outcomes that include high mortality rates. Information and technological skills aid a nurse’s ability to retrieve and store a patient’s data, which help to track and monitor patient’s health so that they can help in the treatment. Therefore, information and technology skills play an essential part in medicine, keeping patients safe and allowing quality services to be administered to patients.
The Baccalaureate nurse’s role provides direct and indirect care where the nurses act as patient advocates and their educators, giving high-quality services and leadership when improving care. Therefore an excellent registered nurse has knowledge and skills vital in delivering quality care in varieties of healthcare settings( IOM, 2003). Therefore, literate nurses can manage data and information that aid the communication of both parties; nurse and the patient, that provide safe and competent patient care.
Gynecologists nurses are currently using electronic health records, which has allowed them to swiftly be recognized due to their potential benefits and the government programs that motivate the provision of an incentive. Therefore, nursing is turning into a high tech profession as nurses have been exposed to more technology than previous ones. For example, documentation of a patient’s needs has been made easier through the use of tech. In addition to that, medical errors have been significantly reduced because the technology has provided aboard for establishing essential data that wards off errors to provide patients safe. Other examples are such as reducing costs and has improved care in hospitals.
Health record systems face errors such as wrong data entry, cut and paste blunders, wrong chart management, completion errors, and wrong order entry errors. Therefore, the feeding of incorrect data in a database may lead to the wrong medication or treatment. Thus, policies should be enacted to curb procedures that may implement errors in the database that are likely to mess up with the patient’s health,