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Organisational Culture, Ethics and Change

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Organisational Culture, Ethics and Change

Change Management Theory and Concepts to design a change implementation recommendation for management to follow in dealing with a decline in the competitiveness of the case study business.


Slide (1) – Title; students names etc; etc;


Slide 2 Topic 7 Introduction of topic – and linked to the theory of managing change and Kanter.


Organizational culture, ethics, and change plays a crucial role in an organization.

According to the class notes, organizational culture includes those values and norms that lead to comparative advantage.

Organizational culture is the way of doing things in an organization.

Ethics is all about doing what is right to meet the sets of standards and goals of an organization.

On the other hand, change includes conforming to the new aspect coming from the business environment.


The whole idea advantage of organization culture, ethics, and change is to develop appropriate measures that will aid in reducing competition in any business. For organizational culture, ethics, and change to work promptly, the management must consider concepts outlined in the Kanter theory of change.

The theory demands the management to communicate those organizational goals that contribute to the whole idea of change. Management has to share information with all stakeholders so that everyone is aware of the organizational goals. The sharing of ideas makes it easy to make the organization work on innovative ideas that lead to comparative advantage.


Slide 3 Topic 7 linked to topic 1- perspectives and your recommendations supported by Kanter;


Organizational change is one of the critical aspects that work in reducing competition in business.

Change is that time-bound and no-discrete process that supports the empirical difference for a certain period.

Different aspects support change in an organization. The management team’s role is to come up with appropriate strategies on how to make change viable in an organization.



Some of the recommendations supported by Kanter theory of change include;

Fostering an environment of alliance. According to the theory, there is a need for management to communicate clearly to support organizational change. The superiors must communicate to their subordinates in case of any new change induced in an organization. This shows that management has to allow the staff to socialize, thus making it easy to network within the organization. The whole idea is that the ability to get things done to meet change comes from the management board’s influence.


Slide 4 Topic 7 linked to topic 2 -types of planned change, recommendations supported by Kanter;

Organizational culture, ethics, and change must adhere to different aspects of change.

The management has to consider the role of mission change, strategic change, technological changes, and operational changes. 

As outlined in lesson 2, there is a need for the organization to adapt to changes incurred in the business, social, economic, and technological environment.

The organization must adhere to the human relations approach, the cognitive approach, and the classical approach. 

According to Fredrick Taylor, management needs to appreciate the whole idea of work standards and human resource management.

Besides, for an organization to be competitive, there is a need to work on job design and organizational learning. The whole idea of organizational learning is to acquire, share, create, and change those crucial aspects catalyzing comparative advantage. 



Kanter’s theory of change is definite on how to improve production. The whole idea is that the management team must empower staff to meet the set goals and objectives of an organization.

Kanter theory advocates for staff empowerment. Especially when an organization is introducing a change, the management must owner those crucial aspects of the manager’s role. Providing employees with goals and resources makes it easy to meet the work threshold. Through that process, the business will appreciate the element of comparative advantage hence improved production.


Slide 5 Topic 7 linked to topic 3-Strategy – Prescriptive and analytical and your recommendations supported by Kanter; and so on.

Drivers of change must support organizational culture, ethics, and change.

Currently, the business has grown due to the subject of globalization.

The management team must analyze the essential aspects characterizing the aspect of strategy -prescriptive and analytical analyses.

The organization has to come up with robust measures that will support both corporate and competitive strategies.

The competitive strategy should conform to the drivers of change.

The perspectives employed by the organization should comply with planning and strategic development.


For all these concepts to work promptly, the organization must consider supporting the business entities to meet the production threshold. Kanter’s theory of change mandates management to provide maximum support to increase the production level. Those subordinates supported by the management team will work hard. This makes it easy for the organization to overcome the pressure arising from the competitors hence thriving in the market.

Slide 6

Using Kotter’s theory to implement change

ABC home care management team must adhere to the concepts discussed in Kotter’s theory to handle the inadequacies.

The change will work by adhering to the eight steps analyzed by Kotter’s theory.  Some of the steps to be used by the management include;

Creating an urgency; It will work by identifying threats that will be faced in the future. Besides, the management has to examine those opportunities that can be tapped by using the appropriate interventions.

Forming powerful guiding coalitions; The steps call management team considers change leaders as part of organizational culture, ethics, and change. The management has come up with competent individuals or teams that will control change in the organization.




The whole idea is that organizational culture, ethics, and change is fundamental. Kotter’s theory mandates the management team to develop a vision and strategy that will meet change objectives. Identifying the core values of change makes it easy for the organization to meet the whole idea of comparative advantage. The change leaders or team identified should be able to develop the vision of change to the stakeholders.



Slide 7



The management has to consider the fourth stage of the theory.

This will include communicating the vision of the change.

Change is a crucial aspect that will make an organization to be competitive.

When communicating change, the whole idea is that the management team must consider different aspects, such as training and development.

The use of performance reviews can also work to support the change in an organization.



The theory reminds the management to remove barriers when communicating the vision of change. ABC Home Care management team has to work hard to remove those barriers that might deter the change.

Coming up with proactive action to eliminate obstacles will help in the implementation of the change.




Slide 8



The management team will have to appreciate other concepts of Kotter’s theory of change. This includes;

Creating short-term wins; According to the theory, short term wins to form a basis for the victory in implementing change. The management should look at those actions that will help reward those members positively contributing to the change.

Also, the management team must work on consolidating gains, as indicated by the theory. Achieving continuous improvement is the key to make the change produced in the organization.



Lastly, the team should anchor the change in the corporate system. According to Kotter’s theory of change, there is a need for the organization to discuss successful stories that are related to the change.

The management must ensure that change becomes the main thing in the organization. It will be easy to enhance organizational culture, ethics, and change if the management in the ABC home care appreciates the concepts mentioned above and theories. Therefore,

Slide 9 references


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