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OBSERVATION  Running Record

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Running Record


Observer:_________________________________ Date:_____________ Time:______

Child’s name, age, and grade:__Michael a 10-years_boy___________________     Location:__________________________________________ Waco_________________________

Type of observation (Cognitive Development; Emotional/Social Development; Learning):­ Please circle Emotional/Social Development_______________________________________

Description of the Context

Social-emotional development consists of the child’s experience, emotions management, and expression as well establishment of rewarding and positive relationships ability with fellows. It includes both the interpersonal and intra processes. The main characteristics of emotional development incorporate the ability to understand and identify individuals’ feelings, comprehension of others’ emotional states, and accurately read. It also involves managing a strong one’s strong expressions and emotions constructively and regulating one’s behavior.

In this regard, the child was able to express his emotions by drawing and observing and exploring in the form of drawing. He also provides further information. However, on the issue of asking questions and answers, the search is not advocated much by the child and therefore do not show the curiosity in search of answers. However, the child provides a room for explanations.emotional-social development plays a critical role in the child’s experience and emotions and expression development.

Description of Child’s Activities/Actions                        Comments

When the boy has requested a draw what he wished, he draws a nice picture of as first instructed. The child can work correctly in the way of expressing his emotions. When instructed to draw a self-portrait, he drew just a virtual stick figure. He even paused and got shocked the moment he was asked to draw about his family. This is an implication that the boy had a social, emotional development what required to be addressed in immediate effectThis is an indication of an impoverished and confused family sense and also a dependent and immature picture. This might result due to effects in social development, especially in his family settings.



About the observations of the boy and according to Erickson in his psychosocial development, Michael might have experienced specific difficulties in his growth process that made him develop the challenge and perspective regarding his family and himself. It is evident that he lacked the right family to play significant roles in the cognitive development process. Additionally, peers also played a role in the cognitive development of Michael. This was through the environmental setting that he grew in.

For improvements in social development, Michael opted to be placed in a better environment setting that would favor individuals’ personality improvement. It somehow shows the boy experienced trauma in the previous setting, which affected his social-emotional development, therefore, appearing very cooperative though sometimes liking more confused.

For self-development, one requires to practice choice and also learn from the outcomes of the choices. For instance, it is most likely that Michael was only taught to comply, then he would automatically experience difficulties in understanding what he wanted and liked. The interactions socially with his peers would assist in the shaping of personality development. Instincts that are great fights with new experiences of fear and whether the child feels safe to determine the winner.

It would also be more effective if the child was exposed to more guest speakers, history, and literature reading and field trips. Additionally, the child should be encouraged to develop confidence and focus on his strengths by identifying his weaknesses and strengths. This should also include educating him on the family’s living skills to increase his self-sufficiency and confidence.



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