NRF Core Capability
In case of emergencies, some steps are taken to ensure that the threats are addressed sufficiently. The critical actions are supposed to help alleviate the danger as a result of the emergency. Indeed, when an emergency occurs, there are concerted efforts that throw their weight behind saving lives, property as well as the way of life of the affected area in terms of social, political and economic norms. Hence there are core capabilities or distinct and specific actions that are supposed to be implemented in case of an emergency. Thus the core capabilities are the activities that are crucial during disasters and incorporating the government agencies to ensure that the adverse effects of the crisis are responded to safely. These actions cannot succeed if they are implemented by the government agencies or leaders alone, but everyone in the community has a role in implementing core capabilities. The NRF core capabilities are based on the mission of the NRF which is to prevent, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts.
Importance to an emergency manager
The emergency manager has a role in ensuring that the core capabilities are coordinated according to the response plans and hence should be well versed with the contents of the 32 core capabilities and his role in coordinating response activities. Thus the emergency manager will acquire the processes and the procedures of and learn how to implement the core capabilities. The role of coordinating the implementation of the core capabilities at the community level is a crucial part of their work in communities, and hence the emergency manager should hence assess if the community can implement the core capabilities in case of an emergency. The NRF core capabilities are therefore crucial guidelines that the manager should monitor, control and evaluate. The emergency manager should hence be well versed with the core capabilities.
Target capability for Planning and Public Information and Warning
The planning process should involve all community members. It involves developing strategies that will enable operational efficiency in dealing with the emergency. Planning is crucial as it enables the strategic preparedness in terms of capacity building and the tactical approaches that will be implemented in case of an emergency. Thus planning is one of the most crucial and cross-cutting core capability during times of disaster. Participatory planning is important as it enables a smooth and comprehensive implementation. The planning should also offer simulation exercises that aim at enhancing disaster preparedness to ensure that specific activities in the core capability are implemented not only in the right way but within the specified time frame as time is crucial during emergencies.
Public Information and warning
The objective of issuing crucial information such as emergency warning is to make coordination easy for the responders as well as save time and avoid panic, chaos, and anarchy. The clear and practical methods of issuing public information are meant to make it easy to deal with the threats. The information should be spread in all areas using the appropriate tools. The information should be geared towards assuring calm, depicting directions to safety and making recovery efforts seamless. Thus multiple segments of the society should be informed via appropriate channels in a way that is integrated into the life-saving strategies.