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The presenter has excellently introduced the definitions of art and its effect on life and the effects that life has on art also. Lifestyle, society, and culture indeed have vital effects on art while at the same time, art has significant effects on culture, society, and behavior. However, on this note, I expected that some research was carried out to understand what has more influence on the other, is it art or life? Secondly, while acknowledging that art is unique and special in its way, the presenter has also identified that different people will have different views on the various art forms. The same way that artists feel that their works of art are the best. Under the subjectivity of art, I do not think that the same procedure applies to all art forms that gained popularity or became famous or successful because of their art. Many artists have done their best to accomplish art subjectivity but have not been appreciated. However, some artists have created works that they did not put in so much, yet they became successful. The presenter would have done better by giving examples of works of art that became successful and compare them with the concept of subjectivity used.

I agree that different people are responsible for ensuring that art goes viral, especially in the current internet age, from society to influencers, or sometimes sponsors. On the same note, I wish there was more research on what type of people are most responsible for making sure that various artworks are embraced or that others are censored. Regardless, the presenter has provided statistics on an author’s probability of making it to the New York bestseller or a living artist in the United States receiving a solo exhibition. Such has given a light on how difficult it is for good art to be accepted by a wide range of people. Art can indeed be considered good, but the effect on people will still be regular. On this point, the viewers must create a relationship with the work of art, and such is what I think overall will be the one thing that makes the art stand out. Again, I feel that more research needs to be done to identify what makes good art stand out from the rest, a checklist of some sort that made previous celebrated works of art stand out, and what exactly boosted this success. As the presenter has mentioned, various forms of art have been duplicated or redone in even better ways by different artists, but none can compare to the original. I think it could have been excellent if the presenter explained what concept plays the most significant role for art to be successful.

Finally, the presenter explains that life imitates art more than art imitates life. I think more evidence would be used to ascertain the claim, and again there had to be more details on how art can be used to steer culture or behavior towards a given direction. It should also have been noted that art has had its significant adverse effects on life; therefore, the presenter should have mentioned how censoring of such unique but inappropriate art forms should be done. More so, there should be tips to ensure the constant growth of art, which positively affects life and society at large. Overall, it was an informative presentation.

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