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Mongol Archer

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Mongol Archer

“The bow won Ghengis his empire” this statement summarizes why the archery was such a big deal in Mongolia. The Mongolian empire would not have been a thing without the Mongolian archery. The Mongols warfare victories of the 11th century are attributed to most significant factors: the skill of the bowmen and the materials used in making the bows.  The Mongol bows were crafted from a light, sturdy, and incredibly strong materials consisting of many layers of wood, horn, sinew, and animal glue. As a result of these features, the bows fired far and more accurately than any other bow that existed at the time. So powerful were these bows that they could tear through heavy amours and shields when fired through a close range. The Mongols also relied solely on their bows to rout heavy calvary. The Mongols were primarily light horse archers.

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