Millennials Interview
The topic I chose is millennials interview and research on their travel and accommodation preferences since I believe it is one of the most ignored areas of studies entailing issues individuals within the age bracket and their choices of accommodation and travelling choice. As such, the insufficiency of scholarly works on the topic may be related to the lack of theoretical foundation, relevant research tools as well as undetermined underlying issues. For the essence of his research, I interviewed 2 University students as they ‘millennials’ and most likely to travel.
Accommodation preferences is a preferred area of study. As shown by the interviews carried out occupation density and crowding, and their impact on social behaviour plays a key role. Such indicators are direct to density to the density of dormitories. The impact of individuals in a room also significantly matters. The study that shows a student who had lived longer in dormitories are; less sensitive to crowding, It is, however, it is evident that a majority within the age bracket shows a certain leaning for certain room particulars. The degree to which a room’s a piece of furniture could be rearranged and found that flexibility results in a more excellent range of interpersonal activities than a ‘non flexible ‘room arrangement. From the interviews shows that as the distance from campus increases, individuals in the age bracket feel more isolated from the social life on campus. It is, however, apparent that there is in which individuals in the age bracket or their accommodation preference has been studied. Additionally, the designs used to evaluate choices utilized how they relate or trade-off, or ones the merit of one attribute with others.
Residence halls for students who fall within the age bracket have limited space to cater to the individual need such as sleeping, eating, studying and other social activities. As such individuals need to adapt themselves to this new situation that is likely different homes. Given this fact, its v9ital for the researcher to comprehend how individuals have adjusted to the residence halls and the coping mechanisms they have adopted as wells as the factors that influence their gratification. It is evident that students or individuals in the age bracket avoided to some extend studying in their rooms or most instances decorate their personal spaces to deal with such stressful scenarios.
Post occu[pancy valuations shows that post-occupancy assessment
can promote the knowledge about the individual’s perception of the prevalent scenario accommodation, it is, however, it is vital to remember that they have less information to show personal attributes toward ideal or desired residence. Additionally, individuals in the age bracket show a have a stereotypical image of residential rooms. Assuming a match between the current residence hall life and the personal image, post-occupancy surveys indicate an overlay gratification among the p[percentage e of individuals. However some questions are recurrent if the individuals had a better choice of accommodation, would they have moved to their current area of residence or if they were asked to compare their current residence hall with a well-designed one, what is their point view- need to be answered.
Architects and developers who are engaged in real estates have experienced the numerous tastes, opinions and preferences among their client base. Additionally, real estate developers are, in most cases, to ascertain suitable properties for individuals with varying values, needs and budgets. Homebuyers or tenants vary choices as well as the factors they put into consideration when choosing a residential home, have been of keen interest for various years.
From the interviews, a majority of the interviewees show desirable scenes were natural sites such as mountains, trees and the blue sky. The study shows that not all built environment scenes deemed undesirable; in some cases, individuals might desire both natural and artificial scenes on the same scale. This is in line with the study by ……………………………that shows that individual preferred residential scenes which are relayed as ornate, well kept, open and clear to utilize. . The various individual interviews show that the belief that individuals prefer large windows over small, medium or no windows is false. Various studies comparing individuals of numerous backgrounds have extended knowledge about their similarities and variances.
One of the critical characteristics of bedrooms that contributed in a negative to gratification concerning bedrooms entails privacy. A majority of research studies are concerned with the effects of the number of persons in dormitory rooms on the individuals feeling of crowding and control over space. The study undertaking shows that individuals in the age bracket have an impact on college students on another individual study traits and other activities. I came to the conclusion individuals with high ability roommates get higher grades as However, there is a strong link between light and perceived room size for both female s and males. I discovered that those dormitoir=es that get more sunlight are deemed less crowded. Compared to those with low ability roommates
in the case that the roommate is relatively younger.
The various studies that focus on residence design mostly focus on two designs: the conventional style residence shall as compared ti apartment-style living arrangements. Over the past few years, research undertakings carried out focus on various architectural aspects of the residence hall and compared suits as compared to corridor designs. The significant percentage of the study undertakings conclude that time is better than conventional residence arrangements. The current architectural designs reflect the [personal trends towards specific social environments such as smallness s intimacy and support. ………………….compares dormitory-style toward sure to suite-style residences. He concludes that an overcrowded environment of the dormitory in which of the individuals with the stated age group share various facilities compels them into unwanted interactions. His negative level of interaction may result in individuals to become hypersensitive to social stimulation and to go through the adverse effect.
The interviewee stated the main reason why he travels is an urge to feel and experience a new culture. As opposed to conventions, Millenials are not travelling to Europe, Southeast Asia or in the Americas to party. Instead, the trips entail authenticity and cultural immersion…………………….. Reiterated by various studies, the goal of millennials when travelling is to experience a new culture. It was also determined that local delicacies are a crucial part of travel undertakings, which to some extent defines a countries culture.
Who am I? the interviewee stated that a majority of individuals are travelling to discover themselves. Self-discovery is essential. While they may be in school or graduates –or even working in numerous jobs, a majority of persons in the age bracket are still at the beginning of their professional lives, and they think that travel experiences can open their eyes to what they opt to gain in life.
The research strived at determining the various characteristics that influence individuals withing the 23-25 age group towards accommodation. The various responses were obtained from the interviewee In one University in China shows that the accommodation choice is mostly influenced with whether they are required to share shower and toilet facilities with another student. The and the extent they are required to share the shower with roommates and whether they are an approximate distance from he are of study. The size of the room is another influential attribute, closely followed by the mix of gender and mix of undergraduate versus postgraduate degree level floors in residential communes. The outside room also plays a particular part in determining the choice of residence within the age group/. Form the interview is was surprising to note that weekly rent only played a minimal role.