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Mechanical Engineering graduate

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Mechanical Engineering graduate

As a Mechanical Engineering graduate with a profound interest in the industrial work environment, I have comprehended the principles of mechanical engineering that pertain to most machines, tools, and processes, which naturally widen my learning and research scope. It has intrigued me to explore the option of pursuing an MS program in Mechanical Engineering from this prestigious University. I believe it will augment my knowledge that I have acquired and provide me with the best possible platform for attaining my future goals.

When I got enrolled in Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, my interest grew in the field of thermo-fluids at the end of my sophomore year. It led me to opt for elective courses as ‘Energy Conversion Systems’ and ‘Alternative Fuels for Transportation.’ I consistently worked with numerous professors in my interest area and presented a poster under their supervision at an International Conference on Chemistry, Industry, and Environment. In the senior year, I decided to work on diesel fuel combustion using computational fluid dynamics as my major project.

In the simulations executed using ANSYS Fluent, a two-dimensional constant volume combustion chamber incorporating a hot plate was used for diesel fuel spray combustion with sufficient air in the chamber. A set of control parameters essential for the most efficient mixing, evaporation, and combustion of fuel in a constant volume type environment was observed. Ignition delay and duration of combustion were computed based on simulated results. Validation was carried out with the experimental results available earlier at the combustion lab.


Other combustion characteristics, including hydrocarbon, NOx emissions, and heat release rate, can be examined with appropriate models and sufficient time availability. As diesel engine combustion is a complex phenomenon in which various factors have to be taken into account while carrying out CFD simulations, an enhanced computational facility is required. The college of engineering at UC has a high-performance computing lab, supporting the desired research.

With depleting conventional fuels and hazardous emissions, causing damage to surroundings, the current investigation explores replacing diesel fuel with blends and biodiesel. Implementing these in the existing engine as an alternative fuel for transport, power and agricultural units and off-road vehicles requires light or no modifications. They might have lower thermal efficiency but mitigate hydrocarbon emissions to a considerable extent. Thus a balance has to be derived with optimum output. In the master’s program, I intend to analyze diesel fuel combustion’s output parameters and identify the best replacement for it. The variations of spray penetrations, spray cone angles, cylinder pressure, heat release rate, engine power, brake fuel consumption, and exhaust emissions such as CO, HC, NOx, and smoke emissions will be considered. Besides, multiple injection strategies have been an option considered to enhance engine performance. For regular diesel fuel, double-pilot injection improves noise and fuel economy. It lowers nitrogen oxide, smoke emissions, and hydrocarbon emissions compared with single-injection, resulting from the better-premixed mixture and shortened tip penetration. Conducting these tests on the blends and biodiesel will provide satisfactory conclusions on preferable alternatives.

Apart from the major project, I am currently investigating CFD simulation’s ability to estimate a single-slope solar’s hourly yield for a three-dimensional geometry. This study aims to construct a numerical procedure for studying the fluid-structure and evaluating the hourly-yield of a single-slope solar still by varying the specific height.

Browsing through the information given on the University of Cincinnati website, I am highly impressed with the accomplished faculty members, environment, and the facilities the University has to offer. I believe that the proposed research program can meet the demands of the present-day industry. At this juncture of my career, I feel that pursuing my master’s course from UC would endow me with comprehensive and specialized skills in my desired research work, which will further pave my way for the Ph.D. program. I am fully aware that pursuing this course requires diligence and immense sacrifice, and I am assertive that I can contribute positively to this esteemed institute.

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