The marketing mix is derived from the 4Ps, which detailed what is used by the marketing manager to consider to attain the company market objectives. The 4Ps are product, promotion, price, and place. These 4Ps need to be supported by additional suitability strategies to ensure all sustainability challenges are addressed. Some of the common sustainability challenges alter how things are conducted, creating either harm or value, and convincing demonstration of how stakeholders can explain company sustainability stand and values. Also, ensure both staffers and consumers are included on the drive towards outstanding sustainability and collaboration with other companies to attain sustainability synergies.
The identified challenges are tackled through the process, partnership, Physical Evidence, and participants. These segments are added to the traditional 4Ps, which further develops the sustainability-relevant marketing mix. Besides, eight elements are identified with TBLs planet, profit, and people measurements to make the sustainability marketing mix. Service marketing explanations are utilized to explain the additional mix elements in detail.
Process: it describes how the service has been assembling the different mechanisms, procedures, and flow of activities where the service is delivered.
Physical Evidence: these are tangible clues that help a consumer to evaluate different products. This may entail design and furnishing, employees’ communication, and employees’ appearance from a service perspective. Also, the manufactured products may use the Evidence about product packaging, label design, and information and distribution.
Partnership: entails the cooperative efforts gathered to attain desired suitability outcomes, allowing both companies and individuals to achieve desired sustainable goals. Therefore, there is the development of productive partnerships formulated between employees and company customers, captured in detail under participants’ segments. Moreover, companies are identified to partner with external research centers to develop different innovative sustainable strategies that can be used in the company. The partnership is a concept that is considered integral when dealing with co-production, which in service-dominant logic is critical in the market (Vargo and Lusch 2004) [47].
Participants: they include all individuals who are part of the service delivery and influence their insight. They have the customers, company employees, and other consumers in the service environs. Participants are generally used by Booms and Bitner (1981) [48] to refer to service marketing and ensure it avoids any form of confusion with People of the triple bottom line, which needs to be cross-referenced. Therefore, participants are identified primarily in human resource management, and customer management is the critical service delivery segment in a company. To attain sustainability marketing, it is integral to consider both customers and employees. Staffers are expected to be committed.
For sustainability marketing, employees and customers are equally important. Employees should be committed to sustainability ethos and be committed to constant sustainability performance improvement. Consumers are utilized both to the consumer the company products and included by co-production sustainability achievement. For instance, consumers are integral to ensuring product usage, service, disposal, recycling, and future product purchase. This can be attained from personal ownership towards the temporal use of the products.