Malware Variants
Technology is advancing by day, and so is the effects related to the rise in technology. Cybercrime is on the rise as a result of this advancement. Cybercriminals are capitalizing on the advancement to indulge in selfish gains. The criminals are busy building a computer program that is counter-productive to gain maliciously from their expertise. Computer hackers can develop anti-virus program that they inject into healthy computers to cause damage and disrupt the proper functioning of the computers.
Conficker Virus
Like the common virus in living organisms, a computer virus is capable of replicating themselves and spreading from one host computer to the other. Viruses will depend on computer programs such as files and documents to replicate and spread. A computer virus is a malicious program that is designed to alter the functioning of a computer and can spread from one computer to the other. A virus functions by either attaching or inserting itself to a functional file, document, or program that is macro-enabled to execute its code. The virus then causes unexpected and damaging effects on the host computer programs, files, or documents by corrupting or destroying the computer program or data.
Kaspersky’s discussion of the virus functioning
A virus begins its destructive mission by first attaching itself to a file, document, or a program. The virus will remain dormant in the host location and wait for a chance when the computer executes its code. A computer virus becomes active the moment you run an infected program or open a file containing the virus. Once the file is opened, the virus code is run thus causing damage to the associated file, program or document. A virus is capable or remaining dormant without showing any symptoms until it executes its code on the computer resources.
Once a virus has infected the computer, it can then spread to other computers sharing the same network. The virus is capable of hijacking passwords, corrupting files, logging keystrokes, spamming emails that have not been read, as well as taking over your computer operations. Most of the virus infections in a computer can have devastating and irritating damages to your computer while others are playful and have little effect on the basic performance of the machine.
Viruses are spread through attachments in emails and text messages, social media scams, as well as through internet download files. Viruses have invaded the mobile phone sector through the download of shady applications from untrusted sources. It is vital to remain vigil while surfing the internet and to avoid accepting pop-up that you don’t trust, or you have not requested for. Don’t download files or open emails and text that you didn’t anticipate to hit your inbox.
Both Kaspersky and Norton report that virus has similar frustrating behavior to an infected computer. The virus frequently brings pop-up windows that may trigger attempts to visit unusual sites or to make unintended downloads. The virus keeps on changing the homepage, and you might be unable to reset it. Major damage to computer hardware will cause frequent crashes to computer programs. Unknown programs will run on your computer once you cold boot your machine as a result of virus infections. The computer performance will be affected in terms of speed and how it executes its programs including the start-up period. Cyber-criminals may take control of your email accounts and send you frequent and unnecessary emails.
The two anti-virus vendors encourage the use of trusted antivirus products that are up to date. They recommend one to scan all the files before opening them. They discourage the opening of any advertisement pop-up because they are potential virus transmitters.