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male African American

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male African American

I am a male African American. I have a greater interest in and passion for basketball and music. I am a spiritual person, and I am proud of myself. Playing guitar and basketball has shaped me positively. Developing my talent and skills has been easy for me since almost everyone around me, starting from my family members to my friends, has positively impacted my life. My parents, who took me to the guitar session, have greatly influenced me towards becoming who I am today. In addition to this, my friends have also been of significant impact on my progress. The passion that I have for playing basketball and the skills that I have learned with time are all due to my closeness with my friends, who also like the game. With all these people’s support, my personality has been shaped as I got to know what I am capable of doing and what I am not.

Developing a good relationship with the close people around one is a dream that many people have, but it never comes true that easily. In my case, I have been lucky as playing the guitar has trained me on how to socialize with friends in my daily routine. In addition to music being a therapy, it also brings people together, creating an opportunity for them to socialize. My talent to play guitar has helped me meet other people that maybe I would not be able to meet them without it and hence make more bonds with them. From such new faces, I have learned new skills, with one area that has benefitted from this being playing my guitar. Also, due to my interest in playing my guitar, I have learned how to read the tabs of the guitar. I have also been trying to develop other bits from my guitar that is currently not currently existing, hence improving my creativity.

My ability to coordinate activities simultaneously has also improved. While playing my guitar, I have to coordinate different tasks to give the best outcome. It is not easy for many people to do this. Some of the activities that I have been able to do simultaneously as I play my guitar include taking the reading of guitar tabs and its scores, using hand to create the right chord shape, playing the notes very accurately with maximum concentration, reading ahead for the new coming notes and listening keenly to the sounds produced. In the past, I did not believe in myself, especially in coordinating many activities simultaneously. I remember how I could not even take a cup of tea while reading a novel at some point. It is thus a significant improvement for me to do all these at a go.

Again, I have been able to manage my time correctly. I have managed to settle to a specific example, scheduling to lay guitar like 30 minutes a day with a lot of passion. Eventually, this helped me in my personal life concerning working and being discipline in other activities.

Again, my focus, motor, and intelligence skills have been improved for the past one year. My mind has been stress-free through shredding and strumming heavily. Since an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, I didn’t allow my mind to be inactive to avoid mental disorders. Being occupied with a particular task each time has helped eradicate anxiety in my life.

My body has been physically strengthened, .hands and wrists are now more flexible and more substantial due to playing the guitar daily. The constant process has built my muscles all through the arms. Standing on stage for more extended hours when performing has helped in reducing my weight.

On the other side, basketball has shaped me into the person I am today. I have been able to understand that hard work has no substitute. Hard work will always remain a key for an individual to excel in any activity. Practicing the right way to give a perfect jump shot has always been my goal. Thus, through the same spirit, I have been able to work harder in all other sectors of my life to get encouraging results.

Also, I have been able to learn teamwork and to be unselfish. This is a team sport whereby each player’s role goal should be to win, and thus they should coordinate as a team. Passing the ball to the teammate shows the unselfish way of giving each a chance to participate in this game. Also, on the other of life, we have learned to share and work together with everyone.

Besides, I have gained discipline, making sacrifices together with time management. When playing this game, everyone needs to take care of every teammate. Sacrificing time for practice and managing that time well is one of the biggest lessons learned. I have been able to observe discipline in all sectors of my life. This includes doing the right thing at the right time in the right place.

During this game, one can win a score or fail to win. And thus, this has taught me how to handle both success and failure and do my best whether to win or to lose, .walking shoulder-high irrespective of the results. The basketball game has shaped me not to ever give up on life. I have learned that even the last minute can change a worse situation. Many challenging problems may make one give up in life as well, but on playing basketball and understanding how uneasy it can be, giving up will never be an option.

My life has benefited a lot. Have been of positive change and impacted many people positively. Have been used as an example in society. I have developed respecting every individual I come in to contact with. Also, learning has been able to know various ways of encountering obstacles in my daily living. Following simple rules like taking care of my teammate when playing to hurt them is a crucial point I have learned. The passion for my hobbies is more tremendous.


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