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Major Findings

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Major Findings

The main finding in Mocker and Ross’ article is that marketing many variations of the same product makes it difficult for an organization to maintain the distinctiveness of each differentiated product in the long term. Moreover, many variations of products are easy to copy when compared to a few variations. The other major finding in the article is that too much differentiation of products exceeds the customers’ needs. This causes the demand for the products to decline to lead to low sales.


Key Implications

Product integration, especially in films, leads to a long-standing advertisement. The advertisement in the film will continue to exist as long as the film exists. Marketing products in television programs exist for a short time since many television programs don’t last for a very long term. The other implication is that product proliferation attracts individuals into the illegal activity of copying a product.




Mocker, M., & Ross, J. W. (2017). The problem with product proliferation. Harvard Business School

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