Running Head: LUNG CANCER 1
Lung Cancer
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Impact of Lung Cancer
What is its burden on society?
Smoking tops the list of causes of cancer across the globe. The adverse effects of lung cancer include loss of human resource and the financial burden regarding screening and treatment provided to cancer patients amongst others. Globally, billions of dollars are spent annually in providing treatment to cancer patients. The rates of new infections have gone higher than allocated medical expenditures leading to constraints on the meager financial resources that would have otherwise been used for other developmental purposes. The costs of medical care for the cancer survivor have been rising annually globally. For instance, the fee for hospitalizations and other associated medical costs have increased steadily over the recent past. Additionally, countries are losing resourceful workforce across the globe due to cancer infections (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
- How can you, working on the front line of disease management, help to relieve the burden of the disease on the society?
The revelation of the findings on the burden of lung cancer regarding mortality and financial costs is a wake-up call for individuals to take initiatives in managing the disease. I can take different measures in the management of lung cancer with a view of lowering the burden above on the society. For instance, I will advise people to go for regular screening to detect the infection in its early stage. Usually, cancer-related infections are well managed in the early stages, thus, lowering the financial costs of treatment. Even though there are additional costs in the treatment, early detection of cancer give the patients some clinical benefits. Additionally, taking a visible lead in public sensitization can be an enabling factor in the fight against the disease as well as managing its burden on the society (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, July 17). Retrieved from