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Issues Related to Organizational Obligation

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Issues Related to Organizational Obligation

Researchers’ analyses showed a positive association, while others showed a negative association between different variables. A positive association between organizational obligation and individual, work, and leadership features is observed during Mathieu and Allen’s research. Personal features included age and competence, work features included the encounter, skill variation, and scope of the job, leadership features included communication, participation, and initiation set up. Organizational obligation did not relate well with role vagueness and burden. The intensely related variables, communication, job encounter, and job possibility can be easily controlled by management to achieve organizational commitment. Besides, managers can amend their leadership skills, and organizations can create a conducive environment for workers to establish and develop their capabilities.

Meyer and Allen came up with two themes to explain the association between managerial obligation and several preceding factors. The themes include; support and equality from an organizational point of view and individual significance and capabilities from a personal perspective. They argued that employees’ good working experiences indicate that the firm supports its workers and value their inputs to the organization, giving them a feeling of individual significance and capabilities. Kent and Sullivan indicated the previous researchers’ findings on organizational commitment were interrelated. Therefore, individuals who perform their work with competence are more obligated to their organizations. Organizational activities should be concentrated on ensuring that they nurture their employees’ sense of self-efficiency.


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