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  1. KEVIN MONDI- AN2/50203/16
  2. DOREEN JEPKOSGEI-AN2/50194/16
  3. EVANS AGUMBA-AN2/50205/16
  4. MERCY KIMUTAI-AN2/50220/16
  5. BENARD OPIYO-AN2/50210/16


( Kisii University)










We hereby declare that this research work is our personal and original work with no other than the indicated sources and support, which has not been done before nor presented elsewhere in any organization or any higher institution of learning. All the information contained in this research is and has been compiled with high integrity as required by the university rules and regulations.

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Date: ………………….    Registration Number: …………………

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APPROVAL BY THE SUPERVISOR                                                                                           The research is submitted for examination with the approval as the University supervisor.

Signature…………………………                     Date…………………………….

Mr Wycliffe Otera ( Research and Extension Officer).



We dedicate this research project to our families for their unwavering financial support their prayers, which have served as a major contributing factor to the success of this research. May God richly bless you.


























We want to show our sincere gratitude to the following who facilitated the success of our research project. First; to the ALMIGHTY GOD for the very gift of life, his tender protection and care he showed to us throughout the period of our research project. Secondly; to the management body of the great KISII UNIVERSITY starting from the top to lower hierarchy for the support/help and unconditional services that are of more importance towards our success and future to come. To our supervisor Mr Wycliffe Otera for your guidance in writing this research proposal. To our group members who worked diligently showed their sincere cooperation throughout the research period to bring this to a success. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU ALL?





















 The study is aimed to investigate ‘Problems and Prospects of Poultry Rearing, ‘in Kakamega County. This proposal will entail the following objectives, which are financial constraints, production and management problems, and marketing problems. In this research, the targeted population of 600 will be used. The data collection will be primary by the use of observation, interviews, and questionnaires and photographing. The collected data will be analyzed by mathematical techniques and descriptive analysis methods.























Table of Contents





List of tables

List of figures

1.1 Background of study

1.2. Statement of the problems

1.5 Scope of study

1.7. Limitations of study




2.2. Theories related to research study

2.2.1.Consumer theories about modern poultry farming systems

2.2.2.Lay theories by Jan Willem Schouten.

2.3. Empirical Literature Review

2.3.1.Financial Constraints

2.3.2.Marketing problems

2.3.3.Production and management problems

2.4.Research gaps

2.5. Conceptual framework


3.1. Research Methodology

3.1.1. Data Collection Instrument

3.1.2. Pilot study

3.2. Target population

3.3. Sample size and sampling Procedure

3.4. Data Collection

3.5. Data Analysis and presentation



Poultry farmers’ questionnaire



Influences of demographic characteristic on egg Production


Influences of breed variability on egg production


Influences of farmers’ awareness of egg/meat production


Influences of marketing factors on Production

Appendix 2.

Table 1. The proposed budget for the research

Appendix 3.

Figure 1. Map of Kakamega County

Figure 2. Map of Kakamega County

Appendix 4.

Table 2.Work plan


Letter of Request











 List of abbreviations and acronyms

GDP- Gross Domestic Product

NGOs- Non Governmental Organizations




























List of tables

Table 1. The proposed budget for the research

Table 2.Work plan




























List of figures

Figure 1. Map of Kakamega County

Figure 2. Map of Kakamega County



































1.1 Background of the study

Poultry rearing is one of the oldest forms of production. Over 150 million years ago, the first known bird called Archaeopteryx (ancient winged creature) took its birth. It was almost the size of a crow and had certain features not possessed by the present-day birds. The history does not give clear information as to when the first chicken was captured and domesticated. However, the earlier surveys indicate that fowls were domesticated in China as early as 1400BC and taken to Babylon from India in 600BC. According to Darwin modern chicken (Gallus domesticus ) are descendants of the Word species Gallus gallus. Early 19th-century poultry was being raised for their fancy appearance, attractive body forms, and plumage colour and comb type. List attention was paid to their growth and egg production potential. During this period, the commercial poultry production was practically nonexistent, and poultry farming was limited to low productivity domesticated fowls maintained under backyard system,(Poultry Production- R.A Singh 1990).

The real beginning of commercial hatchery industry in modern times came in 1802 when Joseph D. Wilson made the first long distant shipment of baby chicks sending them to Chicago. In the late 1890s, there was great development poultry and egg packing plant in the mid-western United States. The operators of these plants began storing eggs in refrigerated warehouses. In 1924, Prof. James J. Halpine and core workers at the University of Wisconsin announced the part vitamin D plays in the poultry ration, which brought about rapid development in the commercial feed industry. In the 20th century establishment of a poultry research division, which was stocked with exotic and crossed type of breeds, led to the improvement in egg production.

In South Africa, poultry and egg industry is the largest Agricultural subsector represented by 16.6% of the total gross value of the country’s GDP. This industry has suffered numerous casualties during the avian flu outbreaks, which were exacerbated by increased competition from imports. There is also increasing pressure from a rising input cost, particularly those for feed, transportation energy and labour as well as declining consumer spending (

Earlier in Egypt poultry rearing formed part of Agricultural production, which helped the early, man to have their livelihood when the Agrarian Revolution was taking its course. However, in recent years the industry has picked up by a wide range due to the advent of new technology. It has marked 17.43% of the country’s GDP. However; the farming has experienced many challenges, which interferes with its efficiency of products such as high cost of feeds and farm inputs, unfavourable markets and poultry disease outbreaks.

In Uganda, poultry is a major component of rural livelihoods. Chicken has dominated the poultry industry, and the national chicken population has been estimated to be approximately 34.7 million in 2010. The population includes both exotic and indigenous breeds making up to 80% of the national flock. Local chickens mainly kept to provide occasional meat, eggs and income and the products have also been exported to nearby countries which help the country to earn revenue (

In Kenya, poultry rearing is not highly stratified as compared to developed countries and is largely subsistence in nature. Majority of birds in Kenya are of indigenous breeds and are widespread all over the country among the inhabitant communities. Local birds produce over 75% and are kept only for meat or egg production. In Kenya, on average per household is 10birds and little improvement is done. Marketing of products is done locally i.e. on market days or through intermediaries who buy and sell on behalf of the farmers. Exotic birds in Kenya supply closely less than or equal to i.e. around 30% of chicken meat and egg consumption.( Lecture notes)

Locally poultry keeping is done as a side enterprise and families keep small number of poultry majorly to provide for meat and egg for their own consumption not viewing it as a commercial enterprise that can generate income.

The following are examples of the poultry being reared; ducks,tuckeys,goose,quals,pegions,ostrich,chicken and etc. which are being reared for meat and egg production, and ornamental purposes. In addition, the poultry industry has become the most dependant industry to many citizens through changing of their livelihood, reducing the dependency on meat related to cows, goats, sheep etc. and living standards of people. It also has an ultimate positive impact on the GDP growth rate of the country as well as food security is concerned.
















1.2. Statement of the problems

Poultry rearing is the major type of domesticated farm animals that are being kept both with all level of classes of people. This farming has greatly faced many challenges, which has decreased production of their products.

This type of farming majorly faces problems which includes….(ADD SOURCE) finances, production and management problems, and marketing problems. All these have led to the decline of poultry products in the country, which cannot meet the high demand of citizens towards poultry products. Unless these fundamental factors hindering the industry are dealt then many people will view the industry as a worthwhile enterprise to venture into. The few solutions to be looked unto are choosing good poultry system of production, proper installation of poultry structures, proper feeding and disease control methods, unavailable markets that has made people or young entrepreneurs to close down their units.

This research intends to investigate problems facing poultry farming.


















1.3 Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study will be to investigate problems facing poultry rearing in Kakamega County.

1.3.1 Specific objectives

  1. To evaluate the influence of financial constraints facing poultry rearing in Kakamega County.
  2. To assess the marketing practices and performance and to identify problems in the marketing of poultry products.
  • To address risks associated with the poultry industry and how to mitigate those risks for the sustainable growth and development of poultry industry.
  1. To present recommendations based on the findings of the study.





















1.4 Research questions

  1. What are the risks associated with the poultry industry?
  2. What are the factors influencing the performance and marketing of poultry products?
  • How best can poultry structures be maintained to ensure maximum and efficient production?
  1. Which are the possible solutions to various problems associated with poultry production industry?
  2. Which is the poultry production systems used?
























1.5 Scope of the study

The scope of the present research is restricted to a major functional area of poultry production in rural areas of Kakamega counties in the Western region .The study attempts to review the socio-economic situations of the poultry entrepreneurs and structural features of the poultry farms ;and poultry management practices followed  by units in the two counties .The study also analyses the costs, maintenance and profitability of both layers and layers  production units in Kakamega counties .Financial problems ,production and marketing problems becomes the major functional area to this current study .

































1.6 Significance of the study

The current studies assume greater significance because the growth and development of poultry is the basic strategy for eradicating the rural poverty. This helps to bring rural poor above the poverty line. The poultry industry has been identified as a tool to fight the three fundamental factors that affect the growth of the modern society that is malnutrition, unemployment and other additional income. The main purpose of the development of the poultry production industry is to provide employment opportunities with high participation of youth and women groups, cheap and easy accessible source of proteins, and to generate additional income for the goodness and improvement of vulnerable groups of people in the rural regions. The government organization that is based on the agricultural sector has recommended poultry production on large scale, which can earn employment and improve the living standards of the poor in the rural areas through production of meat and eggs on small farms.

Even though poultry farming in Kakamega County has led to rapid increase in the few years, it is still affected with several challenges that affect its efficiency and effectiveness. Many people ,organizations ,institutions ,women and youth groups always attempts to put more effort in order to  eradicate these challenges but they still cannot produce as per the objectives. This is brought about with the following problems; lack of incentives such as credit facilities, poor marketing channels, outbreak of diseases that affect poultry, lack of specialization among farmers which has led to stagnation of poultry industry, the supply of one day old chick to farmers of not guaranteed and finally inadequate supply of quality feeds, this challenges generally affects the total output of the poultry industry. In the case of poultry items, Vihiga is one of the major consuming county in the Western region. The persisting gap in the demand and supply for the products in the region requires research that is more important in order to fight problems that hinder the development of poultry industry and hence the present study becomes more essential.

In addition, this study will create a great impact to scholars and other researchers by enabling them to know the gaps, which still exist in the poultry production sector














1.7. Limitations of the study

The entrepreneurs of sample units in county Kakamega have shown unwillingness in providing reliable data on certain items in terms of production systems, annual income, savings and acquisition of assets and raw materials the data from, such sample units has to be collected by establishing a good report by the researcher and entrepreneurs.

This research being done in rural areas of  Kakamega County . The researcher has to move to each homestead of the community in order to collect the necessary ta hence increasing the duration length of the study.

The sudden weather changes during the research period that is extremely cold, hot or even rainy may influence negatively the process of data collection and the general results of the study. As the researcher has to move from one community to the other throughout the study, therefore weather is a major challenge, which the researcher has no control over.

For effective results the study has to be done in these two counties, the sample size may be more complex than the expected quantity.

During the research the researcher has to travel from one point to another which may be a little costly hence the researcher experiences financial constraints.




























1.8 Operational definition of terms


Artificial Insemination-one of the modern methods of mating

Animal Husbandry- a branch of science that deals with care, maintenance and management of animals

Annual Income– the amount in currency you earn in one fiscal year

Assets- a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation or country owns or controls with expectation that it will be of future benefits

Chicks- a young bird

Disease- anything that alters the proper functioning of the body and its organs.

Entrepreneur- a person who sets up business and takes risks for future benefits

Gross Domestic Product- the total value of goods and services produced and provided during one year

Imposition- to officially force a rule, tax, punishment to be obeyed or received

Organization- an organized group of people with particular objectives such as a business or government department

Poultry-These are domesticated birds e.g. chicken, raised for production of meat, eggs or ornamental purposes

Problems-a situation regarded as harmful and needs urgent solving

Prospects- potential things that may happen

Rearing-this is the act of keeping animals e.g. birds


Specialization-the process of particularizing

Stratification– focusing in one major area











This sector will comprise of theories and related studies, which have been done by Individuals, government agencies, groups and institutions. It is essential to review all relevant materials, which are most important to define the problem of the study. Poultry production has emerged as one of the major enterprises that contribute to our countries GDP.This has come about due to the steady increase of poultry products readily available market and various breeding techniques in conjunction with the coming of new technology such as artificial incubation and brooding. In reference to above named topic several studies have been made to see on the major problems of poultry raring.

2.2. Theories related to research study

2.2.1.Consumer theories about modern poultry farming systems

German consumers tend to blame the industrialised agri-food system rather than farmers for perceived problems across the poultry chain

2.2.2.Lay theories by Jan Willem Schouten.

One of the central findings was that participants mostly use lay theories and conclude that the actual poultry husbandry systems make a high use of antibiotics necessary, which in turn has a negative influence on the meat products, and thus, endangers consumer health.


2.3. Empirical Literature Review

This section will review the empirical studies associated with the topic under study i.e. Problems and Prospect of poultry rearing.

2.3.1.Financial Constraints

Saxena and Gupta1 (2013) in their article, examined the cost, revenue and productivity aspects of layer and broiler poultry farms in India. They found that the involvement of own labor increased the productivity and the input cost like feed, day old chicks, preventives and medicines showed a more than proportionate increase than that of revenue. However, the enhanced production of fowls, due to the increased demand for the product, made the total cost per unit to come down.


Emam and Hassan (2010)2 revealed that 58% from egg poultry producers whose main job are poultry breeding, and 60% of poultry producers have experience of more than five years. The feed cost was the main cost item in the egg farm in open-system that, it represented 90.2, 89.7 and 92.7% of total production cost in small, medium and large farm sizes of egg production, respectively, and about 75.8% in (4-5 months old) pullet farm. In addition, the study revealed that the other factors of production such as price of day-old chicks, price of (4-5 months) hens, mortality cost, vaccines and drugs and labor cost represented the most total cost of production. The total cost of production and cost per dozen were lowest in large farm sizes than other farm sizes and type.Highest gross profit was obtained in large farm sizes, while the lowest ones were observed in pullet farms. However, all farms have CPP greater than unity. The study concluded that: feed cost was the main cost item in different farm types and sizes. High percentage of mortality cost and price of day-old chicks and (4-5 months) hens were also high. Also, it concluded that, the large size farm was more efficient than other sizes and type of the farms


Baba (2007)3 studied the financial feasibility of investments in contract poultry farming in Tamil Nadu region. Fifty integrated poultry were selected randomly in Coimbatore district. He concluded that on an average, farmers received a growing coat Rs 2.36 per Kg of bird. The study also calculated the profitability per chick, which was found to be Rs 1.50 in the

Beginning. The study also estimated the returns on investment that was found to be 11.5 % in the beginning and increased up to 20%. Begum (2005) undertook a study in Bangladesh to identify incentives for poultry farmers to participate in contract farming in Bangladesh. The study explored why farmers enter into contract farming and evaluated the impact of an integrated contract poultry farming system on 21 farmer’s income by analyzing the costs and returns and labor utilization. It was revealed in the study that contract farmers get several incentives from the integrated firms, which include credit, production and price risk reduction, marketing assistance, technical knowhow etc. The study concluded that contract farmers were better off in terms of net income by getting a high net return from the poultry farm.


Ramaswami et al (2006)4. They sought to evaluate production costs of contract growers relative to non-contract growers in Andhra Pradesh, a State in Southern India. The simulated cost for contract growers is Rs. 24.3 to produce a kg of bird; for the non-contract grower, it is Rs. 26.22, i.e. a saving of Rs. 1.9 for every kg of bird produced. If the interest cost, say 15 percent, is added, the savings of contract growers amounts to Rs. 2.07. “The higher efficiency of contract grower is driven by its lower feed conversion ratio”. To test this, they pooled the samples of contract and non-contract productions, and regressed feed quantity on output, as well as output interacted with a contract dummy variable. The coefficient of interaction variable estimates the difference in feed conversion ratio between the two groups of producers. The difference between the feed conversion ratio was found to be statistically significant.


2.3.2.Marketing problems

Teferra et al., (2011)1 Marketing is also an important aspect of any livestock system. It provides the mechanism whereby farmer’s producers/pastoralists exchange their livestock products for cash. The cash is used for acquiring goods and services, which they do not produce themselves, in order to satisfy a variety of needs including food clothing, medication, schooling, the purchase of breeding stock and other production inputs and supplies


  1. Meganathan et al., (2010)2in their study to identify the constraints in tribal livestock farming by collecting data from 900 sample tribal farmers in six hilly areas of Tamil Nadu, viz., Kolli hill in Namakkal district, Yercaud hill in Salem district, Ooty hill in The Nilgiris district, Kodaikanal in Dindigul district, Yelagiri hill in Vellore district and Sitheri hill in Dharmapuri district. The data were analyzed by Garett’s ranking technique. Lack of sufficient pastureland, lack of marketing facilities, lack of adequate credit facilities, unremunerated price for the livestock products and lack of scientific knowledge on livestock farming were observed to be the major constraints perceived by the tribal farmers. Establishment of more milk cooperative societies, enhancing fodder cultivation, provision of loans to needy tribal livestock farmers at reasonable interest rate and conducting awareness programs among tribal farmers on various scientific livestock management practices will lessen the prevailing constraints in tribal livestock farming,

which in turn improve the tribal livestock production.


Chidananda et al (2010)3 study determine that contract broiler farming in south India accounts for 80 per cent of production covering broiler integrators with regional, national, and international presence revealed that a combination of several factors are considered to arrive at base fee per kilogram of broiler live weight for contract growers. The marketing of birds is

through wholesale lifters who make payment to the integrating company. Commercial poultry farms rearing capacity range between 1000 to 50,000 birds in select poultry pockets, while only a few major cities like Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore and Belgaum are major consumption centers. Among the respondents, 55 farmers entered directly into integration, while the remainin experienced in poultry production as independent producers who in turn entered contract production. The most important reason for preferring broiler contract farming was that there was no need for farmers to mobilize huge amounts of operating capital to buy day old chicks, feed, and medicines and also marketing risk was shifted to integrators. However, integrators are able to exercise dominant control on input as well as output supply both in terms of 25 quality and in terms of quantity. The strong consumer preference for dressed meat from wet market is a driver for the presence of many poultry integrators in India apart from quick turnover and profitability.


Goutard and Magalhaes (2006)4 have identified the major marketing channels of poultry and poultry products. Here, the marketing channel shows that a large number of intermediaries are involved in the marketing chain between producers and consumers. It was found that an average trader handles between 40 to 100 chickens per week while the middleman manages 2000 eggs per month. Moreover, it is estimated that the average number of birds that are sold at local markets ranges from 30 to 400 per day.


2.3.3.Production and management problems

Charles et al (2013)1 in their study investigated the training needs of small-scale commercial poultry farmers on various improved poultry production practices. The findings showed that they are highly aware of improved / automatic housing system, feeds and feeding, diseases / parasites prevention and control, daily and special routine operations and low awareness of vital records to be kept and marketing strategies. However, they have low knowledge on poultry housing, feeds and feeding, diseases/ parasites, prevention and control, daily and special routine operations, and

high knowledge on record keeping and marketing strategies of poultry products. Therefore, small scale commercial poultry farmers need high 16 training on housing, feeds and feeding, diseases/parasites prevention and control, daily and special routine operation.


Mehta and Nambiar (2007)2 in their study highlighted the major problems in poultry production in Pakistan and then focused to estimate the percentage share of different stake holders in total profitability from poultry industry because inequitable distribution of profit share was assumed to be one of the major obstacle in the expansion of poultry industry. His results demonstrated that commission agents were earning 47% of the total profit in poultry industry, followed by retailers (28%) and producers (25%). This indicates that it would be impossible to improve the contribution of poultry in total nutrients uptake of human beings in the country without reversing the trends in profit share.


Sulaiman and Pillai (2005)3 in their research have studied about adoption of poultry management practices i.e. feeding, health care and cost of production. They discovered that poultry farmers should follow scientific poultry management practices in the area of health care of poultry birds. Proper vaccination and diet supplement will reduce the mortality rate of birds. Besides, the keeping of birds in a healthy and hygienic environment can minimize the cost of healthcare.

All the above-mentioned discoveries tried to improve the poultry industry but they never seek to answer about problems facing poultry industry.




According to Gausi et al. (2004)4 small holder village chicken producers tend to ignore new technology even when it appears to be better than their current practices due to market limitations. This implies that that apart from meeting subsistence needs, engagement and level of investment of smallholder farmers in agricultural enterprises responds to existing market opportunities.



Amudha and Veerabhadrajah(2000)5 in their article have studied the participation of farmwomen in different activities of commercial poultry farming in rural areas by an empirical analysis. They discover that the participation of women was mostly confined to activities like feeding and litter management while important aspects such as marketing, production and clinical services were left to men to handle. They suggested that women should be made more organized and aware of improved poultry practices and disease control measures.











2.4.Research gaps

Many studies have been carried out in the field of poultry production and most have considered financial constraints, management, farmers training on production methods and involvement of people in the poultry production sector among small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale.

The researchers have omitted very important areas in this field i.e. there is no in-depth research, which has been done under ‘poultry production system, identification of the sex of an egg and on stratification of poultry farming.










































2.5. Conceptual framework

This represents the researches synthesis of literature on how to explain the phenomenon under study.

Independent variables



                                                                                                                  Dependent variable






















3.1. Research Methodology.

In research design and methodology, we would like to carry out our research based on the survey method and collection of data by use of both primary and secondary sources.

3.1.1. Data Collection Instrument

The primary data required here will be collected from poultry industry units, from both small and large-scale producers. In this perspective, the researcher will deal with the major problems of the poultry problems and various factors, which have led to increased development of this given industry. Under primary data collection will involve physical visit of our research area to enhance proper and efficient data collection

The secondary data will involve acquiring data from various sources such as journals,pamphlets,textbooks,lecture notes, ministry of Agriculture reports i.e. livestock section, various publication and office records for Animal Husbandry and even the internet.

3.1.2. Pilot study                                                                                                                                  The pilot study will be conducted in January, 2020 at Keumbu Sub-County in Kisii County.

3.2. Target population

In this research, the study aims a target of 600 despondence in Kakamega County both to farmers producing in large scale and small scale trying in seeking answers of the problems and prospects of poultry industry.

3.3. Sample size and sampling Procedure

The study will use sample size of 180 respondents of the total data collected being 30% of 600 in Kakamega County

3.4. Data Collection

In order to conduct a successful data collection for our research the following methods will be implied; conducting interviews, administering questionnaires, observation, recording, photographing, discussions with poultry productionists and visiting the online sites for big firms for poultry production such as Kuku Chick and Ken Chick  etc. .If all these methods have been put in place then we will have efficient data satisfying our research objectives.

3.5. Data Analysis and presentation

The collected data will be analyzed by descriptive statistics e.g. mean, percentages and standard deviation. The study will revisit the research objectives to get familiar with the data collected, develop a framework and identify patterns and connections. In addition, mathematical techniques will also use such, as percentages, averages, ratios and compound growth rate will be used graphical presentations.






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Poultry farmers’ questionnaire


This questionnaire is on assessment of a comparative study of ‘PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF POULTRY REARING’ in Kakamega County. The exercise is in line with research study requirement in partial. Fulfillment of a degree in Animal Science and

Technology at Kisii University. The data collected will be used for said purpose only. The identity will be held with strictest confidence. Below are some questions to assist in comparing the poultry production in the questionnaire contains four sections. Kindly respond to all questions in all four sections by indicating by a ticking the space provided or by explaining your opinion briefly on the space provided.



Influences of demographic characteristic on egg Production

(Use tick to indicate your answer in each question asked.)

  1. Gender of the farmer Male ( ) female ( ).
  2. What is your marital status? Married ( ) Single ( ) Divorced ( ) Single parent ( )
  3. What is your educational level? Primary level and below ( ) secondary ( ) post-secondary ( ).
  4. What is your experience in poultry farming? 1-5yrs ( ) 5-10yrs ( ) 10-15yrs ( ) over 15yrs ( ).
  5. Indicate your age category, below 18yrs ( ) 18-25yrs ( ) 26-35yrs ( ) 36-45yrs ( ) 46-50yrs ( ) above 50yrs.
  6. What is your egg/meat production per day? Below 3trays/kgs ( ) 3-10trays/kgs ( ) 10-15trays/kgs( ) 15-20trays/kgs () above 20trays/kgs ( ).
  7. Indicate the size of your land under poultry production, under 1 acre ( ) 1-2 acres ( ) 2-4 acres ( ) 4-6 acres ( ) above 6 acres ( )
  8. Which kind of poultry rearing system do you practice? Free range ( ) Fold ( ) Battery cage ( ) Deep litter ( ) or Semi-Intensive ( )






Influences of breed variability on egg production

( Use tick to indicate your answer in each question asked.)

  • Which type of poultry production do you practice? Broilers ( ) Layers ( ) or Mixed ( )
  • Which breed do you keep in your farm? Indigenous ( ) or Exotic ( )
  • What are the major problems/challenges do you face as a farmer? Management ( ), Financial ( ), Marketing ( ) or Other problems..?

Describe the challenges mentioned in (11) above………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Is there any kind of training or education offered on poultry production? Yes ( ) or No ( )
  2. Who offers training on poultry production in this region? NGO ( ) GOK ( ) private sector ( ) none ( ).
  3. What is your source of additional information on poultry keeping in your farm? From other farmers and friends ( ) leaders and farmers representative ( ) media (radio, TV, newspaper etc.) ( ) workshops, seminars, and meetings ( ) internet services ( ) all of the above. ( ),
  4. How can you rate services offered by the officers concerned on poultry production in your farm? Poor ( ) fair ( ) good ( ) very satisfactory ( ).
  5. How many farmers do you network with on matters of poultry production within you area or from far? None ( ) one ( ) two ( ) three ( ) more than three ( ).
  6. Which gender is involved more on poultry production in your area? male ( ) female ( ) both ( )








Influences of finance on production

(Use tick to indicate your answer in each question asked.)

  1. What was your source of funding?

Government ( ), NGO ( ), Loans ( ), Business ( ) Others ( )

If others please specify______________________________

  1. How do you manage your finances? Personally ( ), Outsource ( )
  2. Do you find the investment profitable? Yes ( ) No ( )
  3. What financial challenges do you experience in the production process? Please specify___________________________________________
  4. How do you counter these financial challenges? __________________________________________________


Influences of marketing factors on Production

(Use tick to indicate your answer in each question asked.)



  1. Indicate the selling price of a tray/kg of eggs/meat in your farm? If egg or meats specify its selling price…………………………………………………..
  2. Which meat/egg marketing channel /option do you use to market your products, to neighbor ( ) Local shops/hotels ( ) Middlemen ( ) processors ( ) poultry cooperative ( ).
  3. Which form of products do you sell at your farm? Raw ( ) boiled ( ) grilled ( ) or canned meat ( )
  4. How far is the nearest market where your sell your production?.
  5. Less than 1km ( ) 1km-2km ( ) 2km-3km ( ) 3km-5km ( ) above 5km (  )























Appendix 2.

Table 1. Proposed budget for the research



N/SParticulars/Items/RequirementsQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost (Ksh )
1.Research permit         –     –8,000.00
2.Lab coats5 pieces1500.007,500.00
3.Gumboots5 pairs1100.005,500.00
4.Arm length gloves5 pairs925.004,625.00
5.Nose mask5 pieces350.001,750.00
6.Umbrella5 pieces750.003,750.00
7.Ream paper2 reams500.001,000.00
8.Printing and photocopying        –   –5,500.00
9.Transport and accommodation5 people 15000.0075,000.00
10.Accessories and other expenses      –     –10,000.00
 TOTAL  122,625.00










Appendix 3.

Figure 1. Map of Kakamega County








Figure 2. Map of Kakamega County









Appendix 4.

Table 2.Work plan


 Year 2019/2020
Activity of the studyOctNovDecJanFebMar
Proposal writing      
Proposal defense      
Data collection      
Data analysis      
Project writing      
Project submission      
Project defense      




















Letter of Request


PO BOX 408-40200,


13TH DEC 2019.



Dear Sir/Madam,


Following our University academic calendar, it has reached a time when we are required to undertake research based on the above named topic in fulfillment of our course of study. We have selected Kakamega County to be the best region for carrying out this research. We are Kisii University students pursuing BSc. Animal Science and Technology under School of Agriculture, department of Animal Sciences.

Kindly help us fulfil our dreams and to help Identify serious challenges facing poultry farming in the County.

Looking forward for your positive feedback.


Yours sincerely,

Evans Agumba (Group Leader).




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