How does the aging process impact a person’s eyesight and in particular the human retina?
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How does the aging process impact a person’s eyesight and in particular the human retina?
The aging process in humans always has an impact on the eyesight. The activities induce different changes in the structure of the eye, thereby causing different effects. The human retina is one of the primary eye components that is affected by aging. The retina always has exposure to high level of radiation which could be as high as 1300mm (Hof & Mobbs, 2010). The study, therefore, describes the relationship between aging and the changes in the retina.
How the aging process impacts the human retina
First, aging in the human will decrease the visual function of the retina. The reduction in the visual acuity of the retina is one such significant effect. Different age-related factors result to lower visual acuity. Presbyopia is one of the prevailing conditions which increases the thickness of the retina (Conn, 2006). As a result, a person will no longer be in a position to focus on objects which are nearer. The aging process will also cause Metamorphopsia, which leads to the alteration of the shape of the retina.
Aging in people also causes the loss and wearing off of the retinal neuronal cell. The degeneration of the cells has a significant effect on the functionality of the retina. When the neuronal cell loss occurs, the optic nerve axons together with the ganglion components will decline. The decrease in the cells also results in the ineffectiveness of the photoreceptors (Nguyen, 2010). As a result, a person will not be able to enhance their visual capacity effectively. The retina’s ability to improve quality vision will be reduced.
According to Hof & Mobbs, (2010), the aging process in humans also has the effect of more widening of the basement membrane. The process will limit the functionality of the layer whose primary function is to enhance the stability of the tissue borders. When a person becomes older, the retina changes may also initiate the increase of the Corpora Amylacea. The above condition may lead to visual disorder. When also produced in large quantities, they may enhance the blockage of the photoreceptors, thus limiting vision.
Lastly, the process of aging also enhances the increase of the Lipofuscin within the retina. The pigments, which are yellowish, are made up of residues of lipid. Cavallotti & Cerulli, (2008) assets that Lipofuscin is a significant component which promotes aging in the retina and other parts of the body such as the kidney and liver. Additionally, the granules also enhance the depletion of the ganglion cells which are responsible for the functionality of the retina. Overall, the increase of the Lipofuscin components will eventually lower the feature of the retina in enhancing proper vision.
In conclusion, the aging of a person increases their chances of having vision-related complications. The retina is one of the main components that is profoundly affected by advancement in a person’s age. Some of the effects of aging on the retina include the reduced visual capacity, depletion of the retinal neuronal cell and the enlargement of the basement membrane. Finally, aging also causes an increase in Lipofuscin.
Cavallotti, C., & Cerulli, L. (2008). Age-related changes of the human eye. Totowa, N.J: Humana.
Conn, P. M. (2006). Handbook of models for human aging. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.
Hof, P. R., & Mobbs, C. V. (2010). Handbook of the Neuroscience of Aging. Saint Louis: Elsevier Science.
Nguyen, Q. D. (2010). Retinal pharmacotherapy. Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders/Elsevier