How to evaluate and measure the success of a project.
The project at hand involves implementing an employee-training program where workers in the restaurant industry will be taught how to be politically tolerant. Measuring this project’s success requires considering different stakeholders’ opinions concerning success connotations. This is because success means different things to other people. It would thus be essential to make sure that each stakeholder is satisfied. The customers, managers, employees, shareholders, and board members will be interviewed to ascertain whether they see the project successfully.
The other measure of success will depend on the quality of services being offered by the restaurants. This will necessitate comparing the services being provided before and after the training. Another method of measuring success is evaluating whether the schedule set for implementing the solution has been followed. Additionally, checking if the resources allocated to the project have been used efficiently is an alternative way of measuring a project’s success. This requires an inquiry to account for resource usage in the project and checking the timelines when project managers achieved different objectives.
To conclude, one can thus opine that evaluation and measurement of the project’s success will include examining if the project’s goals have been achieved. This involves checking the quality of services before and after the solutions have been implemented. Also, reviewing the schedule and the budget to ensure compliance is an alternative method of determining whether the project is successful.
Al-shabby, A., & Ahmed, A. (2018). How do we measure project success? A survey. Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, 5.
Eskander, D. (2018, 10 10). 6 ways of measuring project success. Retrieved from