How do parents of autistic children deal with stress?
For this assignment, the thesis statement argued that the main focus of the research would not be to explore AutismAutism, its cause, and treatment, but rather, the direction of the study would be to investigate the different ways in which parents of children with AutismAutism cope with the tremendous challenging situations connected to child’s AutismAutism. The research will examine the previous literature done in the field, hence answering the research question. Progressive research from different research materials has indicated that it is common for parents to experience stress. However, for parents with children of AutismAutism, levels of stress are very high. They are commonly highlighted with a capital S. Caregivers should be driving their children to different appointments, effectively advocating for their educational needs, helping her deal with and avoiding sensory overload, and coping with un-expected rates of a public tantrum. It can be concluded that Researchers have been on the lookout towards understanding the different issues that affect and come for parents and children with high levels of stress from time to time. As a result, research has shown that parents of children with Autism experience more stress than parents whose child does not have AutismAutism. There are different forms of Autism problems in which parents with children suffering from the pain suffer to pass through and experience from time to time. As a result, various researching institutions need to effectively look at research and list different methods that can be used to by parents with AutismAutism to navigate through the hard way created by problems from children with AutismAutism. Having proper procedures provided for parents with children who have AutismAutism would be a significant and essential step towards the up rifting of the spirits for parents who, for long times, have suffered a lot.