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History and arts

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History and arts. One has to identify secondary and primary sources. The distinction shows a degree the subject is understood from a piece they are extracted. It is then possible to inform readers, describe reports, and impresses by giving opinions and experience from the sources.

Primary sources are contemporary accounts of happenings or events placed down on a paper through an experienced person. They are always original, authentic, and verifiable. Secondary sources there function to support and explain the primary course. And illustrate more on the phenomenon and events under review. These sources information, interpret, assign, add value to it, put collect together, and conclude the events reported on the primary source.

Examples of Primary sources include; letters, journals, diaries, speeches, interviews, unpublished works, published works of magazines, newspapers, photographs, historical accounts, research reports, audio, theatrical works, videos While examples of primary sources include; Published works of books or journals, articles and may also be proceedings of television, radio, conferences, and documentaries.

Humans abandoned hunting and gathering because of instability in agriculture that had induced crises on production. Agriculture intensified mutual understanding between plants and animals, excluding other animals competing for access to plant Made man to stop hunting and gathering. To concentrate on more advanced ways of generating food and income to facilitate his/her survival due to increased population. Every civilization occurs, and revolutions demand a better and easier way of doing things due to exposure, knowledge, skills, and power. A man was compelled and try other activities such as breeding animals and scientific advancement in domestication, a symbiosis that started to breed animals. Farming crops, for example, sunflower and Tomato, were found to be consumed in the USAFor during pres-historic and modern times as the study shows an example. Therefore man had made inventions of new concepts of farming vegetables among other crops.

It was adopting farming transformed man to many innovative and scientific advancements in Agriculture where Isolation of crops was identified, symbiosis of crops, domestication of animals. For instance, It helped to improve the lives of the people and increased population growth. The adoption of agriculture has impacted social and cultural impact on food processing economies. Agriculture leads to the development of superior economies. By feeding large numbers of society and spreads quickly, .Agriculture led to human population increase. It improved reproduction and survival among species in domestic plants.

In both this Rivers Civilization occurred, and it was brought by the following: cities developed into administrative centers, they had political systems all based on boundaries rather than kinship, most of the people engaged in specialized activities, rather than noon-food production activities, class differentiation was brought by wealth accumulation, monumental buildings were constructed, permanent records were kept, they all had long-distance trade, and they experienced significant arts and scientific revolutions.

In those rivers, fertile lands were deposited for agriculture that threatened lives and properties even after advancing in farming. These floods led to the invention of technology and political class.

The differences in first river valley civilization along Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Indus valley is that events happened at different moments. For instance, domestication of animals and agriculture occurred first in the Fertile crescent region of Syria and later spread to other places. Farmers used funnels to plow in Mesopotamia when feeds were flooded. The class dependent on artisan and farming in Babylonia later after Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia, the political class had a free landowning class with rank, royalty, warriors, merchants, priests, and few shopkeepers. Slaves were employed for domestic chores and work. And slavery had not yet started in Greece.

In River valley civilization, we draw many lessons that human beings go through periods of revolutions and are mostly controlled by nature. Water was the common thing that fueled society in this region. The natural environment has control over the lives of human beings. Believing in a common God led them to form governments that later led to more significant political advancement. Education sprung due to the keeping of records. And challenges that human beings go through in life can make people creative the way floods brought fertile soil that was used in agriculture as well as causing

destructions on properties and lives made them invent scientific ways of surviving.



Shennan, S. J. (1993). Settlement and social change in central Europe, 3500–1500 BC. Journal of world prehistory, 7(2), 121-161.

Stearns, P. N. (Ed.). (, 2008). World history in documents: A comparative reader. NYU Press.

Cahoon, H., Lange, T. V., & Ryskamp, C. (1977). American Literary Autographs, from Washington Irving to Henry James. Courier Corporation.

Ponting, C. (1985). The right to know: the inside story of the Belgrano affair. Sphere.

Condit, C. W. (1964). The Chicago school of architecture: a history of a commercial and public building in the Chicago area, 1875-1925 (No. 540). University of Chicago Press.

George, A. R. (2003). The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: introduction, critical edition, and cuneiform texts (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.

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