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Growth Stages in Children

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Growth Stages in Children


Middle age is a stage between the ages of 7 and 11, referred to as cognitive development. At this period, children gain skills and are quick at understanding concrete information. As children enter school, they start paying attention to all the things around them. During this period they look at people and compare themselves to their peers. At middle age, children also undergo changes that are emotional and social. At that stage, they also become curious and do things on their own and may have problems when dealing with other children. During adolescence, the physical, cognitive and social changes may affect the adolescent’s ability to perceive and judge risks effectively.

There are advantages in early diagnosis in children like managing medical documents. Additionally, it is possible to streamline the workflow and improve doctor-patient relationship. The disadvantages of the initial determination can result in lack of self-esteem. Hence this can lead to acting up since small children cannot communicate their feelings due to lack of emotional maturity.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior (Stone &Theresa, 12) Learning disabilities, on the other hand, are conditions that interfere with how a person processes information hence, creating learning difficulties. Children with these conditions are as smart as other kids just that they undergo some problems which manifest themselves during writing, reading, reasoning, and recall.

A child undergoing divorce can be impacted on positively since they can learn surviving skills that help them stronger in life. The adverse effects include lack of sufficient parental guidance that may lower their self-esteem. In the long run, children end up making mistakes, and they will find someone to blame on, in most cases, a child feels left out after realizing their friends have both parents, and they will try to find answers from the single parent.

Parents can know how their children are taking adolescent adjustment by looking at their moods and anxiety (Haight, 80). Depressive moods indicate problems, and they may vary from males to females. It is advisable for parents to monitor their children’s interpersonal relationship with their friends to ensure it is okay. Paying attention to their physical health prevents symptoms from reaching clinical levels.

There are ways my experience as an adolescent varies from my parent’s experience since I have grown up to a technological world. Therefore, I have been exposed to a lot of staff has made things more comfortable for me as compared to my parents. It is possible to learn a lot of things the more natural way because there are many platforms to facilitate that like the internet. 20 years from now, adolescence will be exposed to a lot of both positive and negative staff due to the advancing technology. However, a lot of monitoring will be necessary to ensure that it positively impacts their lives.

In conclusion, as children grow up, they behave differently. Social life influences some behaviors like the interaction with their friends. At middle age, children are fast in learning and interpreting information. Adolescence stage they start comparing themselves with others, and this may have either positive or negative impact on their growth. Parents are advised to check on their children for adolescent adjustment by looking at their moods and anxiety.
















Work cited

Haight, Wendy L. Human Behavior for Social Work Practice: A Developmental-Ecological Framework. Place of publication not identified: Lyceum Books, 2013. Print.

Stone, Wendy L, and Theresa F. DiGeronimo. Does My Child Have Autism?: A Parent’s Guide to Early Detection and Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006. Print.





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