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PART 1; Gravity, Mass and Acceleration

  1. C(12), D(4), B(3), A(1)
  2. B(3), C(3), D(2), A(1)

PART 2: Gravity and distance

  1. C(12), D(4) B(3) A(1)- most to least
  2. C(4), D(2) A and B(1)- most to least

PART 3: Gravity, velocity, and orbits

PART 4: Using my solar system

  • Each body contains a datum orbital path around the central star based on the central star parameters and the planetary body. Usually, the blue object will not change its direction from the datum paths of the orbit. Variations about each other’s ways will not tolerate gradual and small changes in the parameters. However, variations in the broad or quick parameters will not be stabilized, and the blue object will either fall into the central star or fly away.

The change in motion of the blue object, which is not experienced in the pink object, is due to the due to parameter variations in the blue object, which are not experienced in the pink object.


  • The orbital elements of the planets oscillate around a fixed mean over a long time, leading to orbital interactions with the blue object, hence sending the blue object crashing into the star.
  • Gravity is responsible for holding the blue object around the sun and keeps the moon in orbit around the blue object. The gravitational force pulls the objects causing the change of the green object in the rotation. It makes the planets by pulling the materials through which they are made.

In conclusion, according to the diagram below, the voyager 2 made several passes close to the Jovian moons, unlike voyager 1. This was on its way through the system. It relayed back the whole system’s spectacular photos that consisted of the Ganymede and the moons Callisto. The spacecraft provides images that are more detailed of the kinks and the rings. Also, the F-ring, together with its shepherding moon, were all found by voyager 1. While it was flying up past and behind Saturn, through the Saturns rings plane, the probe passed at 8 miles per second speed. At Neptune, assist of gravity shot voyager two just below the plane where the sun is orbited by the planet on a solar system course out.



Lab Report Requirements

A primary fundamental life fact at midlatitudes of the EarthEarth is that there exist major variations in the heat received from the sun in the course of the year. Therefore, the year is divided into seasons. The divergence between seasons becomes more pronounced the farther south or north from the equator; hence the southern hemisphere seasons are opposite of what is in the Northern Hemisphere. With the facts, my hypothesis is what leads to season.

Hypothesis 1: seasons are outcomes of the distance change between the sun and the EarthEarth. At first, it sounds reasonable, that is, when the EarthEarth is away from the sun, it should be colder and hotter when close to the sun. However, the facts don’t support the hypothesis. Even if the orbit of the EarthEarth around the sun is an ellipse, the distance between the sun and the EarthEarth varies by about 3%, which is not enough to lead to major variations in the heatings of the sun. in fact, to the North America which holds this hypothesis, the EarthEarth is closer to the sun in January while the Hemisphere in the North is actually in the winter. Additionally, if the determinant factor was the distance, then why is there opposite seasons in the two hemispheres.

Hypothesis 2: the second hypothesis is on the time length spent by the sun on the horizon. It is assumed that the sun rises northeast and sets south of west. However, equal time lengths are taken by the sun below and above the horizon in the two hemispheres. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected.

Hypothesis 3: astronomy birth. An equivalent perspective to view every year the sun’s path is to assume that it moves around the EarthEarth. Since the axis of the EarthEarth is titled, the ecliptic is also titled by around 23.5 degrees to the equator. As the outcome, where we view the sun in the sky varies as the year ends. For instance, the sun is north of the equator celestial around June and takes more time in the Northern Hemisphere. For about 15 hours in the U.S, it rises high and is above the horizon. Therefore, we get not only direct rays from the sun during this period but also spend adequate time every single day. This implies that a change in gain in the Northern Hemisphere affects the Southern Hemisphere by losing. The hypothesis therefore applied and was hence supported.


Part 2

Location 1

Columbus 43’ N latitudeE Star 1Up and rightUp and right
 W Star 2Down and rightDown and right
 N star 3To the right and upUp and right
 S  Star 4Right and downRight and down


Location 2

Columbus 43’ S latitudeE Star 1left and downLeft and down
 W Star 2Up and leftUp and left
 N Star 3Up and to leftUp and to left
 S Star 4Down and leftDown and left


Location 3

Columbus EquatorE STAR 1At the centerCenter
 W STAR 2Up and rightUp and right
 N STAR 3Left and downLeft and down
 S STAR 4Up and rightUp and right


Lab Report Requirements

It is used to refer to the position of the object in the sky and is a fictitious sphere located at the center of the Earth upon which the projection of all celestial bodies is made. At any given point, the Earth’sEarth’s surface observer is only able to see half of the celestial sphere halfly because the other half lies just below the horizon. However, the Earth’s rotation continuously results because of the celestial sphere new regions except for the observer’s location been at the equator where a section of the celestial sphere will remain hidden.

Because of the Earth’sEarth’s rotation to its axis, the celestial sphere rotates from east to west on a daily basis hence following a circular flow of the stars about two points in the sky. The projection intersection of the rotation of the Earth axis will be marked by the two points celestial sphere referred to as cosmic holes.

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