forensic investigators
When conducting an investigation, the crime scene should be used preserved. Nobody without relevant authority should be allowed to enter or exit free from a crime scene. A forensic crime investigator may be able to get much substantial evidence from a crime scene. According to Dr. Edward Locard’s exchange principle, it states that whenever a perpetrator enters or leaves a crime scene, they exchange material. A perpetrator will leave something behind and take something with them. A suspect may leave tracing evidence, such as hair, fibers, latent prints, or semen deposits. Such trace evidence is crucial as it can be used to be linked to a suspect.
For forensic investigators, it is advisable to be the first at the crime scene. The first move should seal off the crime scene completely. It would be best if you also documented the time of arrival of any other officer present at the crime scene. In case of emergency, evacuate any possibly injured person. Again, in case of a possible bomb threat or fire, try to keep a safe distance to avoid casualties. Later on, try to establish a common ground by which you will conduct the investigations. When collecting evidence, you should place it in an airtight container, such as accelerants like ethanol or acetone e. You may place it also in a plastic evidence bag .label the packaging material and properly document it. Try to look for anything missing or foreign material in the crime scene and also document it. Witnesses are very important when conducting investigations. Because of their fresh memories, record their statements as soon as possible.
Using crime scene entry logs, administrative logs, and assignment sheets should be understood that it is essential to maintain the chain of custody. Proper documentation is required by law. Every detail in each second can be used for future reference like, for example, establishing a time frame in which the crime took place. Evidence from the crime scene may be taken using high-end photography, videography, and recorded speech. It should be well documented for admissibility in a court of law. Crime occurs in many ways, which may differ from each other. Crimes like arson, homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, and robbery . All are different, evidence in each may be different. The most vital role for forensic investigators is to follow each procedure in preserving it.