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Sterk’s main point was to provide perspective on street prostitution from women’s points of view. She worked her way into the prostitution subculture by being supportive and offering practical assistance. She would get the women groceries, and at times she offered to care for their children. Sterk gained trust with the women, and they were comfortable enough to tell her their stories. During the dialogues, Clerk was sure not to dwell on specific questions that would sound hurtful. She learned of the women’s struggles and sadness to understand
As she conducted the research, she faced various challenges. Some women being interviewed feared since they thought they would be formal, while others felt that their answers would be biased due to their relationship. It was also a challenge to find a location where this cultural event took place. Frequenting a business she did not belong, and making sure not to be taken negatively was another issue. Although she eventually got the trust she needed, it was not an easy task at first.
Sterk found out that when a participant’s well-being was in jeopardy, ethical implications were challenging to deal with in her research. She learned that one required endurance, personal and professional strength, caution, and the ability to record data and events. We can learn about a culture that was previously unknown through the research.
Other types of subcultures that would be difficult and dangerous to study are drug and substance abuse and female genital mutilation. I would personally ensure I gain trust with people under study. I tend to think that people would be more open and willing to participate if I explain to them the reason as to why I was conducting the research. Delivering my report with the point of view of the people under study would also be eye-opening.