Develop and Manage Performance Management Processes
Activity 1A.
Two popular electronic HRIS system that has been taken into comparison are BambooHR and Spidergap.
Easy to learn and navigate. It allows managers to suggest and track training and skills development for each employee.
It is for small to midsized companies and lacks the option of customization for employees that other software provides.
It is versatile and integrates into its applications and other HCM software suites with some popular third-party.
It doesn’t lend total control over workflow and forms. it has simpler HR functions and provides with no spreadsheets
Creates a 360-degree feedback process that allows the employee the chance for contribution and self-reflection
Management learning feature is not provided.
It creates and runs 360° feedback assessments for the employees.
Data does not get saved automatically and is often lost.
The software is customizable to the individual employee and helps to assess the performance in detail.
The application is web-based and cannot be used from mobiles.
Supports Multilanguage and can be used by small, medium, and large scale businesses.
It is not designed for enterprises.
Activity 1B:
As interviewed, through Organizational performance management, the performance management system of the organization makes sure that the company resources get properly used to meet company goals. The concept of performance management is applied using several measuring tools for employee development. The management and supervisory staff also need to build up a monitoring system that charts the improvement of the company and find out when changes in policy or procedures should be made. The tools used by the performance management system sorts out the profit margin and overhead cost to utilize their resources. They carry out SWOT analysis to determine the changes need to cope up with the competitive market. All these help to accentuate the growth rate of the company.
The strength and weaknesses, as the HR manager has said about their HRIS are:
Creates a 360-degree feedback process so that the employees get a chance to know the areas they need to improve
it is easy to use and is versatile. It can be customized according to the employees and their needs.
Allows the in-line managers to suggest and track training and skills development for each employee
*weakness: Even though it is customizable, it covers only specific points on which the development of an employee can be assessed. This doesn’t provide an in-depth analysis of the skills of the employees.
Activity 1C:
Executive Report
The organization after applying performance management system, its stake holders are interviewed about their current employment status. The problem currently the organization is facing are –
Not measuring the detailed improvement of an employee. Appraisal method of the employees is not definite and covers only specific criteria.
Not adapting to the changing situation of the organization
Not giving the team the necessary authority or tools to get their job done.
Fails to communicate the organization’s strategy to its staff
different stake holders of the organization who were interviewed were:
The employees: the employees of the organization were asked about the problems they were facing in the performance management system. According to them the performance management process is not making the strategy of the organization clear to them and is providing them the necessary tools to carry out a specific job. This is creating confusion among them and is making it difficult to work.
Supervisors: supervisors of the organization directly supervise the performances of the employees and their development. When asked what issues were faced due to the electronic performance management process, they highlighted that individual progress could not be measured in detail as it was not customizable. all the measuring tools are general in approach
Internal HR advisor: Internal HR manager was concerned when was asked about the problems that were faced in the present electronic communicating system. As highlighted, the current process doesn’t adapt to the changing condition of the organization and its employees. The measuring process has a general approach and cannot be customized according to the individual employee. The strategy of the organization is not clear to the employees.
The electronic performance management even though is helpful, the organization s facing several challenges in implementing it.
Activity 2A
Activity 2B
As electronic HRIS is used by the performance management system of the organization, the data of employee improvement can be scrutinized by the manager. The manager noticed that an employee was incapable of coping up with the policies and procedures of the company. The manager provided him with guidelines and ways to improve and learn. The employee fails. The employee, as by the dispute resolution process of the company, was asked to come for counseling. When attended, the manager empathetically narrated the problem the employee was facing. The manager also wanted to know the problems faced by the employee and the reason behind in capability. It was not helpful, and the employee has to be terminated.
Issues faced by the manager:
Management and leadership commitment.
Poor performance.
The counseling process was not successful, and the employee didn’t understand where he was incapable and how it can be improved. The employee was not ready to change his way of working.
The experience that the manager learned from the above experience is that the recruitment policies need to be more strict and proper identification of skilled employees are to made through the detailed interview. A method of appropriate evaluation is needed to apply while recruiting.
Activity 3A:
The companies use performance management systems once a year to evaluate the improvements of the employees. This is done through performance appraisal software. The process includes a 360-degree feedback process and feedback from the manager. Every employee is given suggestions or is provided with training so that they can improve their skills. But the reward of the improvement is often paid in incentives, or the salary of the employee is increased. This should not be the way. The management should go through a detailed evaluation process to identify the needs or requirements of the employee, organization, and market. This way the strength and weakness of the organization can be evaluated as well and a clear map can chalk out to meet te aim. This way the whole organization can improve and would provide a better solution for the employee’s improvement.
When the feedback obtained is used to address the ways to improve the performance and abilities of the employees, the system starts working for the development of the management system. The feedback must be conducted every month to see if the skills of the employees have improved and are meeting the company objectives.
Activity 3B
The workplace can be full of diversity. Recruiting people with disability and making them work with others the same is needs a proper procedure so that the sentiments of the person is not hurt in the performance evaluation. A disabled person is always concerned or conscious that the person is different from others. in this case the organization must apply a process to evaluate all its employees uniformly. A disabled person needs extra care or supervision to carry out work. So the person should be supported with proper training and must be encouraged in teamwork. The other employees must be informed that the together needs to work for its growth and development. This way a positive work environment would prevail. Company policies must be secure that it never makes anyone able to discriminate a person on their disability. If the disabled person is incapable of meeting with company needs, he must be informed and explained so that the person can develop.
Skill and Knowledge Activity:
A business needs to be managed carefully for ensuring the success of new investment decisions and plans for expansion. Performance measurement systems are effective methods of keeping track of the progress of the business. To identify the elements to measure the priority here is to have a focus on quantifiable factors which have apparent links to the drivers of success in the business. These are termed key performance indicators (KPIs). If the identification of the critical areas has been made along with a way to measure them, the next step is naturally to start setting performance targets to give everyone in the business a sense of what is to be aimed for. Learning Plans, timelines, and grievance procedures are an integral part of a PMS to enable better performance by learning and setting goals and through rectification learned through grievances. Effective and regular feedback is an important aspect of a successful performance management system and has to be used alongside the determination of performance goals. Communication by a manager both verbally and in writing needs to be done both amicably yet with firmness to influence performance. The performance of the organization must also concede with the legislation needs of the firm.
Major activity:
1a. when developing a performance management process it is important to analyze organizational strategic and operational plans and relevant performance-management processes, policies, and objectives because this way an effective management plan can be made that would be able to evaluate the skills of employees and also the requirements of the organization that it needs to meet. The organization would be able to align the employees daily actions through strategic planning and yield maximum benefit. This way it would also be able to achieve the goal and improve the overall performance of the organization.
- to support organizational strategy and achieve the organizational purpose, the organization must apply an effective performance management system that can improve the organization’s capability. The system must make it clear to the employees the requirements of the organisation. The employees this way would understand what they need to do to fulfill that. The employees must be supervised and evaluated so that their improvement can be tracked. The employees who need more traini9ng must be provided with that. The organization also must keep a monthly feedback process to see the development of the company and its employees as well.
- KPI to design for the line managers to develop performance management process are:
Track the participation of the employees in group discussion. If one or some employees fail to meet the discussions, they must be asked for reviewing it.
Applying a human resource information system saves the time of manual evaluation of the employees, and the feedback can be received in a short period.
Increasing the feedback manager would help to get a diverse view of the problems arising and can be work towards to sort it out.
The quality of the feedback must be improved through performance management software. All employees must participate so that they learn to give proper feedback and encourage improvement.
Performance measurement is required to be adjusted according to the time an employee spends at work. The working hours of an employee should also be taken into consideration to develop organizational time frames and processes for formal management sessions. This time frame could be once or twice each month. To ensure that performance-management processes are flexible enough to cover the range of the organization’s employment situations, certain guidelines are to be provided to the employees so that it helps them to improve their skills. It would also help to understand the areas they need guidance or improvement. The process must work to utilize the resources of the organization to the fullest and yield maximum benefit for both the employees and the organization.
Through meetings and group discussion, the key stakeholders of the company like the employees, suppliers, managers, etc. are to be consulted about the processes or its features. It must be made clear to them the benefits the planned process can yield. Suggestions are to taken to make it more effective.
To gain support for the implementation of the PMS (performance management system) the organization must do proper research on it and judge how it can help to achieve the goal the company has set. The company must welcome the best PMS so that it can evaluate the employees in a holistic way and can provide with a proper payroll. The company must go through a pilot test first before implementing the system. It must check the process of evaluation.
2a. Training is important for relevant groups and individuals to monitor performance, identify performance gaps, provide feedback and manage talent as training helps an employee to learn new things and excel the skills he possesses. To monitor a person’s action, one needs to observe and be efficient in analyzing the person or group who is being monitored. Training provides them the efficiency to judge a person more accurately and understand where the person needs to improve.
- It is important to work with the line managers as they supervise the work and check their improvement regularly. This the one can get a clear idea of how they are working Nd where they need improvement. One needs to I terfere the supervision if no improvement is taking place or an issue occurs. The whole process also should work in a way that the objectives and the policies of the organization are maintained. The administrators must need to check all this so that the organization meets up to the goal it has set in the market.
- The line managers supervise the employees and evaluate their performance. Suggest them with measures when they perform low. Is an employee continuously fail to perform up to the mark, should be told about the problems taking place. The person must be provided with training to improve the effective way. If still, the person fails, then it important to support the line manager to counsel the employee and make the employee follow the discipline as an average employee cannot help the company to prosper. The employee always needs to give in best so that the employee and the company, both can yield benefits.
- One need to interfere while solving a dispute or conflict between the line manager an employee only when needed. It is important to articulate the dispute resolving process so that no employee feel bullied or hurt. A line manager must be empathetic when dealing with employees and it must be checked if they are capable of doing that. No employee should be served with injustice in their workplace, so the administrators of the organization need to mediate between the line manager and employees if needed.
- It is important to terminate an employee if he fails to meet the objectives and policies of the company because the person cannot improve his skills or learn new ways to do things. Even if provided with guidance, the ways of working not changes, the person is malicious for the company and its values. With a failed person, the company cannot accomplish the goals it has set. An organization always need ti to improve and so should its employees.
- The HRIS stores data through cloud computing and ensures that it is accessible to the management, administrators, and employees. This way the data is kept safe and also one can track the improvement taking place.
- It is important to regularly evaluate and improve all the aspect of performance management system as it helps to track the improvement the organization is making.emoloyees of an organization is its resource and hence the performance of workforce improves, the organization improves too. They are directly proportional to each other. Through proper supervision and evaluation, a company can utilize its resources and make maximum benefit.
3a. Every employee is different. Strategies help to plan the way they can be utilized together to get maximum results. Through proper plan and strategies, they are put into action, provided with guidance and are offered with training to learn new skills and improve the existing skills through the process the employees can learn the better implementation of their knowledge and skills and can participate in the holistic development of the company and themselves.
- timeframe includes the working hours of the employee and the development plans, and learning must be applied accordingly so that it works can asses the growth of the employee and the organization as a whole. Through their work process and projects, the employee must be delivered the learning for a specific goal. The successful outcome makes the learning successful.
- To contract proper providers for performance management system, one must carry out a research or study to check if the system is fit for the organization and if it can yield maximum benefit to them. A pilot test also needs to be carried out to ensure that it is fit for the employees and their development. The organization’s policy must meet with the entire system and then it should be implemented in the organization.
- The learning process or development cN be tracked to several HRIS software. The software can monitor the employees and their actions to see if it is are matching to the quality standard of the organization. It evaluates their performances and provides with feedback so that they can be followed up. The workers need for guidance is given suggestion or training so that the work procedures improve.
- To negotiate a remedial action with the workers must be provided learning programmes or counseling are to be provided to the providers where necessary so that it is beneficial for both the parties working together.the group or individuals should be encouraged to participate in group activities and decision-making process so that they become more efficient while dealing with various issues and learn to act the appropriate way. This way they can become more mature, and a mature worker is always beneficial for a company.
- The reports must be holistic that is to be generated to advise the managers on the progress or success rate of the activities as the holistic report would give a detailed study of the activities carried and their results can reflect the part needs to be improved .the report must cover the detailed study of the field that needs to improve. The employees needing improvement must be informed empathetically so that their sentiments are not hurt.
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