Comprehensive Essay
A well-organized and taken care of the workplace increases employee morale, leading to increased organizational productivity. Being Material Handler Human Resource Manager, I usually ensure that harmony is well created within the organization from time to time in different ways. Some of the methods I apply to ensure full connection are well achieved within the organization include motivating the organization employees, celebrating their wins through different forms, and celebrating what employees have completed within the organization, among many other methods. For some time, I have been the Material Handler Human Resource Manager in a large organization of supplying electricity as the M.C.DEAN. Being the manager, I have been tasked with making sure that each and every operation runs smoothly while helping the organization achieve its goals and objectives. Human resource management refers to the method of selecting, interviewing, and recruiting employees to an organization. The department offers the provision of orientation, imparting development and training while appraising the performance of employees, the condition of compensation schemes, motivating employee, providing benefits and other essential roles within the organization which are meant at developing and pushing the organization towards achieving its optimal goals and objectives (Mathis et al., 2017). Being a highly competitive organization, I have been in charge of organization logistics, time management, organization management, and implementing its different ethical practices that promote its most successful things. With the need to create a more competitive and organized following essay will analyze my position being a Material Handler in a large organization of supplying electricity as the M.C.DEAN and how I can ensure that there is sharing of common goals between the workers and management, show workers the value of achieving real work commitment, show how sharing of profits and benefits between the employees and management influence work-life satisfaction and worker trust, highlight the process of empowerment of employees including requisite training relevant to their Jobs and show why HR needs to focus on the acquisition of skills on international qualities and show how as a manager I will contribute to the harmony in the workplace, promote a more provocative work atmosphere, attract job seekers and hunters in their new job searches and Improve company competitiveness in the global economy (Thesis).
Body Analysis
The importance of workers sharing common goals and vision with the management
Having common goals within the organization helps to improve the organization’s morale and move in one accord towards achieving the organizational objectives. Organizations and businesses move forward through setting paramount goals and working hard to achieve them in the long run. The most important thing for organizations to ensure while setting any goals and objectives is to ensure that they have common goals between the management and the working force. Hence, they work together to attain them as a team (Mathis et al., 2017). Having shared goals to achieve between organization management and the working task force ensures that workers are highly motivated to work together while sharing a common dedication towards improving the organization’s business. Having common goals between the management and the staff ensures that the walls and obstacles’ between the two groups are broken down (Masri & Jaaron, 2017). The business’s health can be improved with easy hence having a commonality towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives (Mathis et al., 2017). Besides, it ensures that everybody within the organization is brought together in a collection point within the pursuit of the common goal, which is crucial towards moving the organization ahead, sustaining it, and growing over the long haul. For organizations, to have common goals between the management and the staff, they need first to define the goals they are pursuing within the organization, effectively communicating the plans to everyone within the organization and making sure that the purposes are well known by each party working towards achieving the goals within the organization (Mathis et al., 2017). Employee input within the organization should be recognized, which also forms an essential additive towards achieving the common goal (Vardarlıer, 2016). Having a common goal within the organization makes sure that moral is ensured all through and that rewards are given to the employees from time to time as they have set with the management, which is one of the best ways to push and work towards achieving the same goal hence having the same purpose between the government and the staff thus many preceded benefits.
The value of Achieving Real Worker Commitment to reach the Goals
There is more excellent value for every organization when it ensures that employee commitment and loyalty is guaranteed. Organization management should, from time to time, ensure that commitment is fully practiced within an organization for its values are un-preceded (Mello, 2011). Different methods for improving employee commitment should be looked at by the management and fully practiced (Mathis et al., 2017). Some of the essential techniques to ensure full responsibility within an organization are ensured include having clear communication between the management and the employees, providing clear feedback from time to time, having and playing respect between employees in the organization, among many other methods to improve commitment within organizations. Ensuring total commitment within an organization between the workers is one of the best ways of ensuring that the organization is working hard to achieve its set goals. It is common knowledge that helping the organization’s employees effectively reach the organization’s goals is essential to both the organization and the employees (Mathis et al., 2017). Having full commitment from the workers towards achieving a particular goal ensures that employees in an organization have a real-time input of their performance toward motivating them to achieve more hence helping the organization move forward in the right direction while achieving its goals. As a manager and through the application of the concept of real work commitment, my efforts as a material manager will contribute to the harmony in the work place, promote a more provocative work atmosphere, attract job seekers and hunters in their new job searches and Improve company competitiveness in the global economy.
Having full commitment from the workers and the organization management ensures that the organization moves towards achieving common goals set within the organization by different parties. From time to time, the employee needs to know how their efforts are progressing within the organization. As a result, the organization management should ensure that things about employee management and commitment are guaranteed. The organization workers are actively working towards achieving the organization’s common set goals. Establishing a standard round and monitoring targets throughout the organization will ensure that the organization’s workers fully commit. Hence, the organization will be ending in the right direction. Giving an employee a real-time input towards their performance ensures that they are highly motivated, and they are on the right track towards achieving more for the organization.
How the sharing of profits and benefits between the employees and management influence work-life satisfaction and worker trust
At low to medium levels of workers and employee participation, in low profit-related pay, it is found that employees have low levels of job satisfaction, trust, and organizational commitment. Of the three main incentives, an income of schemes, only-performance related pay is positively connected with the perception that work is more intense (Mathis et al., 2017). In the recent few decades of development, employee engagement has become the most popular organizational concept. Employee engagement refers to the involvement and commitment a worker has towards the organization, its beliefs, and its values. A fully engaged employee, in many cases, is always aware of the organization’s business context and hence works collectively with the other group as a team to improve the organization’s productivity while helping it achieves its set goals and objectives.
Employee engagement has a direct impact on organizational productivity (Patro, 2013). In almost every organization, the organization’s management’s motive is to ensure that its most esteemed customers and workers are fully satisfied with their rewards. Having a fully satisfied working force is linked directly with organizational financial success. An organizational engagement entirely comes when enough people actively care about doing an excellent job within the organization, how they work towards achieving it, and how they do it (Patro, 2013). The caring attitude comes into practice when people actively care about how people get satisfied with their job. The financial status involves the proper utilization of the most common resources within the government from physical by its labor teams and other workforce types for the appropriate transformation and utilization of the government Patro’s production potential. As the manager and through sharing profits within the organization with the staff and workers will contribute to the harmony in the work place, Promote a more provocative work atmosphere, Attract job seekers and hunters in their new job searches and Improve company competitiveness in the global economy.
The Process of Empowerment of Employees including Requisite Training Relevant to their Jobs
Employee empowerment refers to actively facilitating workers and employees with the correct and specific responsibility and authority to achieve the organizational vision by exercising their different skills, talent, and creativity in their various operations (Patro, 2013). Initially, the process was actively related to forming trade unions among other business people, but the process has grown more than that with the current developments. The process actively enables managers in various organizations to convert their regular workforce to a high potential resource for company success and growth. Organizations employ different methods of employee empowerment and engagement within their organizational operations. Many are essential towards pushing the organization’s workforce and management to attain a common goal and move forward in the right direction while achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. Managers should employ different pre-requisite methods of employee empowerment within their organizations. The various techniques include having open communication between the management and workers, having management support and trust, having complete employee engagement, having group rewarding systems, among other empowerment methods. Employee empowerment is a long-term process that actively emphasizes the whole transformation of the organization’s different values, decision-making process, and culture model. It is very fortunate that all these things cannot be achieved one day and need a long period to be completed wholly.
Why HR needs to focus on Acquisition of Skills on International Qualities of Economic, Political, and Social Development
In any nation, the human resource department is responsible for putting extra efforts towards realizing and developing the full potential workforce, including the organization management. Additionally, active organization human resource management helps maintain a conducive working and operating environment for well-planned and set for total and conducive participation with quality leadership and personal, organizational growth (Madera et al., 2017).
Over the last few years, the human resource departments in various nations have experienced different significant transformations (Patro, 2013). Their focus has been passed from the full administrative management operations towards becoming a strategic partner of the total organizational strategy. They extend on the use of information systems in different nations. The application of Human Resource operations in foreign governments developments has actively boosted the transformation of the nation’s skills and knowledge through various means which have ensured that the governments have the needed skills for the development of different sections of the government hence pushing the organization forward, namely how to collect, use, store and share additional important information (Patro, 2013). Various Human Resource departments have, in recent years, become too efficient, and their impacts of the service to improve skills and knowledge have allowed a more remarkable improvement of the Human Resource business strategies (Patro, 2013). From this, the role of human resource roles in changing the nation’s roles and skills can be pre-perfected. They will increase with time, making different countries provide workers with the right needed skills to push the different government organizations forward and in the right direction.
A well-organized and taken care of the workplace only increases employee morale, leading to increased organizational productivity. As a result, being the organization manages, I usually ensure that harmony is well created within the organization from time to time in different ways. Some of the methods I apply within the organization to ensure full connection are well achieved within the organization include motivating the organization employees, celebrating their wins through different forms, and celebrating what employees have completed within the organization, among many other methods. Developing a healthy and positive workplace and working environment is essential for ensuring its goals and objectives. Having a healthy and positive working environment makes workers and employees within the organization develop pride in their duties for the atmosphere they are working in can effectively dictate how they feel about the job hence influencing their end fruits. As a human resource manager working in an organization, it is essential to note and effectively implement the different ways organizations can apply to attract job seekers and hunters. Some of the methods that Human Resource managers can apply and actively attract more job seekers include correctly planning the recruitment strategy and making the application process more candidate-friendly. Organizations strive through competitiveness.
Human resource departments have played different significant and essential roles in organizations by attaining their economic development in many organizations. Different organizations have different roles for human resource managers within that organization and differ in their magnitudes and the weight awarded to every position. This is the same case with my current organization, where I have been operating as a human resource manager for the last three years. Having been the human resource manager in Material Handler in a large organization of supplying electricity as the M.C.DEAN has ensured that different human resource operations have been executed in the right manner while making sure that the organization attains its set goals.
Madera, J. M., Dawson, M., Guchait, P., & Belarmino, A. M. (2017). Strategic human resources management research in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Masri, H. A., & Jaaron, A. A. (2017). Assessing green human resources management practices in Palestinian manufacturing context: An empirical study. Journal of cleaner production, 143, 474- 489.
Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S. R., & Meglich, P. A. (2017). Human Resource Management (Fifteenth). USA: Cengage Learning.
Mello, J. A. (2011). Strategic management of human resources. South-western Cengage learning.
Patro, C. S. (2013, December). The impact of employee engagement on an organization’s productivity. In 2nd International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace.
Vardarlıer, P. (2016). A strategic approach to human resources management during the crisis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 235(2).