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Cloud Computing Model

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Cloud Computing Model



It refers to the application through internet. It also facilitates service through the internet.

It provides a potential to scale many systems it gives an unlimited storage space

Cloud computing maintain data and application for any organization or any business.

It exhibits 5 characteristics that differentiate and related to the traditional methods of computing.

Cloud computing makes improvements in processors.

It has a low-cost system management, which generates a good amount of cost saving.

It has elasticity in its nature. It is very flexible.

It has a self-provisioning of resources.


Cloud Concepts and Model

Private cloud:

The model doesn’t bring much cost efficiency. Highly valued in the point of view of security.

Security concern addressed by VPN

Community cloud

It is used by several organizations.

It helps to reduce cost.


Public cloud:

It represents true cloud hosting.

It provides services and infrastructure to various clients.

A vendor can provide this service free of cost.


Hybrid cloud:

It helps in taking advantages of secured applications.

It used for cloud bursting.


Cloud SaaS:

Information and application clouds.

It uses applications of the provider over a network.


Cloud PaaS

Development clouds.

It displays applications which are client-made


Cloud IaaS

Infrastructure cloud.

Network capacity


Sub Service Model

Iaas: DBaaS: allows the access of the system as a service.

PaaS:stAAs: it involves the data which is stored as a service build on a computing basis of utility.

Saas:CaaS: it is the delivery of the communication solution of an enterprise.

SaaS:SECaaS: it is the security of the mobile and business networks through the internet for the database.

SaaS:MaaS: It is to deliver of second-tier system components as a service.

PaaS:DTaaS: It the decoupling of physical machine of a user from where he works.

IaaS: CCaaS: it is a provision of the main computing resource.



Cloud Architectures and Applications

Mostly referred to like components and subcomponents.

This consists of front end platform, back end platform, a network, and cloud based delivery.


  1. Cloud Edge.

It’s a concept related to the IoT.

It is related to the sending of data to the cloud.


  1. Risk Management and Security.

Cloud computing has high security as it has specialized persons for its service.

It classified as OPEX and its causes in tax benefits.

It has platform support.

The backup and recovery service is incomparable.

It has a reliable disaster recovery system.

It has a significant power saving capacity.


  1. Designing for the Cloud

It is useful for building a secure application.

The patterns are mostly included code sample that describes how to implement it.


  1. Cloud Management

It’s a software designed for monitoring and operating the data and the service.

It helps to ensure the resources are working correctly connecting with the users.



  1. Governance

It is used for applying specific principles to the use of the service of cloud computing.

It is used to secure applications and data.

  1. Migration Planning for the Cloud

It’s a highly complex work.

It used for risk management and securities.

Its main goal is operational success.


  1. Cloud Operations

It’s the process of managing and handling the cloud service to the user base.

It maintains compliance and configurations.

It ensures proper risk management.

It automates the service.


  1. The Future in the Cloud

It allows the users to access the applications in online level.

As the data increasing daily, this cloud computing system will help the users over the years.

Its security level is very high, so it’s for the long run.

As it is of low cost, it will be highly appreciated by the users in the future.

Because of its feature of mobility, it will be in the long run in the market.

Cloud computing has a feature of elasticity in nature which will help it to grow in the future.

Its efficient risk management ability will give it a good future.

Low time consumption will be one of the reasons for cloud computing to be in the market in the future.

The high efficiency of management is the other reason for its better future. It can make cloud computing better and much easier to handle for users over the years.



Though the initial cost is high cloud computing maintains a low-cost characteristic.

It is very user friendly and easy to access.

It has a high-security system in cloud computing.

Cloud computing has a smart way of mobility as the user can access the mobile app via smart phones.

It has a good quality of quality control.



Speaker note:

Low cost: cloud computing service may have a high cost in its initial stage, but in the long run it costs much lesser than others. The maintenance cost is also low. For its low price, it is highly appreciating by the user. It helps a company to generate more revenue.

Risk management: it has a high level of the risk management system. It uses zero trust models to manage the risks. The IT failures help to detect the risk factors. So the users are very much safe as the risk management works as a safeguard.

Reduce time consumption: Cloud computing takes very less time for users.

Cloud computing has an on-demand self-service. As a result of this, it is very user friendly.

Cloud computing has a rapid elasticity in its nature. It is flexible in its operation; the administrators can manipulate the process as the situation demands.

It has broad network access.

It optimizes the resources within metering capabilities using automation.










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