Cerebral Vascular Disease
What are the worst symptoms or hardest to deal with symptoms of the disease?
Whenever there is an onset of the disease, I do have a sudden and severe headache, getting confused, losing coordination and difficulty to speak, becoming unconscious, hemiparesis that is weakness on one side of the body, and paralysis of one side. The presenting symptoms are always awful to imagine, but I live to fight every day.
What treatment are you currently on?
I am on Atorvastatin 20 mg once a day, 1 Junior Aspirin, atenolol 25 mg once a day, and furosemide (40mg) (Yang & Gary,2011) and some rehabilitation therapy such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
Are you experiencing side effects from the treatments or medications?
Soreness, pain, muscle weakness, and getting tired quickly when I take Atorvastatin, side effects from blood pressure medications (Furosemide and Atenolol) are not severe. I always experience headache, nausea, and constipation.
What question do you have for the doctor?
What is the underlying cause of ischemic stroke, and what will happen to a patient with ischemic stroke if not treated for the first 3 hours window period? What will one do in such a scenario?
Why advice would you offer a patient that is newly diagnosed with this condition?
He or she should understand the disease pattern and learn how to live with it. The four acronyms will save one life: F.A.S.T. F stands for facial drooping, A for arms weakness, S for speech difficulty, and T for time to call 911 (Hughes et al.,2016). He or she should also learn to eat healthier, exercising at least 30 minutes per day, and maintaining a healthy weight.
How this condition makes you feel from an emotional standpoint
Cerebral vascular disease is an inclusive disease, and I do fear for my life. Having in mind that an artery can be occluded at any time and delay in treatments will lead to brain death. It is a fear that I have learned to live within my life. It is so painful to rely on family for everything that I used to provide for myself.
How are you coping with the disease?
Accepting the disease as part and parcel in my life. Maintaining my cholesterol level and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, following doctor’s prescriptions, and family has provided me with their undivided attention.