CBD oil and how it can help your skin look beautiful
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Of the many CBD benefits, skin care is becoming the most vouched for. Learn how topical CBD products help maintain a glowing, beautiful skin.
The world is exploding due to the euphoria caused by cannabis. Most people riding on this trend are coming up with severe testimonials of the myriad of health and wellness benefits that CBD holds.
Compared to men, women cherish more the importance of beautiful glowing skin when stepping out. Conversely, nobody wants an acne-ridden skin. The sad bit is that at times the fading skin beauty can be as a result of natural causes like adolescence, a stage that everybody must go through.
During this time of transitioning into adulthood, the changes in the human body can be seen on the skin. The most profound skin problem is acne. The problem is evident in nearly 80% of people at one point in their lives.
During adolescence, the body gets an increased production of androgens. They result in some reactions that end up in overproduction of sebum oil, inflammation cascades, and follicle plugging. All these are precursors of an acne riddled face.
When left unattended skin anomalies possesses the potential to rake in substantial psychosocial effects in one’s life. The best news is that CBD is proving to be a better solution to most dermatological problems.
CBD and skincare
Cannabidiol is one of the many cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. Before the illegalization and criminalization of cannabis and its products around the world, the plant presented itself as a cure for some disorders. Anciently, marijuana treated mostly pain and inflammation.
The main reason why cannabis products disappeared from shelves is addictive or increased psychoactivity effects. The discovery of cannabinoids is currently the driving force in the research on its benefits and legalization.
CBD is known not to cause increased psychoactivity or addiction. For this reason and being a natural anti-inflammatory agent, CBD is back in our shops retailing as topical creams, lotions, and other beauty products including makeup. Conversely, ingestible CBD is already booming.
The endocannabinoid system in the human body
As aforementioned, inflammation is the cause of skin acne. Research and anecdotal testimonials can proof all this. But how is this even possible?
The endocannabinoid system is responsible for initiating the health advantages of cannabidiol. This is the system that adopts the compound into the boy. When applied topically, CBD aids in the activation of TRPV4. The activation offsets the processes of glucose and lipid metabolism.
Through the breakdown of lipids and glucose in the body, acne formation is greatly reduced. There is optimization of the oil amount in the sebaceous oil glands.
CBD helps in countering the other major cause of acne which is inflammation. Skin inflammations make the skin hypersensitive. Well, we all know the skin to be the protective barrier between the body’s internal organs and the outside. Microorganisms and bacteria that get trapped on the skin coupled with the hypersensitivity greatly damage the skin. The result is red blemishes that can be itchy and potent in aggravating the inflammation.
Stress and skin problems
Stress can be defined as the mental, physical or emotional tension. It is as a result of demands exceeding the resources that one can amass towards a certain course. Stress and the body’s physiological processes go hand in hand. This is where the impact of stress on the skin comes in.
Below are some of the ways that the skin is alleviated of its beauty by stress.
Stress can easily wrinkle up your skin due to tensed up muscles for longer hours.
Stress causes inflammation. The body produces chemicals like interleukins to bring back normalcy. However, it ends up reacting against the chemicals to result in stress. Inflammations lead to skin flare-ups and hypersensitive skin.
Skin picking disorder is another way that the body tries to cope up with stress but ends up injuring the skin.
Stress enhances skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Cannabis comes to aid such conditions. The best deal is that it does this naturally without offsetting any side effects on your skin like allergies. The best way to solve any problem is by destabilizing its roots, and that is what cannabidiol does. It combats stress alleviating your skin of the numerous maladies.
Want to know how cannabis aids in relieving stress? Here is how.
Back to the endocannabinoid system, CBD acts on CB1 receptors. These receptors are responsible for the serotonin levels in the body. For the uninitiated, serotonin is the neurotransmitter that takes care of your overall mood. When serotonin is at optimal levels, the body experiences little stress.
Final word
Cannabidiol helps prevent skin ailments resulting from stress. On the other side, it fights for already damaged skin by countering inflammations and pain. This way your skin is at lower risk of being deprived of its beauty and glamour. The best news is that it works for all skin types.
Why not try cannabidiol products and step out in the full glamour of your skin?