Foreword This research paper independently presents the main product analysed of the case company Apple inc; The I phone. What follows is a description of the sales forecast, sorting out the applicable theories of sales forecast that will give a better understanding of the literature. And finally, the qualitative and quantitative analysis sales method that suits our case company are analysed.   SALES FORECASTING Definition and concept of demand forecast According to Mentzer & Moon, (2004), the sales forecast is dependent on market surveys and different statistical data that are analysed through qualitative and quantitative methods. Advancement is the supply and demand inclinations and other factors are given an in-depth analysis, calculations and speculation and a conclusion are made that defines the economic business strategy and tactics (Davis & Mentzer, 2007). Fan, Chen & Chen, (2017) considers demand analysis as a way of fulfilling two management objectives: an understanding of the demand trends and forecasting of sales and revenue. Guo & Cheng (2018) denotes that the sales forecast can be deemed as a data exploration technology with the application…

PLAN EDUCATIVO COVID-19 El entorno instructivo actual coloca al instructor como el individuo en control en el nivel de agente de la disposición de los modales que tienden a apoyar los procedimientos de progreso en la capacitación. Sea como fuere, desde una metodología que hace que mostrar el deber y sus medidas sean obvias, es concebible pensar desde un punto de vista en el que este personaje en pantalla, el educador, pasa de ser un agente de ejemplos remotamente establecidos, a un personaje principal en pantalla, donde la dedicación se organiza como un increíble articulador de procedimientos. El papel principal del modelo instructivo utilizado en cada una de las fundaciones son las medidas, por ejemplo, controlar, apoyar y observar la actividad de los artistas en el marco instructivo hacia su mejoramiento persistente. Proporcione datos a las familias, brinde datos a los artistas del marco instructivo con el objetivo de que podamos descubrir qué es lo más importante que deben comprender los estudiantes, cómo debe ser un instructor decente. Para lograr el objetivo ideal, se han planificado y ejecutado procedimientos de…

PERKEMBANGAN SEPANJANG HAYAT 2B PSIKOEDUKASI GEJALA MORNING SICKNESS PADA IBU HAMIL DAN CARA MENGATASINYA Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kemudahan sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan laporan kegiatan psikoedukasi ini dengan tepat waktu. Tentu tanpa adanya pertolongan-Nya kami tidak akan bisa dan sanggup untuk menyelesaikan laporan kegiatan psikoedukasi ini dengan baik dan benar. Shalawat serta salam semoga terlimpah curahkan kepada Nabi besar Muhammad SAW yang kita nanti-nantikan syafa’at di akhirat nanti. Kami sangat bersyukur karena telah menyelesaikan laporan kegiatan psikoedukasi ini. Tak lupa kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu kami dalam menyelesaikan tugas kegiatan psikoedukasi ini. Kami ucapkan terimakasih banyak atas bimbingan dan arahannya kepada dosen kami yaitu Ibu Sitawaty Tjiptorino,MBA,M.Psi. Demikian yang dapat kami sampaikan semoga laporan kegiatan psikoedukasi ini dapat memberikan informasi bagi kita semua dan manfaat yang dapat dirasakan bersama. Bogor, 14 Mei 2020 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses merantai yang berkesinambungan yang terdiri dari ovulasi pelepasan sel telur, migrasi spermatozoa dan ovum, konsepsi dan pertumbuhan zigot, nidasi (implantasi) pada uterus, pembentukan plasenta, dan tumbuh kembang hasil…

English 2001     Summer 2020   Paper 2: 4 pages, double spaced, 12 pt. font. Be sure to include a creative title.     NOTE: Avoid consulting secondary sources. I am only interested in YOUR ideas.   Assignment: Just like Paper 1, this assignment asks you to think about how authors use setting, characterization, narrative approach, and/or language to help the reader understand main ideas or themes.  For this paper, since we have introduced film, you may also think about how directors use camera shots and angles, lighting, music, color, and visual effects to convey a story to the viewer.   In addition, the assignment asks you to reflect on the course and what you have learned.   Choose one of the following topics to address in a persuasive essay. **Whichever topic you pursue, I ask that you conclude your essay with a brief (1 paragraph) course reflection. What have you learned? What will you take with you moving forward?**   1.       Compare and contrast one text and film pair we’ve discussed in the last half of the course (“The Swimmer”…

NORMA CANTU’S CANICULA The way to approach this assignment is –still–by ‘hearing’ what Norma, in this case, is telling you…whether you agree, or whether you don’t; whether you can ‘relate’ or whether you can’t. We’re often told that writing is either ‘opinion,’ or it’s fact. The trouble with this either/or thing is that, if you are given room to express an opinion, you might think that you then have a ‘green light’ to say whatever you want, without any proof of anything. So the writing becomes only opinion. It takes off from the text, instead of sticking with it. You certainly can have an opinion, & I encourage you to express it….But don’t go off on a riff. At least, if you do & you can’t help it, come back often enough that your reader knows that what you say is still grounded in the text you are reading. Choose ONE of the following questions: How does Norma’s memoir inform your idea of what a border is? I think Norma transmits her idea of what it’s like to live in…

Report Topic: Human Overpopulation     Introduction   Agriculture is the oldest way the place humans have interaction with herbal structures for crop and farm animals’ production with the aid of alteration of herbal assets (land, water, nutrients, biomass, and energy) for their well-being (Dale et al., 2013). It is the world’s biggest enterprise occupying about 38% (including cropland and pasture land) of the Earth’s terrestrial floor (Robertson & Swinton, 2005; Ramankutty et al., 2008; FAOSTAT, 2011; Foley et al., 2011). Also, it utilizes about 70% of global water withdrawals from freshwater our bodies (FAO, 2011). It involves various interrelated things to do like land management, agreement patterns, crop selection, and livestock manufacturing during its span (Dale et al., 2013). It helps fundamental human needs and is ruled via human activities (Robertson & Swinton, 2005). For example, the interrelationship of people and agriculture can be visualized by using the current boom of the human populace (during the Industrial Revolution, 1750) followed by using extended agricultural production (during Green Revolution, 1950) (Eikelboom, 2013). The existing human population of greater than seven billion is…

IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA DI TENGAH PENDEMI COVID-19 DI INDONESIA Pancasila sebagai dasar negara mengandung arti bahwa Pancasila dijadikan landasan dalam penyelenggaraan negara. Pancasila sebagai dasar negara di artikan bahwa seluruh penyelanggaraan pemerintah harus mencerminkan nilai-nilai pancasila dan tidak bertentangan. Menurut Suraya (2015) Pancasila adalah dasar negara Indonesia, pancasila diibaratkan juga sebagai pondasi, jadi semakin kuat pondasi tersebut maka akan semakin kokoh suatu negara. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut dapat di simpulkan bahwa hakikat pancasila adalah sesuatu yang terkandung dalam nilai-nilai yang terdapat pada sila pancasila yang harus dijadikan sebab, dan harus dijadikan sebagai dasar negara. Pancasila menunjukkan hakikat atau subtansi pancasila yaitu dasar atau kata dasar Tuhan, manusia, rakyat dan keadilan. Menurut Notonagoro (2013) hakikat dibagi menjadi 3 macam yaitu: 1. Hakikat Abstrak, disebut hakikat jenis atau hakikat umum yang memiliki unsur-unsur yang sama tetap dan tidak berubah. Sifat dan tetap tidak berubah tersebut dikarenakan dari sejak dahulu sampai sekarang diakui umat manusia. 2. Hakikat Pribadi, yaitu unsur-unsur yang tetap yang menyebabkan segala seesuatu yang bersangkutan tetap dalam diri pribadi. 3. Hahikat Konkrit, yaitu sesuatu yang secara nyata dan jelas. Hakikat konkrit…

HUM 100 Project 2 Short Answer Responses Guidelines and Rubric   Overview The enduring relevance of the humanities is that they encourage us to consider a number of “big ideas.” What is culture? How do we go about studying it? What is the relationship between cultural artifacts and the culture in which they are created? Between artists and the creators of cultural artifacts and the things they create? How is human meaning generated through cultural creations? We humans seem driven to express and create in our search to understand and be understood.   In Project 2, you will use the ideas you have studied throughout the course in addition to the insights you have gained from your deep thinking about your chosen artifact to discuss why humans are driven to express themselves in so many ways. You will draw conclusions about the reciprocal relationship between forms of expression and the context in which they are created and experienced.   The short answer response assignment will assess the following course outcomes, which you focus on throughout Modules Five through Eight:  …

Cultural Diversity   Culture & Perception.Discuss culturally congruent practices. Some intriguing perceptual differences were found in comparative studies of East Asian subjects. East Asians tend to be more holistic and Westerners tend to be more analytic.  Why do you think this is so? Have you experienced this in your own personal and/or professional life. One Paragraph Brief response   Cultural & Aggression.. Research suggests that cultural norms regulate an individual’s display of aggression.  Do you agree? One Paragraph Brief response.   Cross-Cultural Psychology. Studies show that suicide rates tend to be higher in those nations that rank high on subjective well-being. How might this impact your work with multicultural populations?  One Paragraph Brief response.     Essay– Your response to each question should be 1-pages per question.   6- Pages plus a title and reference page.  Outcome 🙁 Identify cognitive biases and their consequences in professional practice.) Studies show that people in countries such as Japan and Korea tend to evaluate themselves critically in surveys; they tend to consider themselves as not necessarily hard-working. Explain the reasons for such cultural response bias. Native Americans and…

Cultural Diversity Studies show that people in countries such as Japan and Korea tend to evaluate themselves critically in surveys; they tend to consider themselves as not necessarily hard-working. Explain the reasons for such cultural response bias. There is proof that reply styles are prejudiced by society culture. According to the numerous research conducted, researchers suspect that some cross-functional differences observed on self-report measures of personality are attributable to response bias. For instance, Japan has been shown to score the lowest among thirty-six different countries when the countries are categorized according to the attribute of carefulness. The reduced levels of extreme responding and tendency for moderate responding observed In East Asia cultures have been attributed to a dialectical thinking style. According to… cultural alignments of socialism, decency, and independence can also impact on the survey replies by prompting question understanding and reply editing. Japan and Korea are ideal instances of social response prejudice. These countries develop tremendously increased cultural values for being prepared, determined, and success leaning. Almost every exertion falls petite of these established demands. Related with these ethics,…

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