CASE STUDY 3 Running head: CASE STUDY 1 Case Study Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Case Study Any individual group of people or a company that wants to establish a company in the United Arab Emirates. Should be aware that, according to the article 12 of the companies law, a company once it’s registered with the commercial registry in Dubai, then it automatically considered as a separate entity, which has a corporate personality that differs from the shareholders. Terterov, 2015 Therefore once a company is registered, it is expected to have a separate and different financial capacity, should be in a position of operating within the statutory limits and within the umbrella of its memorandum of association. Finally, a registered company should be in a position to sue or be sued in the court of law with its name. In addition to article 12, article 218 provides that all the shareholders of the company will be only liable to the extent of their shares in…
CASE STUDY 6 Running head: CASE STUDY 1 Case Study Student’s Name: Institution Affiliation: Case Study Question 1: Implications of the Statement “Zynga is an analytics company masquerading as a games company.” It is evident from the case study that Zynga is the prominent developer of social network games. The company has prioritized data analytics which has enabled it to become the market leader in social gaming as well as having the capacity to offer critical data of its clientele in the social network. Data analytics is one of the essential gears that monitor the management in its expanding business model and the decision making of the firm (Laudon & Laudon, 2014). Zynga largely depends on the data analytics to enhance its user retention and to improve association among its gamers. The company has further utilized the key metrics that that influence the economics of its social gaming encompassing social graph analysis. As a result of the new approach,…
ASPECTS OF ILL HEALTH 0 ASPECTS OF ILL HEALTH Student’s Name Code + Course Name Professor’s Name University Name City (State) Date Aspects of Ill health Introduction The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined health to be the state of complete wellness, physically, socially and mentally well and not just merely the absence of infirmity or disease. However, this definition has over time been subject to controversy reasons being that the definition may be limited to implementation. Therefore, more recently health has been described to be the ability of the body to adapt to the new threats and infirmities throughout life. The meaning of health over time has evolved with the aim of keeping up with the biomedical perspective (Ackerman, 2019). The early definitions of health often focused on the theme of the ability of the body to function; it was viewed as a state of normal functioning which could be disrupted anytime with an illness. Such a definition of health is- a state that is characterized by mental, anatomic…
KYLogistics &Distribution IT Strategic Plan 15 Running Head: KY Logistics &Distribution IT Strategic Plan 1 KYLogistics &Distribution IT Strategic Plan University of Maryland University College IFSM 301 NAME March 31, 2019 Part One Business Statement The KY Logistics and distribution is a regional company that operates on a 24-hour basis throughout the week, serving the Midwest region’s major cities of the US. The company contains five terminals distributions in Fort Wayne IN, Chicago IL, Milwaukee WI, Grand Rapids MI, and Indianapolis IN and its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. The transportation and distribution company has 700 employees who include the truck drivers and the team leader, Kelvin, who is the president of the company. The company operates with 200 delivery vehicles, which include 80 box trucks, 40 tractor/semi-trailer units, and 80-panel vans and has current revenue of about $42 million a year. However, the president wants a 6% cut in the expenses to fund new initiatives and attain a 6% growth. Business Strategic Objectives The company has some strategic objectives…
ANIMAL PHARM 3 Running head: ANIMAL PHARM 1 Animal Pharm-Food for Thought Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Animal Pharm-Food for Thought I have chosen Food Inc. a documentary which was done in the year 2008. It is based on the topic of food and nutrition. What I learned from the literature is the terrifying secrets of the food industry for example “unsanitary” conditions of meat processing, and this may have a negative health impact on red meat consumers (Lindenfeld, 2010). I already know that meat processing should be done in hygienic conditions to ensure they can meet the standards required for the consumption of meat. I also have the knowledge that unhygienic processed meat processing has caused deaths of more than 20,000 over the last three years in Sub Saharan Africa. The most surprising part of the show sees how the meat is un-hygienically processed, and yet the vendors result in selling the meat to consumers, without thinking…
Animal Research Ethics Introduction The balance that exists between animal rights and using biomedical research is a delicate issue that has significant societal implications. There have been major debates as to weather and how scientists are to use animal models and opposing viewpoints which are rather difficult to reconcile. A significant number of animal activists have called out for a total abolition of research that involves using animals. On the other hand, scientists have insisted that some experiments need the use of animals for them to be successful and further claim that minimization of using animal research would act as an impediment to their research. Ethics It is very unfair for human beings to be used for research purposes. I disagree with animal research as it is not fair for innocent human beings to operated, drugged or anesthetized just to find cur. The good response in the discussion that appears to be ethical is the one by DR Reynolds that states the impartiality may work to the advantage of humans as they are the arbitrators. For instance, as much as…
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 2 Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 1 Annotated Bibliography on the Impacts of Technology in Nursing Practice Name Institution Annotated Bibliography on the Impacts of Technology in Nursing Practice Doswell, W. M., Braxter, B., Dabbs, A. D., Nilsen, W., & Klem, M. L. (2013). mHealth: Technology for nursing practice, education, and research. J Nurs Educ Pract, 3(10), 99. The main aim of this article is to discuss the significance of mHealth in education, research as well as nursing practice. Also, the report aims to illustrate the ongoing mHealth program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. The articles find that mHealth has played a significant role in enhancing nursing practice in offering health care to clients in this era of information technology. This source is different from others because it majors on one aspect (mHealth or mobile health) of healthcare technology as opposed to the other sources that discussed IT as a…
Surname 2 Student’s Name Professor’s name Course Date Cash budget & purpose The cash budget is a statement or plan of an organisation that gives detailed information about the future cash flows of an organisation. It divides the activities which result in the cash inflows and the operations that result in cash outflows and shows the surplus or deficit of the cash flow for a specific period, usually every month). Purpose of Cash budget Future cash position of the organisation. The cash budget helps the management of an organisation in the future status of the company. The knowledge of cash position in future will make managers make the decision early to avoid the future expected position. To forecast and predict the cash surplus or deficit in future periods. The knowledge of deficit or surplus will help the managers to plan future investment in case of cash surplus and plan for divesting in case of cash deficit. Cash budgets allow the management to do proper planning on the finances of the company. It helps the managers to predict the months…
TOPIC: Evolutionary Psychology Annotated Bibliography Swami, V. (2007). Evolutionary Psychology: ‘New Science of the Mind’ or’ Darwinian Fundamentalism’? Historical Materialism. DOI: 10.1163/156920607X245850. 15(4), 105-136. Description This is research article authored by Viren Swami and published in the Historical Materialism journal. The author is an accomplished researcher and author in the field of psychology. Swami uses the most research and very powerful writing style to present his ideas. Purpose of Study The primary objective of this journal article to evaluate human psychology and behavior from a modern evolutionary psychology perspective. The author sought to present candid information on the empirical work in evolutionary psychology and how it has impacted on human psychology. Swami provides a summary of the foundations of evolutionary psychology and a number of other issues including; humans’ psychological adaptations to survival, mating, parenting, Kinship, and living in groups. In the article, the author enables students to understand the foundational concepts of evolutionary psychology. Swami’s work is helpful in gaining an understanding of the effect of evolutionary psychology in human life. The article gives the…
Effects of Peer Pressure among College Students Kremer, M., & Levy, D. (20008). Peer Effects and Alcohol Use among College Students. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(3), 189-206. doi:10.1257/jep.22.3.189 This article investigates the extent to which college adolescent students who engage in alcohol drinking influence their friends. Kremer & Levy (2008) who significantly utilize a natural experiment randomly select their participants then assigned them roommates with a lottery system. The results reveal that most of the male students who were assigned drinking roommates performed poorly than those assigned nondrinking roommates. However, their drinking roommates sparsely affected female students. This article is helpful for my study, as it will help me gather relevant information regarding the effects of peer pressure and alcohol use among adolescent students. Tyler, K. A., Schmitz, R. M., & Adams, S. A. (2017). Alcohol Expectancy, Drinking Behavior, and Sexual Victimization among Female and Male College Students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(15), 2298–2322. In an article, Tyler et al. (2017) argue that college students stand high chances of taking alcohol, a behavior that is strongly linked to sexual…