Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date American Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions During the dawn of the 19th century, the United States experiences rapid growth that touched on every facet: be it economic, social or political. Mechanization of industries and development of mega infrastructural projects acted as an impetus to spur economic growth. However, this economic growth led to notable changes in the social fabric of society. Notably, the nation had to acclimatize to the new social order that called for hard work, patriotism, capitalism and discipline as enshrined in the constitutional dispensation of the time. The development of steam boats, interstate railroads, telegraph and canals provided a fertile platform that greatly changed the economic landscape. This essay explores the economic and social implications of agrarian and industrial revolutions in the US between 1825 and 1850. The vibrant market revolution led to the rise of the cotton kingdom. The invention of the cotton gin together with the availability of arable land encouraged the growing of cotton that was sold in the national and international markets. However, due to the agrarian,…
AMERICAN IDOL 2 Running head: AMERICAN IDOL 1 American Idol Student’s Name Institution Date American Idol Importance of conducting the research study Research is one of the most effective aspects that all companies and individual cannot ignore is evaluating a certain a particular situation. For instance, in the marketing case study, Marcello and Litzenberger chose to carry out the survey to address the key issues surrounding client development. The main challenge was convincing potential client organizations to carry out marketing research since they felt it was costly. Marcelo and Litzenberger did not choose to use the previous samples due to privacy, rights and confidentiality details. Therefore, they choose different research to demonstrate to potential clients on the role of market research and why a firm should carry out. Purpose of the study of the survey The main purpose of the research conducted by Marcello and Litzenberger was aimed at establishing the importance of market research to potential…
MASCOT ESSAY 3 Running head: MASCOT ESSAY 1 American Indian Mascot Essay Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation American Indian Mascot Essay In contemporary society, people are accustomed to following their favorite teams in different sporting activities like soccer, rugby, athletics, and basketball. The question that lingers in the mind of most people do they know the mascot of their favorite sports teams like New York Redbulls, Dallas Mavericks, LA Clippers among others (King, 2011). These teams have been in a way or another being accused of becoming chauvinistic towards the Native Americans and their ethnicity. The essay will be based on the use of mascots to discriminate against Natives and explain the scholarly concepts on whether the American Indian Mascots should go to a public school environment. However, most teams do not deliberately use their mascots to victimize against Natives. “Instead” they epitomize Native American Tribes and use names to “respect the antiquity of the tribal nation. There are others who think that…
Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date American Indian Studies Colonization had a great impact in different countries in the colonial times. People lost their cultures and adopted a new one that brought different divisions among the community. As a result, the paper will discuss when the settlers become colonizers and will explain the qualitative differences between these two concepts which include settlers and of colonizers. Notably, women were the chosen leaders in the tribe of the American Indian before the colonization of the European. The women leaders were respected, honored and were expected to lead their clan families by giving them advice (Loew). The name of the women council was the W’okamakwe. After the European contact, Potawatomi made men to despise the council of women and felt that they were inferior and had no right to lead the clans. Furthermore, the European colonizers never wanted to talk with women as leaders who became the major influence on men in the time of the trade. Notably, there is a big difference in variables that are more indicative of settlers and colonizers…
Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructors’ Name Course Unit Date of Submission The Prologue Anne Bradstreet’s poem The Prologue strongly addresses the differing positions of men and women in a less equal society. The author proclaims the struggles of the existence of a woman in a Puritan society. The poet expresses strong feelings about the domination of male, with strong use of figurative language to highlight inequalities. The Prologue’ message about male dominance is clear. For instance, Anne Bradstreet in this poem realizes that in such societies, women were prohibited from expressing strong feelings or speak out their opinions. Nonetheless, she also humbly admits her role as a woman in the community even though she does not entirely agree with. With this the poet expresses her recognition for male superiority by highlighting in the poem… e.g., “Men can do best, and women know it well…” (40). Nevertheless, the author did not agree with the cultural bias towards women in her society. In The Prologue, there is substantial use of figurative language. The poem is full of symbolism, whereby most of…
T: American Standard Toilets – Bring a new face to your washroom. D: Are you in the search for the best American standard toilet? Get all your answers from an expert with four toilets everyone’s going for? H1: The Ultimate Guideline to the Best American Standard Toilets to Revamp your Washroom Did you know that the toilet is the most peaceful place in your house? Well, tell that to Carol Raethel, a reputable Psychologist and life coach. True to this, I find it an unexplainable comfort and relaxation when I’m in my washroom. Have you felt the same? If you’ve not experienced this, the problem is that you might be having the wrong toilet. Well, that’s why I’m here. In my career as a professional plumber, I’ve come across many toilets. Some of them are wall-hung toilets, two-piece toilets, one-piece toilets and also the squatting pans. I meet them in deplorable states since my work is to mend them. The common cases I deal with daily are leakages, broken seats or unstable seats, clog and warn washer bolts. Now that you have…
MEXICAN AND AMERICAN United States justification in the war between Mexicans and Americans In 1846 the United States went in to a war with the Mexicans. Unlike the Mexicans the United States had various justifications as to why they were ending to this war. These justifications can be attributed to various factors. The propaganda by President James Polk back in 1846 motivated the United States towards engaging in to this war ([BOOK][B] The Mexican War, 1846-1848) . Whereas the Mexicans thought that they were only protecting their territory by attacking the army who had crossed the river which was their border Polk tried to misinterpret what the situation was. He was trying to make it sound like the Mexicans shed blood upon American soil. The Americans also had the justification to engaging in this war as they wanted to expand their command in territory. The Americans were greedy with how much land they wanted. “Imbecile and distracted. Mexico can never exert any real government authority over such a country…” (O’ Sullivan Doc A).The above quoting Cleary shows that the Americans…
AMMONIA 2 Running head: AMMONIA 1 Ammonia Name Institutional Affiliation Author Note Ammonia Ammonia has been approved for use in fertilizer manufacturing, but there have been instances where the chemical has been misused. One such case includes the manufacture of home-made explosives. The explosives are created by mixing ammonium nitrate with two types of chemicals; fuel oil to generate a compound known as Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil, or nitromethane to create Ammonium Nitrate Nitromethane. The Oklahoma Federal Building bombing involved the use of Ammonium Nitrate Nitromethane and caused the death of 168 people while five hundred other individuals were injured (Jenkins, 2018). The explosion also led to massive destruction of the building and shattered glass windows of other buildings that surrounded it. As a result of the explosion, the United States federal government has made several strides towards ensuring that the probability of such future attacks is reduced. The efforts mainly involve regulation of access to the chemicals used to produce the explosives. One of the rules seeks to regulate the purchase, sale…
AN IN-DEPTH CASE ANALYSIS OF UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 13 Running head: AN IN-DEPTH CASE ANALYSIS OF UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION An in-depth Case Analysis of United Technologies Corporation Students Name Professor’s Name Class Number Institutional Affiliation Date Introduction United Technologies Corporation (UTC) is primarily one of the largest industrial conglomerates that specializes in the designing, manufacturing as well as the provision of a broad range of the services as well as the products inclusive of elevators, helicopter, and Jet engines as well as air conditioners. The organization is confined to the aerospace and defense business sector disseminating and executing its operations in North America, the United States as well as the entire universe (Barsky et al., 1999). United Aircraft Corporation, established in 1934 has turned out to be the origin of the global Aerospace industry. In 1975, the company changed to UTC. The company is committed to ensuring there is an improvisation of various sustainable solutions to enable individuals to stay in a productive, safe and…
POP-CULTURE AND PARENTAL ABUSE 5 Running head: POP-CULTURE AND PARENTAL ABUSE 1 Nexus of Pop-Culture and Parental Abuse Students Name Date Introduction to Psychology PSYC-101L Section Dr. Haley Dillon Marist College Introduction Parental abuse is a broad term that is used to express forms of violence or neglect that children are exposed to by their parents. Parental abuse results from a poor parent-child interaction which leads to the parents abusing their children either physically and emotionally. Parent-child relationships determine the kind of behavior a child will have. Some of the key aspects of parental abuse are child neglect, physical beating, and emotional torture, which are aspects that expose the child to forms of mistreatment as well as lack of parental care. Child abuse is disastrous, as children who have no attention from their parents tend to seek it from the outside world. Broken marriages or abusive husband-wife relationships serve as good examples that contribute to parental abuse. Parents adopt various parenting styles to their children…