America as a policeman of the world Introduction The power of the United States of America as far as world politics goes remains unquestioned especially after the triumph over the cold war that marked the better part of the 20th century. Contrary to most colonized countries, the USA had a great rising declaring independence with 13 united federations with a high constitution to guide the new nation. The strength and coherence of their laws alongside the vast amount of resources they had as well as the diversity the country boast of are some of the features that influence its superiority over other nations of the world regarding economic and military power. As much as the position of USA on the global field is done and dusted, the question that lingers is the motivation behind its stance as the world’s ‘policeman.’ While many think of its interventionist nature as annoying, think of it as a way of globalizing the values of democracy, integrity, and justice that it embodies while a considerable portion views it as a means to protect her interest…
AMERICAN CURRICULUM AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE 11 Running head: AMERICAN CURRICULUM AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE 1 American Curriculum and Foreign Language Name Institution Abstract The global setting currently presents specific unique opportunities, especially within the global labor markets. However, to harness such opportunities, the education curriculum must be able to open up space in terms of the development of foreign languages with the aim of ensuring that such students are prepared for the dynamism and the robustness that is evident in the broader social, economic environment. The current education system in the United States has had significant failures in the overall ability to ensure that the process of foreign language acquisition is exclusive and effective. The objective of this research is to assess the various dynamics that stand out in the United States’ context, which betray underlying failures in the course of implementing the foreign education framework. The study cites a variety of possible gaps, which seem to be…
Define the problems faced by Radical Reconstruction governments. List the major accomplishments of these governments. After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Andrew Johnson who was the vice president took over his position. He rejected the radical program of reconstruction and appointed his governors with the aim of finishing the reconstruction immediately. This idea was fiercely rejected by the Northern voters in the congressional elections. The Republicans in the Congress took a firm decision to hold for reconstruction in the south. The reconstruction acts of 1867 were put in place that guaranteed equal treatment of citizens irrespective of race. This caused a great division in the south into five military districts. This followed a civil war and several attempts to redress the inequalities of slavery and its social, economic and political legacy in America. The Republicans believed that blacks were entitled to equal political rights and opportunities. They also held a view that the Confederate leaders should be punished for their roles in civil war emergence (Perman & Taylor, 2010, p. 9) The Republicans wanted the government to…
Surname 2 Student Name Lecturer Course Date The History of America and it’s Foreign Affairs Ever since the United States acquired its independence in 1776, it has always been actively involved in championing for world peace, equality, and democracy. After the Civil War, the American government devoted itself to serve the interests of its citizens both at a domestic level and also internationally. The history of the United States is filled with acts of bravery and various successful peace initiatives in other nations. Some of these actions helped propel the United States to being among the top leading countries in the world. This paper discusses two of the foreign affairs events and policies addressed in chapter 19, what caused the events, how they progressed, and the impact they had on the United States and the other involved nation. One of the prominent foreign affair issues presented in this chapter is America’s involvement in Cuba’s suffering under Spanish oppression. The Spanish-America and Philippine-America wars between 1898 and 1902 changed America’s stand on international intervention. The Spanish-America war was started by…
AMERICAN CIVILIZATION 4 Running head: AMERICAN CIVILIZATION 1 American Civilization from 1877 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation American Civilization from 1877 In the fifteenth and sixteenth century, this was an era known as old imperialism. However, during the late seventeenth century, it brought New Imperialism. Which was characterised by European states who formed vast empires mainly in Africa? The new era of imperialism was established for the organisation of the native areas, and this was to benefit the colonial power. New Imperialism took place between 1870 and 1914 (McLaren, 2011). Nations from Europe underwent through the second phase of the Industrial Revolution which enhanced steel production, transformed transportation and construction of the ship and also spurred economic growth. There was also the development of railway and “electrical power generation” which led to the complete extension of industries. The policy for expansion was necessitated by political needs that were linked to the growth of kingdoms. In the early 18th century, “Great Britain colonised a larger…
American disabilities act The world health organization categorizes disability as any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner considered normal for a human being as a result of a loss of psychological, physiological or, the anatomical structure of a person (Oliver, 2017). Disabled people require special conditions in their daily lives. A social model is established to ensure that they have no hindrance to the choices they decide to pursue in their lives. The government is responsible for giving the best condition through law and policy formulation. This paper discusses the American disability act. Historically, society tends to isolate people with disabilities. Discrimination happens in all aspects of social life like in employment, housing, education, transportation, recreation, access to voting, health service, public service and public accommodation. The treatment of disabled people was a social problem that in 1990, the Americans with disability act was passed. The purpose of this act was to ensure that people with disabilities got the same civil rights protection as everyone else. The act is divided into five sections. Title…
American disabilities act The world health organization categorizes disability as any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner considered normal for a human being as a result of a loss of psychological, physiological or, the anatomical structure of a person (Oliver, 2017). Disabled people require special conditions in their daily lives. A social model is established to ensure that they have no hindrance to the choices they decide to pursue in their lives. The government is responsible for giving the best condition through law and policy formulation. This paper discusses the American disability act. Historically, society tends to isolate people with disabilities. Discrimination happens in all aspects of social life like in employment, housing, education, transportation, recreation, access to voting, health service, public service, and public accommodation. The treatment of disabled people was a social problem that in 1990, the Americans with disability act was passed. The purpose of this act was to ensure that people with disabilities got the same civil rights protection as everyone else. The act is divided into five sections. Title…
Student Name Professor Name Course Date “American Gothic” “American Gothic” is a regional classic in the arts of the U.S. history. It refers to an iconic portrait showing the characteristics of the ancient community of the United States. The painting is an ageless artistic work by Grant Wood that portrays the rural life and anti-modernism of American citizens. The portrait motivated John Stone to write the poem “American Gothic,” where he focuses on each feature of the painting that is concealed in the art. The depth of Grant’s artistic work is visible upon a close look at the art. John Stone, in his poem, reveals the primary emotions and thoughts that are concealed in the art. He explains the art in his own words and shows the emotional realism in the art from an artistic point of view. Grant Wood gained admiration is an honorable artist in the records of American arts because of the American gothic painting. After the portrait became famous, it was displayed in London and named the symbol of United States regionalism. The picture focuses on…
Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date American Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions During the dawn of the 19th century, the United States experiences rapid growth that touched on every facet: be it economic, social or political. Mechanization of industries and development of mega infrastructural projects acted as an impetus to spur economic growth. However, this economic growth led to notable changes in the social fabric of society. Notably, the nation had to acclimatize to the new social order that called for hard work, patriotism, capitalism and discipline as enshrined in the constitutional dispensation of the time. The development of steamboats, interstate railroads, telegraph and canals provided a fertile platform that significantly changed the economic landscape. This essay explores the economic and social implications of agrarian and industrial revolutions in the US between 1825 and 1850. The vibrant market revolution led to the rise of the cotton kingdom. The invention of the cotton gin together with the availability of arable land encouraged the growing of cotton that was sold in the national and international markets. However, due to the agrarian, slave-based…
Question What idea did E.D Nixon have after Rosa Parks was arrested? He had the idea of starting a boycott on the bus lines areas. He thought of this with the idea that if it followed the legal channels, it would be successful. He thought of calling local ministers to help with the boycott. In these were: Martin Lither King Jr. Rev Raph David Abernathy and Rev EN French. Why did Nixon believe that his idea might succeed in bringing about change? Nixon believed that Parks had the power, using her leveled ground, to be able to make a change. This is because for the purpose of which Parks was arrested was wrong and that using this as a battling technique the war could be won. Therefore he wanted the boycott to help convince Parks of the power in her case. He wanted her to see this. However, according to him, this had to follow the legal channels. According to King, how did the Vietnam War affect U.S policy at home? King believed that the US war…